Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora. Old, dying and collapsing trees usually coppice profusely from the base and form dense stands providing deep shade, which suppresses repro- duction of other plants. Ecology Xymalos monospora occurs scattered or ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora is the only species occurring in South Africa . 111 Xymalos monospora ( Har . ) Baill . Lemonwood , Lemoenhout ( A ) , umPhisi- makhata ( Sw ) , Motshekga ( NS ) , Tshipengo ( V ) . ( Xymalos : anagram of its old name ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora in the Taita Hills : a case study Xymalos monospora is a small , dioecious tree indig- enous to African submontane moist forest ( Beentje 1994 ; Aerts et al . 2011 ) and common in the highly fragmented cloud forests of ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora . Ptaeroxylon utile .. Ficus capensis .. Cordia caffra .. Maesa rufescens . 16.95 21.45 81.55 ; 71.17 90.55 ; 52-38 80-71 ; 122-7 The six plants examined quite clearly fall into two groups , between which there is a ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora . Ptaeroxylon utile .. Ficus capensis .. Cordia caffra ... 21.45 81.55 ; 71.17 90.55 ; 52.38 Maesa rufescens .. 80-71 ; 122-7 The six plants examined quite clearly fall into two groups , between which there is a very ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora Cassipourea gerrardii , Celtis africana , Diospyros whyteana , Ocotea kenyensis , Xymalos monospora Canopy height ( m ) Environment 10-15 Source Inselberg Geology : sandstone Alt : 1000-1500 m Rainfall : 800 mm ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos Baill . in Bull . Soc . Linn . Paris 1 ( 1887 ) 650 ex Warburg in Engl . & Prantl , Nat . Pflanzenfam . 3 , 6a ( 1893 ) 53 . Type : Xymalos ... Xymalos monospora ( Harv . ) Baill . ex Warburg 108 Monimiaceae Monimiaceae.
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora . Ptaeroxylon utile ... Ficus capensis . Cordia caffra .. Maesa rufescens . Specific Conductivity . 14.5 16-95 21-45 81-55 ; 71-17 90-55 ; 52-38 80-71 ; 122-7 The six plants examined quite clearly fall into two groups ...
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora ( in wet places ) . Associated . Pygæum africanum . Ficus natalensis . Celtis kraussiana . Rhus longifolia . Podocarpus thunbergii . Dominant and sub - dominant . 2. LOWER CANOPY- Toddalia 300 J. W. BEWS .
Xymalos monospora from
... Xymalos monospora is known by this name in the Eastern Province . " Natural regeneration seldom occurs under heavy canopy , and hardly at all under certain trees , particularly Wild lemon ( Xymalos ) . " ( Sim's " Forest Flora of Cape ...