Uses. Security hedge: An ideal addition to a security hedge because of its height and ferocious thorns.
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The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a source of medicines and materials. Known Hazards. The leaves of this species can develop high levels of ...
It is used to treat leprosy and the roots are used for diarrhoea. The roots are also ground, mixed with fat and used as a hair treatment in Namibia. The name is ...
The flowers of Vachellia hebeclada attract lots of small insects like bees and flies which cross-pollinate them when moving from one to the other. This ...
Medical uses: Tea brewed from the crushed rood can be used as a cure for diarrhoea. Superstition uses: Not known. Nutritive uses: Pods are eaten by wild and ...
Usually a shrub, branching near ground level, often forming thickets. Bark dark grey, fissured, flaking; young branches densely greyish hairy. Spines paired, ...
Roots are used by the Himba for stomach ailments (TJI1); they are also used medicinally for chest pains and coughing. This species supplies the material for a ...
Local people use Root extracts mixed with fat to dress hair. Roots can penetrate deeply for water. The Wood is strong and used for making axe and hoe handles.
A low growing shrub at the high flood zone, or a small tree up to 7 m tall on higher ground of alluvial terraces. Spines stipular, paired, mostly recurved, or ...
Enumération des plantes à fleurs d'Afrique tropicale. Volume 1. Généralités et Annonaceae à Pandanaceae. 249 pp. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la ville ...