Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pento- don pentandrus is widespread all over tropical Africa and has been introduced in the southern United States, Cuba, Nicaragua and Brazil. In the United States it has become a weed known as Hale's pentodon. Uses The leaves and ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon pentandrus is eaten as a vegetable in Ghana; medicinal: Pentodon pentandrus is used medicinally in Ghana; cultivation: not cultivated; misc. products: none; weeds: none; nonindigenous species: There is some debate whether Pentodon ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon Hochst. Rubiaceae From the Greek pente 'five' and odous, odontos 'a tooth', see Flora 27: 552. 1844. Pentodon pentandrus (Schumach. & Thonn.) Vatke (Hedyotis pentandra Schumach. & Thonn.; Oldenlandia pentandra (Schumach ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pento- don pentandrus est répandu dans toute l'Afrique tropicale et a été introduit au sud des Etats- Unis, à Cuba, au Nicaragua et au Brésil. Aux Etats-Unis, il est devenu une adventice connue sous le nom de “Hale's pentodon”. Usages ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon HOCHST . Two species ; represented in both hemispheres . 1. Pentodon pentandrus ( Schum . & Thonn . ) Vatke . Fig . 725 . Annual glabrous herb , the 4 - angled stems often diffusely branched and partly creeping ; leaves ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
I. Okezie Akobundu, C. W. Agyakwa. Botanical name : Pentodon pentandrus ( Schum . & Thonn . ) Vatke Description : A semi - fleshy , climbing perennial herb that grows in muddy , swampy soils and reproduces from seeds . The stem is weak ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon pentandrus , Persea palustris , Persicaria amphibia , Persicaria maculosa , Phragmites aus- tralis , Phyla , Phyllanthus , Phytolacca americana , Pinus elliottii , Pinus palustris , Pistia stratiotes , Polypremum pro- cumbens ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon Pentodon pentandrus ( Schum . & Thonn . ) Vatke . Fig . 336 Low , soft annual , commonly diffusely branched from near the base , the branches sometimes prostrate and spreading radially , sometimes weakly erect - ascending ...
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon pentandrus ROSACEAE Parinari curatellifolia SAPINDACEAE Cardiospermum Paullinia pinnata halicacabum SAPOTACEAE Vitellaria 352 AN OVERVIEW OF UPLAND RICE RESEARCH.
Pentodon pentandrus from
... Pentodon pentandrus ( Schum . & Thonn . ) Vatke Psychotria nervosa Sw . Psychotria sulzneri Small Randia aculeata L. Spermacoce assurgens Ruiz & Pav . ( Borreria laevis ) Spermacoce prostrata Aubl . ( Borreria ocimoides ) Spermacoce ...