The native range of this species is Congo to South Sudan and S. Africa, Madagascar. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Sporobolus centrifugus
Rank: Species
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Sporobolus centrifugus subsp. laxivaginatus (Stent) Gooss. = Sporobolus centrifugus var. filifolius (Stent) Gooss.
Description: Caespitose perennial; culms up to 100 cm tall, erect, unbranched; basal leaf sheaths expanded, chartaceous and pallid or sometimes lightly ...
Sporobolus centrifugus (Trin.) Nees Images: None on this site. Detailed records: Display species records QDS maps by: Google Maps Point records by Google Maps
Sporobolus centrifugus is a species of plants with 11 observations.
Sporobolus centrifugus is an accepted species of the Poaceae family.
Scientific Name. Sporobolus centrifugus (Trin.) Nees ; Higher Classification. Monocotyledons ; Family. POACEAE ; Synonyms. Sporobolus filifolius Stent, Sporobolus ...
Sporobolus centrifugus (Trin.) Nees · Images: None on this site. · Detailed records: Display species records QDS maps by: Google Maps Point records by Google Maps.
Sporobolus centrifugus sensu Jackson & Wiehe, non (Trin.) Nees. Sporobolus ... Sporobolus rhodesiensis sensu Sturgeon, sensu Chippindall, non Stent & Rattray.
Plants Kingdom Plantae ; Vascular Plants Phylum Tracheophyta ; Flowering Plants Subphylum Angiospermae ; Monocots Class Liliopsida ; Grasses, Sedges, Cattails, and ...