... Pento- don pentandrus is widespread all over tropical Africa and has been introduced in the southern United States, Cuba, Nicaragua and Brazil. In the United States it has become a weed known as Hale's pentodon. Uses The leaves and ...
... Pentodon pentandrus is eaten as a vegetable in Ghana; medicinal: Pentodon pentandrus is used medicinally in Ghana; cultivation: not cultivated; misc. products: none; weeds: none; nonindigenous species: There is some debate whether Pentodon ...
... Pento- don pentandrus est répandu dans toute l'Afrique tropicale et a été introduit au sud des Etats- Unis, à Cuba, au Nicaragua et au Brésil. Aux Etats-Unis, il est devenu une adventice connue sous le nom de “Hale's pentodon”. Usages ...
I. Okezie Akobundu, C. W. Agyakwa. Botanical name : Pentodon pentandrus ( Schum . & Thonn . ) Vatke Description : A semi - fleshy , climbing perennial herb that grows in muddy , swampy soils and reproduces from seeds . The stem is weak ...