The native range of this species is Tropical & Subtropical Old World. It is an annual, perennial or subshrub and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical ...
Indigo Sauvage is a prostrate velvet-hairy herb with compound leaves. Leaflets are up to 1.5 x 0.8 cm, obovate, with a short sharp point, base wedge-shaped, ...
Herbs, annual or perennial, procumbent or straggling, 20-30 cm tall. Stems thin and hard, ridged, densely spreading strigose. Stipules 3-4 mm.
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Tephrosia pumila (Lam.) Pers. · 857 occurrences with images · 548 georeferenced records.
Annual or short-lived perennial with procumbent or straggling branches. Leaf-rhachis up to 4 cm long including a petiole of 3–10 mm.
Ovary with trichomes, with numerous ovules. Legume linear, 3.5-4 cm × ca. 4 mm, shortly strigose, apex slightly ascending curved and with a beak; style remnant ...
Tephrosia pumila · General Information. Tephrosia pumila is an annual herb or short-lived perennial, branched from the base, growing 30 - 60 cm tall[ · Known ...
Tephrosia pumila var. aldabrensis (J.R.Drumm. & Hemsl.) Brummitt · 38 occurrences with images · 57 georeferenced records.
Tephrosia pumila (Lam.) Pers. var. pumila Species details: Click on each item to see an explanation of that item (Note: opens a new window)