Xeroderris stuhlmannii is a deciduous tree with a rounded or spreading crown and ascending branches; it can grow from 5 - 20 metres tall, exceptionally to 27 ...
Aganope stuhlmannii is a deciduous tree within the family Fabaceae. It is native to tropical Africa and grows in savanna woodlands.
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Medium-sized to large spreading tree. Leaves crowded at the ends of branches, imparipinnate with c.15 subopposite or alternate leaflets; leaflets oblong to ...
Xeroderris stuhlmannii is a medium to large tree up to 20 m tall, with a rounded crown. It is most easily recognised by its pendulous, flattened pods which have ...
Mar 21, 2023 · The leaves of X. stuhlmannii are used in traditional folk medicine to treat colds and stomach pains, while the boiled roots are used to fight ...
The bark extracts of Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) are reported to be active for treatment of internal parasites, elephantiasis, gonorrhoea, syphilis, ...
Feb 11, 2022 · Xeroderris stuhlmannii is a species of plants with 63 observations.
Group. Dicot. Family. Fabaceae - Faboideae. Genus. Xeroderris. Species. Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendonça & E.C.Sousa. Notes.
This tree has the synonym Ostryoderris stuhlmannii. It can grow in poor sandy soils and is drought resistant. The seeds can only be eaten as famine food after ...
Xeroderris stuhlmannii (Taub.) Mendonca & Sousa. Family Fabaceae. Genus Xeroderris. 'Useful plants of Tropical Africa.