Samolus from
... [ SAMOLUS $ ] Samolus floribundus Kunth = Samolus valerandi ssp . parviflorus [ SAMOVALI ] Samolus parviflorus Raf . = Samolus valerandi ssp . parviflorus [ SAMOVAL1 ] Samolus valerandi L. [ SAMOVAL ] ( brookweed ) Samolus valerandi ...
Samolus from
... Samolus L. Samolus cuneatus Small - See Samolus ebracteatus Kunth subsp . cu- neatus ( Small ) R. Knuth - Samolus ebracteatus Kunth Lime - water brookweed [ Limewater brookweed ] ( 50 ) ( present ) , Texas water - pimpernel [ Texas ...
Samolus from
... SAMOLUS VALERANDI L. Protologue Sp. pl. 1: 171 (1753). Family Primulaceae (APG: Theophrasta- ceae) Chromosome number 2n = 26 Vernacular names Brookweed, water pim- pernel (En). Mouron d'eau (Fr). Alface dos rios, coentro de ...
Samolus from
... Samolus valerandi are bitter in taste, but supposedly are edible either when raw or cooked; medicinal: Samolus ebracteatus is used as a medicinal plant in Mexico. Samolus valerandi is rich in vitamin C and was once used to treat ...
Samolus from
... samolus valerandi , brook weed or water pimpernel . Like Pliny's samolus , it is commonly found in damp areas , including streams and wet coastal regions.46 A number of fascinating customs associated with the gathering of sacred plants ...
Samolus from
... Samolus , which usually has been referred to Prim- ulaceae . Within that family , Pax and Knuth ( 1905 ) placed it in a separate tribe , Samoleae . Because of similarities in floral characters , Bartling ( 1830 ) and Mez ( 1902 ) ...
Samolus from
... Samolus is a genus of about ten species, distributed throughout most of the tem- perate and subtropical regions of ... Samolus ebracteatus Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. 2:223. 1817. Fig. 91. Samolus cuneatus Small, Bull. Torrey Club 24:491 ...
Samolus from
... Samolus of Pliny . G. M. Is there any English translation of Elian's Va- rious History , or of the work ascribed to the same author on the Peculiarities of Animals ? East Winch , Jan. 1850 . 66 Selago and Samolus . - The Selago ...