Schizochilus lepidus from
... Satyrium neglectum Schltr Satyrium oliganthum Schltr. SCHIZOCHILUS cecilii Rolfe subsp. cecilii Schizochilus lepidus Summerh. STENOGLOTTIS zambesiaca Rolfe ZEUXINE ballii P.J. Cribb Benthamia drummondii ( H.P. Linder & G. Will . ) 7.
Schizochilus lepidus from
... Schizochilus cecilii subsp . Cecilii Orchid Schizochilus lepidus Orchid Schoenoplectus corymbosus Cyperoid Schotia brachypetala Tree Schrebera alata Tree Schrebera trichoclada Tree Munhondochuru , mutondochuru , mutondosvi , nyamari ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
... Schizochilus lepidus Summerh . , sp . nov .; a S. rudatisii Schltr . statura minore , foliis prope caulis basin + aggregatis , racemo longiore et densifloro , sepalis trinervibus tantum , callis inter se aequaliter evolutis satis ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
... Schizochilus lepidus Summerh . in Kew Bull . 14 : 130 ( 1960 ) . ( 1976 ) . -Linder in J. S. African Bot . 46 : 419 ( 1980 ) . Type : Wild 4471 ( K , holotype ; PRE ; SRGH ) . Grosvenor in Excelsa 6 : 86 Mozambique , Mt. Tsetserra ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
... Schizochilus lepidus Summerh . in Kew Bull . 14 : 130 ( 1960 ) . —Grosvenor in Excelsa 6 : 86 ( 1976 ) . —Linder in J. S. African Bot . 46 : 419 ( 1980 ) . Type : Mozambique , Mt. Tsetserra , Wild 4471 ( K , holotype ; PRE ; SRGH ) ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
... Schizochilus culveri Schlecht . , Beih . Bot . Centralbl . 38 ( 2 ) : 90 ... Schizochilus transvaalensis Rolfe , Fl . Cap . 5 ( 3 ) : 92. 1912 . Distribution ... lepidus Summerh . Kew Bull . 14 ( 1 ) : 130. 1960 . Distribution ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
This reference work provides an authoritative and comprehensive review of the latest developments in orchids’ biology, biotechnology and phytochemistry, and it also explores the applications of orchids in medicinal chemistry, nutrition ...
Schizochilus lepidus from
... lepidus Summerh . E open grassland Jan. - Mar . up to 16 many 0.4 29. SCHWARTZKOPFFIA Kraenzl . S. lastii ( Rolfe ) Schltr . E 28. SCHIZOCHILUS Sond . Distribution Habitat Flowering time Height No. of ( cm ) Excelsa No. 16 , 1993.