Trapaceae from
... ( Trapaceae ) . The addition of " Chinese " to the name changes the reference to Eleocharis dulcis , an Asiatic sedge of the family Cyperaceae . Trapa is an abbreviation of the Old English calcatrippe or caltrap , an ancient instrument of ...
Trapaceae from
A descriptive account of the Trapaceae native and naturalised in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, together with information on exotic ornamental and crop plants.
Trapaceae from
... Trapaceae Pedaliaceae Tremandraceae Escalloniaceae Trichopodaceae Trilliaceae Trimeniaceae (Triplostegiaceae Podostemaceae Triuridaceae Tropaeolaceae Turneraceae Typhaceae Ulmaceae Ulmaceae Umbelliferae Urticaceae Ericaceae Vahliaceae ...
Trapaceae from
... Trapaceae . The genus Trapa has been treated under Onagraceae , as an appendage to Onagraceae , as an isolated member of Haloragaceae , and as a separate family Trapaceae . On an embryological basis , P. Maheshwari ( 1950 , 1964 ) , M ...
Trapaceae from
(Except Ornamentals) R. Büttner Peter Hanelt. Trapaceae Trapa L. , Sp . Pl . ( 1753 ) 120 et Gen. Pl . ed . 5 ( 1754 ) 56 . Type : Trapa natans L. The hard - shelled fruits of all species contain seeds rich in ... Trapaceae Trapaceae.
Trapaceae from
... ( Trapaceae ) pollen is triaperturate ( colpate or porate ) . Recent and fossil pollen grains are distinguished by ... Trapaceae , fossil equatorial view crest in part broken colpus visible Trapa sp . Trapaceae , fossil equatorial ...
Trapaceae from
... ( Trapaceae ) v Vostochnoy Evrope i Severnoy Azii ( De genere Trapa L. ( Trapaceae ) in Europa orientali et Asia Boreali ) . Novosti Sistematiki Vysschikh Rasteniy , 29 : 99-107 ( in Russian ) . VAN DER BURGH J. 1994. Differences in ...
Trapaceae from
... Trapaceae. 1.7.1. Trapa. bispinosa. Chinese Name(s): ling, ling jiao, feng ling, wu ling Source: This medicine is made ... Trapaceae, Haloragidaceae, Thymelaeaceae... 15 1.7 Family: Trapaceae 1.7.1 Trapa bispinosa.
Trapaceae from
... Trapaceae and Onagraceae : Ovary Megasporogenesis Trapaceae Semi - inferior and bilocular ; with a single pendulous , anat- ropous , bitegmic ovule in each chamber . The chalazal megaspore in- variably functions and the embryo sac is ...
Trapaceae from
... Trapaceae and Lythra- ceae rather than between Trapaceae and Onagraceae ? Maheshwari , P .: Both Lythraceae and Trapaceae show a monosporic 8 - nucleate embryo sac while the Onagraceae is different from Trapaceae in possessing a ...