Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia species . IX . Enantiomultijugin , a flavone from Tephrosia viciodes . Phytochemistry 1992 , 31 , 2925 ... lupinifolia Burch ( Dc ) . Tetrahedron 1974 , 30 , 3927–3931 . 45. Chen , Y.L .; Wang , Y.S .; Lin , Y.L ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia DC . Prodr . ii . p . 255 ( 1825 ) ; Baker , l.c. , p . 107 . AMBRIZ . On the drier sea - sands , between Ambriz and Mossul ; not yet in full fl . Nov. 1853. No. 2076 . Var . digitata ( T. digitata DC . , l.c. ) ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... lupinifolia DC . Tephrosia luzoniensis J. Vogel Tephrosia abbottiae C. Wood Tephrosia acaciifolia Baker Tephrosia aequilata Baker Tephrosia apollinea ( Del ... Tephrosia piscatoria 810 Tatzungo - Tephrosia paniculata Plant Name Index.
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia ambigua . = apollinea , Delile , Fl . Aegypt . 288. t . 33 Tephrosia apollinea . arborescens , Herb . Madr ... lupinifolia , Burch . ex DC . Prod . ii . 255 Tephrosia lupinifolia . = = maxima , Linn . Syst . ed . X. 1172 ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia Tephrosia vogelii Terminalia. Existence of plant species in the Ugalla ecosystem and Western Serengeti . Diversity of perennial grasses in Ugalla ecosystem and western Serengeti. 70 Vegetation Index and Dynamics ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia , DC . , 490 . Jurida , Sond . , 438 . Nyasa , Baker ƒ . * , 143 . paniculata , Welw . , 143 . radicans , Welw . , 490 . Vogelii , Hook . f . , 143 . Teratologic French beans , 17 . Terminalia brachystemma ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia O f lo lo Grewia falcistipula O Thesium sp . Grewia flavescens O Vernonia poskeana r f Grewia retinervis r - o Grasses and Sedges Guibourtia coleosperma v.lo Hippocratea parviflora Indigofera ormocarpoides Ipomoea ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia . ' Lupinifolin , ' as the compound was called , occurs with the corresponding dihydroflavonol ( 9.298 ) . The simple 6 , 3 ' - di - C - prenylflavanone ( 9.203 ) has been isolated from Euchresta japonica ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia . VII . The constitution and absolute configuration of lupinifolin and lupinifolinol , two flavanones from Tephrosia lupinifolia Burch ( DC ) . Tetrahedron 30 : 3927–3931 Tahara S , Ingham JL , Nakahara S , Mizutani J ...
Tephrosia lupinifolia from
... Tephrosia lupinifolia , DC . , 490 . lurida , Sond . , 438 . Nyasa , Baker f . * .143 . paniculata , Welw . , 143 . radicans , Welw . , 490 . Vogelii , Hook.f. , 143 . Teratologic French beans , 17 . Terminalia brachystemma , Welw ...