... Stomatostemma monteiroae b Tavaresia angolensis Tavaresia barklyi d Tridentea dwequensis e Tridentea jucunda f Tridentea marientalensis ssp . albipilosa g Tridentea virescens h Tromotriche aperta f Tromotriche revoluta c Tromotriche ...
... STOMATOSTEMMA , N. E. Br . Calyx 5 - partite . Corolla - tube broadly campanulate ; lobes over- lapping in bud . Corona of 5 fleshy clavate lobes inserted in the sinuses between the corolla - lobes . Stamens inserted near the base of ...
... STOMATOSTEMMA , N. E. Br . Calyx 5 - partite . Corolla - tube broadly campanulate ; lobes over- lapping in bud . Corona of 5 fleshy clavate lobes inserted in the sinuses between the corolla - lobes . Stamens inserted near the base of ...
... Stomatostemma monteiroae , Stultitia ( = Orbea ) tapscottii , Tacazzea apiculata , Tassadia propiniqua , Tylo- phora grandiflora , Vincetoxicum sp . The following genera have been placed in a separate family , Periplocaceae , by some ...
... Stomatostemma ( Periplocaceae ) . - South Afr . J. Bot . 59 : 50 - 56 ; 1993 . Anatomical and distributional information on Stomatostemma monteiroae and S. pendulina . N. Jürgens , Köln VENTER , S. Notes on the genus Adenia with special ...