Stomatostemma monteiroae is a food plant that is widely distributed in Africa including Madagascar. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential ...
It is found in Botswana, Congo, Eswatini, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The bulbs will grow to five centimetres in diameter, the stems ...
The native range of this species is Congo, S. Tropical & S. Africa. It is a climbing tuberous geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Vigorous liana-like, twining climber, growing from succulent tuber. Older stems woody; milky latex present. Leaves opposite, lanceolate-elliptic to narrowly ...
Stomatostemma monteiroae (Oliv.) N.E.Br. Published in: N. E. Br. (1903). In: Oliv. Et Al. (eds.), Fl. Trop. Afr. 4: I. 253. ... Basionym: Cryptolepis monteiroae ...
Stomatostemma monteiroae (Oliv.) N.E.Br. Higher Classification. Dicotyledons. Family. APOCYNACEAE. Synonyms. Cryptolepis monteiroae Oliv. National Status.
Stomatostemma resembles Ectadium E. Mey., Mangenotia Pichon, and a presently undescribed monotypic genus from western Africa. Stomatostemma N.E. Br. sluit ...
A new species of Stomatostemma is described from Mozambique. It is the second species distinguished in the genus Stomatostemma N.E. Br., the other being S.
A virgate shrub with pendulous branches. Leaves narrowly linear, 10-11 cm long. Flowers with corolla 9-10 mm long, white. Corona lobes in the sinuses between ...
The native range of this genus is Congo, S. Tropical & S. Africa. Taxonomy · Images · General information. Distribution; Accepted Species; Classification ...