Did you mean: Sacciolepis trans barbata uses
iv) to provide a focal point for the international network of herbaria, in order to facilitate research on the flora of. Zimbabwe and the region by national ...
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Plot coverage uses Braun-Blanquet class system: + ... Plot coverage uses Braun-Blanquet class ... Sacciolepis transbarbata. I - II 2006. M 16351 no.
Its goals include the conservation of biological diversity and wilderness in the Zambezi Basin through the application of sustainable, scientifically sound.
Oct 22, 2024 · Los objetivos de este trabajo son poner a prueba el origen monofilético de Sacciolepis y explorar las relaciones filogenéticas intragenéricas.
Seaweeds and their uses, by V. J.. Chapman. 2nd edition, 373. Secrets of ... transbarbata Stapf, 405, 406. trollii Pilger, 399- typhura (Stapf) Stapf ...
The grass flora comprises tufted perennials, Alloteropsis semialata, Sacciolepis transbarbata, Digitaria gazensis, Brachiaria serrata, Melinis minutiflora.
... uses such as fuel (charcoal), timber (for poles and building) ... Sacciolepis transbarbata Poaceae Salacia rhodesiaca Celastraceae Tree P Sansevieria sp.
Les sites métallifères naturels représentent des cas d'étude uniques pour la recherche scientifique en géo-pédologie, en biologie et en éco-évolution des ...
The Lake Nyasa Climatic Region described in this study is composed of the Livingstone, Kipengere, Mbeya, and Umalila ranges, Mporoto Ridge, Mt. Rungwe, ...
La perte de biodiversité due à la destruction des écosystèmes est un des défis majeurs de notre temps. Dans ce cadre, l'identification des mécanismes ...