
Polygala marensis

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Ungqengendlela ; Scientific Name. Polygala marensis Burtt Davy ; Higher Classification. Dicotyledons ; Family. POLYGALACEAE ; Synonyms. Polygala rogersii Burtt Davy.
Shrubby herb with semi-prostrate branches from the base. Branches densely covered in greyish velvety hairs. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, 5-25 mm long.
Prostrate shrublet of greyish appearance with densely pubescent branchlets. Posterior sepal 2.5–3 mm. long; wing sepals 6–8 x 4 mm., glabrous; anterior sepals 2 ...
Polygala marensis Burtt Davy ... The native range of this species is S. Mozambique to S. Africa. It is a subshrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.
Polygalaceae: genus; Polygala: species; Polygala marensis. Name. Synonyms: Polygala rogersii Burtt Davy; Homonyms: Polygala marensis Burtt Davy · What is GBIF?
Title: Polygala marensis Burtt-Davy; Verbatim longitude: 025 05 33.14 E; Verbatim latitude: 28 59 54.71 S; Specific epithet: marensis; Scientific name ...
Prostrate shrublet of greyish appearance with densely pubescent branchlets. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, normally 5–25 x 1–6 mm.
Polygala marensis is a virgin plant species described by Burtt Davy. Polygala marensis is included in the genus Virgo ,and thefamily of virgin plants .No ...
Search results. Species. Polygala marensis Burtt Davy. A specimen from Kew's Herbarium. First page; Next. Page 1 of 1. Results per page: 24, 120, 480. Terms and ...
Feb 25, 2024 · 1 ft 3 ins perennial. Branches from base. Flowers blue. Record details: Record id: 28730. Date: 22 Feb 1961. Recorder ...