Medium-sized tree. Young branches covered in pale grey hairs; Spines paired, mostly long and straight but some pairs short and somewhat curved. Leaves 6 × 4 cm ...
A very hardy, deciduous, quite slow-growing Acacia that can tolerate harsh conditions as it grows in desert and semi-desert areas.
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Vachellia luederitzii is a small shrub branching from near the base or, more commonly, a tree with a crown that can be flattened and spreading.
Species Acacia luederitzii Engl. (Kalahari-sand acacia) · kingdom: Plantae · - phylum: Tracheophyta · -- class: Magnoliopsida · --- order: Fabales · ---- family ...
The native range of this species is S. Tropical & S. Africa. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.
Species information: Acacia luederitzii var. retinens › speciesdata › species
We have few details about this taxon; if you can provide any information, photos or reliable records, please contact one of the site authors.
A. luderitzii var. retinens, Pongola Game reserve, KZN, South Africa, 1.2. and 2.2.06 Elevation: 183m; GPS-readings: S: 27.34986, E: 31.84547 Bushy growth ...
Aug 17, 2024 · Acacia luederitzii, African Acacia species with two varieties Kalahari-sand & Balloon-thorn acacias.
Lifestyle: Producer. Phanerophyte (tree or large woody shrub). Occurrence: Indigenous. Perrennial, Deciduous. Endemism: Southern Africa.
Acacia luederitzii Engl. World flora. Family. Leguminosae. Genus. Acacia. Species: Acacia luederitzii Engl. Common name(s). Kalahari ...