Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne is probably Zambia where 12 of the 17 known . species occur . Platycoryne Platycoryne guingangae shows very well the typical orange to orange- yellow colour usually displayed in this ge- nus . Centrostigma Schltr . A ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne buchananiana calvilabris Summerh . NS macrura Kraenzl . cataphysema Rchb.f. Nw N Ce macrotidion Summerh ... guingangae Rchb.f. = Platycoryne guingangae retinervis Summerh . Nw Co N Ce Ls S W harmsiana Schltr . NE ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne 68 , 216 Platycoryne brevirostris 71 , 216 ; Fig . 32 Platycoryne buchananiana 70 , 216 ; Fig . 32 , Pl . 46 Platycoryne crocea subsp . elegantula 71 , 72 , 216 ; Fig . 33 subsp . ochrāntha 72 , 216 Platycoryne guingangae 74 ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne guingangae ( Rchb.f. ) Rolfe in F.T.A. 7 : 258 ( 1898 ) . —Summerhayes in Kew Bull . 13 : 73 ( 1958 ) . -Williamson , Orch . S. Centr . Africa : 74 ( 1977 ) . —Geerinck in Fl . Afr . Centr . , Orchidaceae pt . 1 : 156 ( 1984 ) ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne guingangae ( Reich.f . ) Rolfe Owendo , dunes littorales , 8.xii . 1985 ( herbier n ° 178 ) . Pas de butineurs observés ŕ cette place . OXALIDACEAE Averrhoa carambola L. ( carambolier ) Ntoum , 6.ix. 1984 ( herbier n ° 23 ) ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
Arthur Wallis Exell, Hiram Wild, Abílio Fernandes. 8. Platycoryne guingangae ( Rchb.f. ) Rolfe in F.T.A. 7 : 258 ( 1898 ) . -Summerhayes in Kew Bull . 13:73 ( 1958 ) . -Williamson , Orch . S. Centr . Africa : 74 ( 1977 ) . -Geerinck in ...
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Guingangae Rchb . f . Füge hinzu : Platycoryne Guingangae Rolfe 1. c . VII . 258 . S. 449 . 411. Hab . crocea Schweinfurth . Füge 908.
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Guingangae Rchb . f . Füge hinzu : Platycoryne Guingangae Rolfe 1. c . VII . 258 , S. 449 . 411. Hab . crocea Schweinfurth . Füge - - 908.
Platycoryne guingangae from
... Platycoryne alinae Szlach . ** CR Orchidaceae Platycoryne buchananiana ( Kraenlz . ) Rolfe LC Orchidaceae Platycoryne crocea Rolfe LC Orchidaceae Platycoryne guingangae ( Rchb.f. ) Rolfe LC Orchidaceae Platycoryne megalorrhyncha Summerh ...