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Fieldiana: Zoology
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... Pilea rivularis Wedd . - 50 km S Ambalavao , near abandoned meteo station above Ambalamarina , high altitude moss / lichen rain forest - ericaceous bush , Philippia dominant , 1975 m : Nicoll 252 . Urera sp . 1 - Camp 1 : Lewis 754 ...
The African Neogene - Climate, Environments and People: ...
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... Pilea johnstoni, Pilea rivularis, Phyllanthus odontadenius, Rubus steudneri, Rhynchostigma racemosa, Spermacoce latifolius, and Triumfetta cordifolia. The adjoining areas around. Figure 2 Stratigraphic sketch of the Cishaka sequence. 10 ...
Flora of the Sudan-Uganda Border Area East of the Nile
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... Pilea Lindl . Pilea angolensis Rendle FTA 6,2 : 273 ( 1917 ) ; FCB 1 : 200 ( 1948 ) ; FWTA 1,2 : 621 ( 1958 ) ; FC 8 ... rivularis Wedd . FC 8 : 163 ( 1968 ) ; FTEA , Urticac .: ( 1989 ) ; FE 3 : 312 ( 1989 ) ; UKWF : 153 ( 1994 ) ...
Flora of the Sudan-Uganda Border Area East of the Nile: ...
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... Pilea Lindl . Phaseolus schimperi Taub . 235 Pilea angolensis Rendle Phaseolus stenocarpus Harms 235 Phytolacca ... rivularis Wedd . 252 : 734 Phaulopsis parviflora auct . , non Willd . 452 Pilea tetraphylla ( Steud . ) Blume 253 ...
Montane Rainforest with Wild Coffea Arabica in the Bonga ...
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... Pilea rivularis Urticac. H 38.8 44.1 9.1 41.7 64.7 16 Setaria megaphylla Poac. G 35.3 38.2 31.8 50.0 23.5 17 Elatostema monticola Urticac. H 28.2 35.3 0.0 25.0 52.9 18 Carex chlorosaccus Cyperac. G 27.1 50.0 18.2 16.7 0.0 19 Impatiens ...
Excerpta Botanica: Taxonomica et chorologica. Sectio A.
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... Pilea ( Urticaceae ) in Africa . Kew Bull . 44 : 557 - 600 ; 1989 . - The ... rivularis , P. tetra- phylla , P. angolensis ( with subsp . christiaensenii ) ... Pilea rivularis in the broad sense , and hence Neopilea becomes a ...
Flora of Tropical East Africa
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... Pilea Lindl . , 25 Pilea angolensis ( Hiern ) Rendle , 29 subsp . angolensis , 29 subsp . christiaensenii ( Lambinon ) ... rivularis Wedd . , 29 , 35 var . " mildbraedii " auct . , 30 var . " stipulata " auct . , 30 var . stipulata ( Hutch . & ...
Plant and Human Health, Volume 1: Ethnobotany and Physiology
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... Leaf Plenty Crushed ,. Scientific name Pentas lanceolata Pentas schimperiana Persea americana Phaulopsis imbricata reticulatus Phytolacca dodecandra Pilea rivularis Utricaceae Pileatera phylla Uritaceae Herb Wild Leaf Less.
Flora of Ethiopia: Pittosporaceae to Araliaceae
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... Pilea quadrifolia A. Rich . , 310 Pilea rivularis Wedd . , 311 , 312 Pilea tetraphylla ( Steudel ) Blume , 310 , 311 PILIOSTIGMA Hochst . , 68 Piliostigma pyrrhocarpum Hochst . , 68 Piliostigma thonningii ( Schumach . ) Milne - Redh ...
Opera Botanica
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... Pilea rivularis Wedd . 1856 Letouzey 1968 : 163 . Syn .: Pilea ceratomera Wedd . 1869 . Kaffa : Belleta Forest , 2000 m , upland rain forest , at small stream . 257 ( BR , C , EA , ETH , FI , K , WAG ) . Shoa : Menagesha Forest ...