Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania Rudolphe Lemmens. 1. General characteristics Parinari excelsa is a moderate fast growing, canopy forest tree, up to 50 ... Parinari excelsa bark Parinari excelsa leaves Parinari excelsa inflorescence Parinari 255.
... Parinari excelsa high forest . Ecology Parinari excelsa is a characteristic canopy tree occurring throughout the African rainforest , but also in drier forest types such as dry evergreen forest and well - drained fringing forest , in ...
... Parinari excelsa , in considerable detail . At present 37 transgressor tree species are known or 18 per cent of the Afromontane tree flora . The distributions of the 26 species which occur in southern Africa , and some other information ...
... ( Parinari excelsa Sab . ) , Kpindii or ishin odu ( Ochna membranacea Oliv . ) , Gorli shrub ( Calo- ncoba echinata ( Oliv . ) Gilg ) and Dwarf Red Ironwood ( Lophira lanceo- lata Tiegh . ex Keay ) are more predominant compared to the Sub ...
... Parinari excelsa: Chrysobalanaceae Widu'oko not identified - - Kazarazowao not identified - - Arikiki not identified - - Table 7.20. Comparison of ethnoecological and ecological data sets for Cebus olivaceus Topic Diet Ethnoecological ...