Scientific Name. Polygala marensis Burtt Davy ; Higher Classification. Dicotyledons ; Family. POLYGALACEAE ; Synonyms. Polygala rogersii Burtt Davy ; Common Names.
Shrubby herb with semi-prostrate branches from the base. Branches densely covered in greyish velvety hairs. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, 5-25 mm long.
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Polygala marensis Burtt Davy ... The native range of this species is S. Mozambique to S. Africa. It is a subshrub and grows primarily in the subtropical biome.
type; source. Morphology. Shrublet with branchlets densely greyish pubescent. Wings 6-8 mm long. Apical lobes of ovary pointed. Flowers purplish blue.
Classification ; kingdom; Plantae ; phylum; Tracheophyta ; class; Magnoliopsida ; order; Fabales ; family; Polygalaceae ...
Prostrate shrublet of greyish appearance with densely pubescent branchlets. Leaves oblanceolate or spathulate, normally 5–25 x 1–6 mm.
Records of this taxon from Zimbabwe are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely planted are all ...
Polygala marensis Burtt Davy. Family: Polygalaceae. Images not available. Resources. Internal Resources. 3 occurrences · Taxonomic Tree. External Resources.
(2024). Flora of Mozambique: Species information: individual images: Polygala marensis.
Polygala marensis Burtt Davy. Family: Polygalaceae. Images not available. Resources. Internal Resources. 0 occurrences; Taxonomic Tree. External Resources.