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Flora of tropical East Africa - Rubiaceae Volume 3 (1991)
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... Psychotria L. , 26 , 5 subgen . Heteropsychotria Steyerm . , 27 sect . Bracteatae Hiern , 28 sect . Flaviflorae Petit , 28 , 27 sect ... Psychotria mahonii C.H. Wright continued var . pubescens ( Robyns 948 INDEX TO RUBIACEAE.
Flora of the Sudan-Uganda Border Area East of the Nile: ...
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... Psychotria kirkii Hiern 343 ; 717 225 ; 724 Pseudarthria hookeri Wight & Arn . 225 ; 696 var . confertiflora ( A. Rich . ) Schindl . 225 var . mucronata ( Hiern ) Verdc . Psychotria latisepala sensu Jackson Psychotria mahonii C.H. ...
Flora of the Sudan-Uganda Border Area East of the Nile
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... Psychotria L. Psychotria capensis ( Eckl . ) Vatke subsp . riparia ( K. Schum . & K. Krause ) Verdc . Syn ... mahonii C.H. Wright FTEA , Rubiac . 1 : 58 ( 1976 ) ; KTSL : 536 ( 1994 ) . var . puberula ( Petit ) Verdc . FTEA ...
Mahale Chimpanzees: 50 Years of Research
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... Psychotria eminiana ( Kuntze ) E.M.A.Petit var . tenuifolia Verdc . RUBIACEAE [ 1362 ] ( IiDa ) Psychotria fractinervata E.M.A.Petit RUBIACEAE [ 669 ] Psychotria heterosticta E.M.A.Petit RUBIACEAE [ 948 ] Psychotria mahonii C.H.Wright ...
Systematics of the Tropical Shrub Genus Psychotria L. ...
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... Psychotria leiophylla Merr . & Perry Psychotria cf. manilliensis Psychotria marginata Sw . Psychotria ... mahonii C.H. Wright NW - subg . Heteropsychotia NW - subg . Heteropsychotria Australia - subg . Psychotria NW - subg ...
Timbers 2
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... mahonii (medicinal plants) Psychotria megalopus (fuel plants) Psychotria megistantha (ornamentals) Psychotria orophila (ornamentals) Psychotria peduncularis (medicinal plants) Cephaelis peduncularis Psychotria succulenta (medicinal ...
Palgrave's Trees of Southern Africa
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... Psychotria capensis Psychotria kirkii Psychotria mahonii Psychotria megistosticta Psychotria peduncularis Psychotria riparia Psychotria zambesiana Psychotria zombamontana Psydrax fragrantissima Psydrax kraussioides Psydrax livida ...
The Biodiversity of African Plants: Proceedings XIVth AETFAT ...
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... Psychotria mahonii C.H. Wright Sapotaceae Н Τ HT TST Aningeria adolfi - friederici ( Engl . ) Robyns & Gilbert T Smilacaceae Smilax anceps Willd . C Solanaceae Capsicum annuum L. Discopodium penninervium Hochst . Τ Solanum ...
Flora of Tropical East Africa
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... Psychotria L. , 26 , 5 subgen . Heteropsychotria Steyerm . , 27 sect . Bracteatae Hiern , 28 sect . Flaviflorae Petit , 28 , 27 sect ... Psychotria mahonii C.H. Wright continued var . pubescens ( Robyns 948 INDEX TO RUBIACEAE.
Field Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
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... Pseudoscolopia polyantha •Psidium cattleianum •Psidium guajava Psidium littorale var. longipes see P cattleianum Psoralea Psoralea pinnata Psychotria Psychotria capensis subsp. capensis Psychotria mahonii Psychotria.