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Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb. ... The native range of this species is Nigeria to Ethiopia and S. Tropical Africa, Madagascar. It is an annual and grows primarily in ...
Erect annual herb up to 40 cm tall. Stem slender, 4-ridged. Leaves sessile, ovate-circular to almost kidney-shaped, 5–14 mm wide, 5-veined, cordate at the base.
Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb. Published in: Griseb. (1839). In: Gent. Gen. Et Sp. 170. source ...
Sebaea brachyphylla is a species of plants with 3 observations.
The native range of this species is Nigeria to Ethiopia and S. Tropical Africa, Madagascar. It is an annual and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.
Dec 25, 2019 · Records of this taxon from Zambia are shown in the table below. Cases where the taxon is native, naturalised, possibly planted or definitely ...
Group. Dicot ; Family. Gentianaceae ; Genus. Sebaea ; Species. Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb.
Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb. [family GENTIANACEAE ]. Related name. Sebaea brachyphylla. Flora. Entry for SEBAEA brachyphylla Griseb. [family GENTIANACEAE].
Sebaea brachyphylla Griseb. (redirected from: Sebaea schimperiana Buchinger ex Schweinf.) ; Family: Gentianaceae.
Flowers yellow or pale yellow, in terminal few to many flowered dichotomous cymes, very rarely solitary; pedicels 0.3 mm. long; bracts 2–3 mm. long, elliptic- ...