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Origin and Habitat: It is native to Ethiopia (Ogaden, Harerge Prov.) · Altitude: 1000-1050 metres above sea level. · Ecology: Grows in a very open deciduous ...
Habitat: Occurs in semi-arid tropical climates in various habitats ranging from the sea-coasts to the mountain in open savanna, thin woodland, grassy hills, ...
It is a small spiny succulent about 5-15 cm tall, that forms clumps up to 10 cm in diameter. It branches profusely at soil level.
This plant develops in a fashion similar to a shrub and is usually not cultivated. Potting medium: A gritty, very free-draining compost is suitable, and clay ...
Euphorbia media N.E.Br. Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 6(1): 556 1911. Family: EUPHORBIACEAE. Accepted Scientific Name: Euphorbia tirucalli L.
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Euphorbia ledienii A.Berger: It is a succulent shrub freely branching from the base to form a very cactus-like plant up to 2 m high.