Priva africana from
... Priva forskalii E. Mey . apud Chiov . , Fl . Somala 1 : 274 , in syn . 1929 . Priva adhaerens a . forskalii ( Vahl ) ... AFRICANA Mold . , Feddes Repert . Spec . 1979 331 Moldenke , Notes on Priva.
Priva africana from
... African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) ensure that states that marketise, liberalise, priva- tise, de-subsidise, deregulate, and do not undermine US foreign policy, receive trade preferences.24 Many African countries under ...
Priva africana from
... Priva adhaerens ( Forsk . ) Chiov . ( Natal ] Priva africana Moldenke ( Transvaal ] * Priva cordifolia var . abyssinica ( Jaub . & Spach ) Moldenke [ Cape of Good Hope , Nat- al , & Transvaal ] Priva cordifolia var . australis Moldenke ...
Priva africana from
... priva- tizing state-held agricultural land and opening the country to foreign investment. Despite these moves, during the 1980s Algeria faced a ris- ing Islamic populism, Berber unrest, and a severe shortage of consumer goods. In ...
Priva africana from
... Priva curtisiae , 69 Prosopis africana , 48 Proteaceae , 57 , see also specific genera Pseuderanthemum hildebrandtii , 10 Pseudocinchona africana , 60 Pseudolachnostylis maproneifol , 34 , 332 Pseudovigna argentea , 356 Psidium guajava ...
Priva africana from
... Priva cordifolia ; ( 3 ) verbenaceae ; ( 4 ) Africa ; ( 6 ) inflammation , sore ; ( 10 ) eyeball 21629. ( 1 ) Priva domingensis ; ( 3 ) verbenaceae ; ( 4 ) Domini- can Republic , Haiti ; ( 6 ) colic , dyspepsia , enteritis , gastritis ...
Priva africana from
... Africa . 1710 Feb.-N. G.h africana , ss . вм.т.1899 . wh . 211 PRIVA , ADANSON . 1 echináta , ks . pu . African . PRIVA . N. O. VERBENACEĈ . bristly - fruited . S. America . 1822 June - A . S.24 lappulácea , PS . 2 híspida , ks . li ...
Priva africana from
... africana , ss . Bм.т.1899 . wh . African . SPIELMA'ΝΝΙΑ . Ν . ΟO . VERBENACEĈ . Africa . 1710 Feb.-N. G.h 211 PRIVA , ADANSON . PRIVA . N. O. VERBENACEĈ . 1 echináta , ks . pu . bristly - fruited . S. America . 1822 June - A . S.4 ...
Priva africana from
... Priva cordifolia ( L. f . ) Druce 204 , 256 , 257 , 265 , 269 , 271 , 273 , 275 , 359 , Priva cordifolia var ... africana Mold . Priva angolensis Mold . Priva armata S. Wats . Priva aspera H.B.K. Priva auricoccea Meeuse Priva ...