Flora of Southern Africa East Cape Photo Gallery

Photo Identifications L-R: Pelargonium alchemilloides, Cyrtanthus macowanii, Ipomoea crassipes, Moraea alticola, Monopsis decipiens, Hibiscus trionum, Grewia occidentalis.

Plant Names H-O

Note: The generic names in italics are outdated names, and where applicable their new names are given at the bottom of the entry.

(Haworthia): ???
    Haworthia haageana = Haworthia reticulata var. subregularis.

(Lavrania): after South African naturalist Mrs. C.H. (Peggy) Haagner (fl. 1986). (Eggli & Newton)

(Poaceae): named for the Bohemian-born Austrian botanist Eduard Hackel (1850-1926), an agrostologist and high school teacher.

haeneliae (Raphionacme): after plant collector Christine Hänel (fl. 1996).

hafstroemii (Osteospermum): after an Adolf Hjalmar FFrederick Hafstrom (1871-1948), Swedish judge and plant collector who collected in South Africa with J.P.H. Acocks in 1938. (Gunn & Codd)

hahnii (Aloe, Caralluma): ???
    Caralluma hahnii = Orbea lutea ssp. vaga.

Hainardia (Poaceae): the CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names says, "presumably after P. Hainardi, a Swiss phytogeographer."

Hakea (Proteaceae): named for the German promoter of botany Baron Christian Ludwig von Hake (1745-1818).

hallackii (Disa, Satyrium): after Russell Hallack (1824-1903) who came to South Africa in 1843 and botanised around Port Elizabeth and who sent collections, inter alia, to Peter McOwan. (Hugh Clarke)

Halleria (Scrophulariaceae): named after the Swiss botanist Albrecht von Haller (1708-1777), physician, poet, experimental physiologist, professor of botany at Göttingen and founder of the Göttingen University herbarium. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Hallia (Fabaceae): honors the Swedish botanist and physician Birger Mårten Hall (1741-1841).

hallianus (Senecio): see Hallianthus.

Hallianthus (Mesembryanthemaceae): named for the English gardener Harry Hall (1906-1986), collector of succulent plants, worked at Kew Gardens 1930-1933, Curator of the Darrah Cactus Collection at Manchester 1933-1947, and horticulturist at the famed Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden at Cape Town 1947-1968. He was a major explorer of Euphorbias in South Africa. He was awarded a Fellow of the Cactus and Succulent Society of America in 1981. The CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names adds this fascinating (if true) footnote, that he died by hanging in South Africa, but Professor Len Newton has informed me that he died of natural causes.

hallii (Adromischus, Albuca, Astridia, Bulbine, Cheiridopsis, Conophytum, Cylindrophyllum, Dorotheanthus, Drepanocladus, Drosanthemum, Euphorbia, Gethyllis, Hartmanthus, Huernia, Jacobsenia, Lampranthus, Lithops, Ornithogalum, Othonna, Romulea, Sansevieria, Schlechteranthus, Tylecodon): see Hallianthus.

hameri (Athanasia): ???
    Athanasia hameri = Athanasia crithmifolia ssp. palmatifida.

hamiltoni (Cineraria, Osteospermum): after British natural historian Major Gerald Edwin Hamilton Barrett-Hamilton (1871-1914), born in India of Irish parents, co-author of A History of British Mammals, served in the Anglo-Boer War, described a great number of small mammals from the islands around Great Britain, died while on an expedition to South Georgia Island.
    Cineraria hamiltoni = Cineraria aspera.
    Osteospermum hamiltoni = Osteospermum muricatum ssp. muricatum.

Hammeria (Mesembryanthemaceae): named for the American pianist, horticulturist and Mesemb specialist Steven A. Hammer, foremost authority on and monographer of the genus Conophytum.

hardyana (Strumaria): collected in Namibia by David Spencer Hardy (1931- ) of the Botanical Research Institute, Pretoria. Interested mainly in succulents and greenhouse plants, he collected extensively in Namaqualand, Transvaal and elsewhere, co-authored Aloes of the South African Veld (1971) with Hans Bornman. (Gunn & Codd in part)

hardyi (Aloe, Orbea, Orbeanthus, Stultitia): see hardyana.
    Orbeanthus hardyi = Orbea hardyi.
    Stultitia hardyi = Orbea hardyi.

harlandii (Haworthia): ???
    Haworthia harlandii = Astroloba herrei.

harmsiana (Rhyncosia): after Hermann Harms (1870-1942), a German botanist. (Elsa Pooley)

harmsii (Crinum): see harmsiana.

Harrisia (Cactaceae): named for the Irish botanist William H. Harris (1860-1920), gardener and plant collector, student of the flora of Jamaica, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, and from 1908 to 1917 the Superintendent of the Public Gardens and Plantations in Jamaica.

Hartogia (Celastraceae): honors the German plant collector and gardener Johan Hartog (1663-1722), worked in Sri Lanka and Cape Town. There is also a fairly large genus Hartogia in the Rutaceae family in South Africa.

Hartogiella (Celastraceae): see Hartogia.

Hartwegia (Orchidaceae): after the German botanist Karl Theodore Hartweg (1812-1871), botanical explorer and plant collector in North, Central and South America. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

harveianus (Senecio): see Harveya.

Harveya (Scrophulariaceae): named for the renowned Irish-born botanist William Henry Harvey (1811-1866), algologist and pioneer of South African systematic botany, Colonial Treasurer-General of the Cape Colony, Keeper of the herbarium at Trinity College, Dublin, professor of botany to the Royal Dublin Society and at Trinity College, Dublin, Fellow of the Linnaean and Royal Societies, co-author with Dr. O.W. Sonder of Hamburg of the first three volumes of Flora capensis from 1860-1865. He came to the Cape when he was 23 years old and stayed about four years before he returned to Ireland.

harveyana (Asclepias, Gymnosporia): see Harveya.
    Asclepias harveyana = Xysmalobium prunelloides.

harveyanum (Argyrolobium, Corymbium, Crocodilodes, Helichrysum): see Harveya.
    Corymbium harveyanum = Corymbium glabrum var. glabrum.
    Crocodilodes harveyanum = Berkheya seminivea.

harveyanus (Aster, Gomphocarpus, Sclerochiton): see Harveya.
    Gomphocarpus harveyanus = Xysmalobium prunelloides.

harveyi (Commiphora, Rhus, Schizoglossum, Searsia): see Harveya.
    Rhus harveyi = Searsia harveyi.
    Schizoglossum harveyi = Aspidoglossum heterophyllum.

Haumaniastrum (Lamiaceae): named for Belgian botanist Lucien Hauman (1880-1965).

Haworthia (Asphodelaceae): the genus is named after the English entomologist, botanist and authority on succulents and Lepidoptera, Adrian Hardy Haworth (1768-1833).

haworthii (Kleinia, Senecio, Tetragonia): this plant was originally described by esteemed plantsman-botanist Adrian Haworth in 1803 as Cacalia tomentosa, the specific epithet 'tomentosa' referring to the hairy, fleshy, cylindrical leaves. The name was later changed to Senecio haworthii in honor of Haworth.
    Kleinia haworthii = Senecio haworthii.

haygarthii (Anthericum, Cerpopegia, Chlorophytum, Helichrysum, Senecio, Streptocarpus): after Walter Haygarth (1862-1950), a plant collector who worked with John Medley Wood. (Elsa Pooley)
    Anthericum haygarthii = Chlorophytum haygarthii.

Hebenstretia (Scrophulariaceae): named after Johann Christian Hebenstreit (1720-1791), a professor of medicine at Leipzig and also of botany at St Petersburg. (PlantzAfrica)

Hedwigia (Burseraceae): honors the German botanist and physician Johann Hedwig (1730-1799).

Heeria (Anacardiaceae): honors the Swiss paleobotanist and entomologist Oswald von Heer (1809-
1883), zoologist, biologist, theologist, traveller and plant and insect collect, director of the botanic gardens in Zurich, professor of botany and entomology at the University of Zurich. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Heimia (Lythraceae): dedicated to the German physician Ernst Ledwig Heim (1747-1834), student of mosses.

Heinsia (Rubiaceae): this genus was named for the Dutch philologist Daniel Heinsius (1580-1655).

heisteri (Tulbaghia): see heisteria ???
    Tulbaghia heisteri = Agapanthus africanus ssp. africanus.

heisteria (Muraltia): after Lorenz Heister (1683- 1758), German anatomist, surgeon and botanist, commemorated in Muraltia heisteria. His botanical garden in Helmstädt was considered one of the most attractive in Germany. (Hugh Clarke)

Hellmuthia (Cyperaceae): presumably after Hellmuth, a friend of Ernest Gottlieb von Steudel (1783-1856), the genus author. (Hugh Clarke)

helmei (Metalasia): after botanist and plant collecter Nick A. Helme (fl. 1995).

helmiae (Haworthia): after Mrs. M. Helm (fl. 1932-1937), Haworthia enthusiast. (Eggli & Newton)
    Haworthia helmiae = Haworthia arachnoidea var. nigricans.

helmutii (Lithops): for Helmut E. Meyer, horticulturist at Stellenbosch University Botanic Garden. (Eggli & Newton)

henkelii (Podocarpus): named for Dr. J.S. Henkel, Conservator of Forests in Natal in the 1930'a. (Elsa Pooley)

hensii (Cryptolepis): after plant collector A. Hens (fl. 1888).
    Cryptolepis hensii = Cryptolepis oblongifolia.

Herbertus (Herbertiaceae): ???

Hereroa (Mesembryanthemaceae): named for the Herero people, Bantu speakers of southwestern Africa.

Hermannia (Sterculiaceae): honors the German-born Dutch botanist Paul Hermann (1646-1695), herbalist, professor of botany at Leyden, traveller and explorer in Africa, India and Sri Lanka, plant collector at the Cape.

hermannii (Aristida): after farmer and plant collector Ernst Hermann (fl. 1890). (Gunn & Codd)

hermannii (Senecio): probably after the above-referenced Paul Hermann.

Hermas (Apiaceae): 1st or 2nd century author of the work called The Shepard, a work treated with great authority in ancient times and ranked with the Holy Bible.

Hermbstaedtia (Amaranthaceae): after German botanist Sigismund Friedrich Hermbstaedt (1760-1833), Prussian court apothecary in Berlin, professor of technological chemistry. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Herrea (Mesembryanthemaceae): see herrei.

Herreanthus (Mesembryanthemaceae): see Herrea.

herreianus (Senecio): probably after A.G.J. Herre.

herrei (Ammocharis, Astroloba, Brunsvigia, Cleretum, Cryptostephanus, Cybistetes, Cyrtanthus, Gethyllis, Haworthia, Huernia, Othonna, Stapelia, Tridentea, Tromotriche): after Adolar Gottlieb Julius (Hans) Herre (1895-1979), explorer, horticulturalist and succulent plant specialist who published a book on Mesembryanthemaceae in 1971. He collected over 300 species new to science. (Hugh Clarke)
    Ammocharis herrei = Ammocharis longifolia.
    Cryptostephanus herrei = Cyrtanthus herrei.
    Cybistetes herrei = Ammocharis longifolia.
    Gethyllis herrei = Gethylis britteniana ssp. herrei.
    Haworthia herrei = Haworthia glauca var. herrei.
    Huernia herrei = Huernia namaquensis.
    Stapelia herrei = Tromotriche herrei.
    Tridentea herrei = Tromotriche herrei.

Herschelia (Orchidaceae): named for the English astronomer Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) who named the seven then-known moons of Saturn and the four then-known moons of Uranus. He was the son of the famous astronomer Sir William Herschel 1738-1822) who discovered the planet Uranus. "In 1833 Herschel travelled to South Africa in order to catalogue the stars, nebulae, and other objects of the southern skies.[2] This was to be a completion as well as extension of the survey of the northern heavens undertaken initially by his father William Herschel. He arrived in Cape Town on 15 January 1834. Amongst his other observations during this time was that of the return of Comet Halley. However, in addition to his astronomical work, this voyage to a far corner of the British empire also gave Herschel an escape from the pressures under which he found himself in London, where he was one of the most sought-after of all British men of science. While in southern Africa, he engaged in a broad variety of scientific pursuits free from a sense of strong obligations to a larger scientific community. It was, he later recalled, probably the happiest time in his life." (from Wikipedia)

Herschelianthe (Orchidaceae): see Herschelia.

Hertia (Asteraceae): honors German physician Joannes Casimirus Hertius.

Hessea (Amaryllidaceae): named either for botanical traveller Paul Hesse or Christian Henrich Friedrich Hesse (1772-1837), a Lutheran minister who came to Cape Town from Hanover and grew succulents. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Hewittia (Convolvulaceae): honors the English zoologist John Hewitt (1880-1961), a naturalist who was from 1905 to 1908 the Curator of the Sarawak Museum, and from 1910 to 1958 the Director of the Albany Museum in Grahamstown, the second oldest museum in southern Africa.

Heywoodia (Euphorbiaceae): named for a Mr. A.W. Heywood, who was Conservator of Forests in the Transkei region of South Africa and author of Cape Woods and Forests.

Hiernia (Scrophulariaceae): named for the British botanist and plant collector William Philip Hiern (1839-1925), Fellow of the Linnaean and Royal Societies.

hildebrandii (Blepharis): ???
    Blepharis hildebrandii = Blepharis integrifolia var. integrifolia.

hildebrandtii (Cienfuegosia, Pseuderanthemum): after Johann Maria Hildebrandt (1847-1881), who collected in East Africa, Madagascar, and the Comoro Islands during the period 1872-1881.

Hilleria (Phytolaccaceae): honors the German botanist Matthaeus Hiller (1646-1725), professor at the University of Tübingen.

hilliardiae (Cymbopappus, Plectranthus, Schizoglossum): after South African botanist Olive Mary Hilliard (1925- ), specially interested in the flora of Natal, collected thousands of specimens and was a prodigious writer on plants.

Hippia (Asteraceae): either a title given to the Roman goddess Minerva and others, or the name of some unknown botanist. (Taylor)

Hippocratea (Hippocrateaceae): after Hippocrates (c. 480-377 BC), father of science, pharmaceutical botanist, and founder of Hippocratic Oath. (Elsa Pooley)

Hirschfeldia (Brassicaceae): named after the German horticulturist Christian Caius Lorenz Hirschfeld (1742-1792).

hockii (Trichodesma): after plant collector Adrien Hock (fl. 1911-1912).
    Trichodesma hockii = Trichodesma ambacense ssp. hockii.

hochstetteri (Conyza, Impatiens, Senecio): after Christian Gottlieb Ferdinand von Hochstetter (1829-1884), German geologist, anthropologist and plant collector at the Cape in 1857, son of botanist and Protestant minister Christian Ferdinand Friedrich Hochstetter (1787-1860) from his fourth wife. There was also a Karl Christian Friedrich Hochstetter (1818-1880) who was also the son of C.F.F. Hochstetter from his second wife, but I don't know anything about him. (Elsa Pooley, Wikipedia)
    Conyza hochstetteri = Conyza gouanii.

hochstetteri (Helichrysum): probably after the above.
    Helichrysum hochstetteri = Helichrysum stenopterum.

hoerleiniana (Justicia): ???
    Justicia hoerleiniana = Justicia cuneata ssp. hoerleiniana.

hoffmanniana (Disparago): ???

Hoffmannseggia (Fabaceae): named after the German botanist Johann Centurius, Count Von Hoffmansegg (1766-1849), entomologist, ornithologist, a traveller and co-author of a flora of Portugal entitled Flore portugaise.

hoffmannseggianum (Acanthodium): see Hoffmannseggia.
    A. hoffmannseggianum = Acanthopsis hoffmannseggiana.

hollandii (Agapanthus, Senecio): after South African businessman and philanthropist Frederick Huntley Holland (1873-1955). His passions were birds and plants, and he frequently sent interesting plants to Kirstenbosch for cultivation, often in response to special requests from the Curator of the Gardens, totalling more than 4,000 specimens, including a number of new species. (Aluka)
    Agapanthus hollandii = Agapanthus inapertus ssp. hollandii.

hollandii (Asplenium): (1) for Mrs. Bennett Holland, collected near Umtali in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe). (The Ferns of South Africa) OR (2) for B. Holland (possibly the same person. (Aluka)
    Asplenium holllandii = Asplenium hypomelas.

hollisii (Commiphora): ???
    Commiphora hollisii = Commiphora schimperi.

Holmskioldia (Verbenaceae): honors the Danish botanist and physician Theodor Holm (Holmskjold) (1732-1794).

holstii (Aspilia, Cordia, Rhynchostegiella): after Carl Hugo Ehrenfried Wilhelm Holst (1865-1892), German-born collector in Tanzania.
    Cordia holstii = Cordia africana.

Holubia (Pedaliaceae): named after Dr. Emil Holub (1847-1902), author, physician, naturalist and traveller in southern Africa. There is also a genus Holubia in the Gentianaceae family named for the same individual, but it is not present in southern Africa.

holubii (Aponogeton, Senecio): see Holubia.
    Aponogeton holubii = Aponogeton desertorum.

Hoodia (Apocynaceae): after British surgeon Dr. William Chamberlain Hood (1790-1879) who lived in South Lambeth, London, and collected succulents. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Egglie & Newton). Other sources like PlantzAfrica say the name honors succulent grower Mr. Van Hood

hookeri (Agathosma, Pseudarthria, Trochomeria): after Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), English botanist and explorer, friend of Charles Darwin, plant collector at the Cape (briefly); magnus opus: his 7-volume Flora of British India. (Hugh Clarke)

hookerianus (Senecio): see hookeri.

Hookeriopsis (Pilotrichaceae): see hookeri.

horsfallii (Eulophia): the specific epithet 'horsfallii' honors the nineteenth century British horticulturist Mr. J.B. Horsfall, who cultivated and flowered the type material of this species, collected in West Africa, in his glasshouse in England, and which was beautifully illustrated in Curtis's Botanical Magazine in 1865. (PlantzAfrica)

Hoslundia (Lamiaceae): was named for the Danish botanist Ole Haaslund-Schmidt (Smith) (d. 1802), a naturalist. traveller and plant collector in Ghana. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Hottonia (Scrophulariaceae): honors the Dutch botanist and physician Pieter Hotton (1648-1709), professor of botany and member of the Royal Society of London.

Huernia (Apocynaceae): after Dutch missionary Justus Huernius (1587-1652), Cape plant collector. (Elsa Pooley)

Hugonia (Linaceae): commemorates a certain Augustus Johannes Hugo (?-1753).

huillana (Jamesbrittenia): ???

huillensis (Hexalobus, Pupalia, Uvaria): ???
    Hexalobus huillensis = Hexalobus monopetalus var. monopetalus.
    Pupalia huillensis = Cyathula cylindrica var. cylindrica.
    Uvaria huillensis = Hexalobus monopetalus var. monopetalus.

humbertiana (Sericorema): after Henri Humbert (1887-1967), French Professor at the University of Algiers, botanist and plant collector in Madagascar.
    Sericorema humbertiana = Pupalia micrantha.

Humea (Asteraceae): named after Lady Amelia Hume (1751-1809), an English amateur botanist.

Huperzia (Lycopodiaceae): honors the German botanist and physician Johann Peter Huperz (1771-1816), a fern horticulturist. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

hurkana (Heliophila): after German botanist and phylogeneticist Dr. Herbert Hurka (1940- ) of the University of Osnabrück.

hurlingii (Haworthia): after plant collector Mr. J. Hurling (fl. 1928-1933), dairy farmer and nurseryman in Bonnievale, Western Cape.
    Haworthia hurlingii = Haworthia reticulata var. hurlingii.

Husnotiella (Pottiaceae): possibly named after the same individual for whom the genus Husnotia is named, the French botanist Pierre Tranquille Husnot (1840-1929), bryologist, agrostologist and botanical collector.

hutchinsoniana (Pteronia): see hutchinsonii.

hutchinsonii (Helichrysum, Hippia): after plant collector Dr. John Hutchinson (1884-1972).
    Helichrysum hutchinsonii = Helichrysum pumilio ssp. pumilio.

Huttonaea (Orchidaceae): named for the collector of the type specimen, Mrs. Henry (Caroline) Hutton, a plant collector with her husband in South Africa.

huttoni (Printzia): see huttonii.

huttoniae (Calamagrostis, Gasteria, Nerine, Schizoglossum, Sisyranthus): see Huttonaea.
    Schizoglossum huttoniae = Sisyranthus huttoniae.
    Gasteria huttoniae = Gasteria acinacifolia.

huttonii (Anagallis, Brachystelma): see Huttonaea.

huttonii (Brachystelma, Cyrtanthus, Decaceras, Eulophia, Harveya, Moraea, Wahlenbergia): after Justice Henry Hutton, amateur botanist who collected in the Cape in the mid-1800's. (Elsa Pooley in part, Botanical Exploration of Southern Africa, Aluka)
    Decaceras huttonii = Brachystelma huttonii.

(Hyacinthaceae): named after Hyacinth, in mythology a youth much beloved of Apollo, who was accidentally struck by a discus thrown by Apollo and killed. Supposedly, Apollo and the wind god Zephyrus had a sort of rivalry for Hyacinth's affections, and it was Zephyrus who blew the discus off course, resulting in Hyacinth's death. In grief Apollo caused the hyacinth flower to rise from the youth's blood.

Ibbetsonia (Fabaceae): after Mrs. Agnes Ibbetson (1757-1823), British vegetable physiologist who contributed dozens of articles on the microscopic structure and physiology of plants to Nicholson's Journal and the Philosophical Magazine between 1800 and 1822. (Dictionary of National Biography, Vol. 10)

Ihlenfeldtia (Mesembryanthemaceae): named after German botanist Dr. Hans-Dieter Ihlenfeldt (1932- ), Professor of Botany at Hamburg, who conducted succulent plant research in South Africa.

immelmaniae (Stapelia): for a Mrs. K.L. Immelman of Piquetberg, South Africa who collected the plant around 1927. (Eggli & Newton)

Imperata (Poaceae): named after Ferante Imperato (1550-1625), an Italian apothecary and author of Dell'historia naturale.

inamarxiae (Bulbine): ???

Inezia (Asteraceae): honors the South African botanist and plant collector Inez Clare Verdoorn (1896-1989), co-author of Wildflowers of the Transvaal. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

ingeae (Huernia): after plant collector and succulent specialist Inge Pehlemann-Brase (fl. 1978-1983). She created a magnificent garden in Windhoek, Namibia.
    Huernia ingeae = Huernia barbata ssp. ingeae.

Ingenhoussia (Fabaceae): ???

Iphigenia (Colchicaceae): named after Iphigeneia, in Greek mythology the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.

Iris (Iridaceae): named for the Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.

isabellae (Haworthia): after Mrs. Isabella King (fl. 1938), housewife in Port Elizabeth. (Eggli & Newton)

jaarsveldii (Anginon): after South African horticulturist and plant collector Ernst Jacobus van Jaarsveld (1953).

Jacksonago (Fabaceae): ???

Jacobsenia (Mesembryanthemaceae): commemorates the German horticulturist and botanist Hermann Johannes Heinrich Jacobsen (1898-1978), specialist in succulent plants, author of many books on succulents, and Curator of the Kiel Botanical Garden. (Eggli & Newton)

jacobseniana (Apicra, Haworthia): probably the same as the previous entry.
    Haworthia jacobseniana = Haworthia glauca var. herrei.

Jacquesfelixia (Poaceae): honors the French botanist Henri Jacques-Félix (1907- ), explorer and plant collector in West Africa.

Jacquemontia (Convolvulaceae): named for the French naturalist Victor V. Jacquemont (1801-1832), explorer, plant collector, botanist, made collections for the Royal Museum of Paris. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names) "Born in Paris on August 8, 1801, the youngest of four sons of Venceslas Jacquemont and Rose Laisné, Victor Jacquemont was one of the rising stars of French natural history in the 1820's and an archetype for the scientist in the Romantic era. Combining youth, genius, and a rhapsodic love of nature with a life filled with masculine affection, star-crossed romance, and exotic climes, Jacquemont epitomized the romantic intellectual right up to the time of his untimely death in the Himalayas. In a career in which ill fortune and good fortune walked hand in hand, the figure of Jacquemont has all but overshadowed his substantial scientific accomplishments. The surviving correspondence of the ill-starred French botanist, Victor Jacquemont and his friend, Pierre Achille Marie Chaper (1795-1874) consists of 106 letters pertaining to the development of Jacquemont's scientific career and their personal and social commitments." (website of the American Philosophical Society)

jacquiniana (Duvalia, Trachyandra): see jacquinii.
    Duvalia jacquiniana = Duvalia elegans.

jacquinianum (Anthericum): see jacquinii.
    Anthericum jacquinianum = Trachyandra jacquiniana.

jacquinii (Lapeirousia, Trachyandra): named for Nicholaus (Nicolaas) Joseph von Jacquin (1727-1817), Dutch scientist who studied medicine, chemistry and botany. Born in the Netherlands, he later moved to Paris and then Vienna. In 1768 he was appointed Professor of Botany and Chemistry and became Director of the botanical gardens of the University of Vienna. (Wikipedia)
    Trachyandra jacquinii = Trachyandra jacquiniana.

Jaegerina (Pterobryaceae): ???

Jamesbrittenia (Scrophulariaceae): was named after James Britten, a British botanist (1846-1924), and Keeper of Botany of important collections at the British Museum during the 1800’s. (Hugh Clarke)

Jamesoniella (Jungermanniaceae): named as is genus Jamesonia for Scottish botanist William Jameson (1796-1873)."William Jameson was born in Edinburgh in 1796 and studied at Edinburgh's Royal College of Surgeons ca. 1814-1818. Between 1818 and 1826, he made several voyages as a ship's surgeon, first to Baffin's Bay and later to South America. In 1826 he settled in Quito, Ecuador, and in the following year he was appointed professor of chemistry and botany at the University there. He was made assayer to the mint in 1832 and director in 1861. In 1869 he went back to Edinburgh (by way of Argentina) to visit his sons, and returned to Ecuador in 1872. He died shortly thereafter. Jameson carried out botanical investigations at Baffin's Bay, in Ecuador, and in other South American countries; corresponded with Scottish and English botanists; sent plant specimens back to Great Britain (possibly elsewhere?); and published articles in a half dozen British and Scottish botanical journals. In 1864 he was appointed by the Ecuadorean government to write a flora of Ecuador. Volumes 1 and 2 of his Synopsis Plantarum Aequatoriensium (in Spanish) were published in 1865, but the work was not completed. [The British Museum has the text of the unpublished 3rd volume, p. 1-136; the U.S. Department of Agriculture Library has a Photostat of this.] Jameson apparently also continued his studies of chemistry, as one would expect from his position as assayer to the mint. The biographical sources consulted did not mention any correspondence with chemists or any publications on chemistry, but the Gray Herbarium archives contain what appears to be a manuscript for a text on chemistry, probably never published." (Harvard University)

jamesonii (Gerbera): the species was named after Robert Jameson who collected live specimens while on a prospecting expedition to the Barberton district in 1884, even though the species had been collected on three earlier occasions by other people.

Jaumea (Asteraceae): commemorates the French botanist Jean Henri Jaume Saint-Hilaire (1772-1845). (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

jenkinsii (Alepidea): after plant collector Thomas J. Jenkins (fl. 1909-1911), "an assistant at the Transvaal Museum who collected thousands of plant specimens in southern Africa (Mozambique and South Africa) during the time that Reino Leendertz was curator." (Aluka)
    Alepidea jenkinsii = Alepidea peduncularis.

Jensenia (Pallaviciniaceae): ???

Jensenobotrya (Mesembryanthemaceae): named after a certain Mr. Emil Jensen (1889-1963), a farmer and amateur botanist who had emigrated to Namibia from Germany.

joeyae (Haworthia): supposedly named by a Col. Scott for his wife Joey.
    Haworthia joeyae = Haworthia cooperi var. dielsiana.

johni-lavrani (Stapelia): after John Jacob Lavranos (1926- ), Greek-born botanist and insurance broker, came to South Africa in 1952, collected extensively in many remote areas.
    Stapelia johni-lavrani = Stapelia hirsuta var. gariepensis.

johnstonii (Leptaloe): ???
    Leptaloa johnstonii = Aloe myriacantha.

jonesiae (Haworthia): ???
    Haworthia jonesiae = Haworthia glauca var. herrei.

Jordaaniella (Aizoaceae): was named for Professor Pieter Gerhardus Jordaan (1913-1987), Professor of Botany at the University of Stellenbosch in 1984 and a specialist in the Proteaceae.

josephinae (Brunsvigia): the specific name 'josephinae' was named in honor of the Empress Josephine, Napoleon's first wife. (PlantzAfrica)

josephinae (Felicia): named after Dr. Josephine (Jo) Beyers, assistant curator of the Compton Herbarium. (PlantzAfrica)

josephinae (Brunsvigia): after the Empress Josephine, Napoleon's first wife. (PlantzAfrica)

joubertii (Gasteria): after South African teacher Adriaan Jacobus Joubert (1901- ), an authority on the flora of the Little Karoo.
    Gasteria joubertii = Gasteria brachyphylla var. brachyphylla.

Julbernardia (Fabaceae): honors a Mr. Jules Bernard, a former governor of Gabon.

Jumellea (Orchidaceae): dedicated to the noted French botanist Henri Lucien Jumelle (1866-1935), plant physiologist and plant collector in West Africa and Madagascar, Director of the Musée Colonial of Marseille.

Jungermannia (Jungermanniaceae): after Ludwig Jungermann (1572-1653), a professor of botany in Giessen and Altdorf bei Nürnberg.

junodianus (Senecio): see junodii.
    Senecio junodianus = Senecio madagascarieniensis.

junodii (Anisopappus, Anthericum, Helichrysum, Monodora, Senecio): honors Rev. Henri Alexandre Junod (1863–1934), a Swiss missionary stationed for much of his career at Shiluvane in Limpopo Provinc . His collection of plants from there, the lowveld of Mpumalanga and parts of Mozambique, is an important early historical record of the flora of these areas. (PlantzAfrica) Author of Life of a South African Tribe. (Elsa Pooley)
    Anthericum junodii = Chlorophytum galpinii var. galpinii.

Juratzkaea (Stereophyllaceae): ???

Justicia (Acanthaceae): named after James Justice (1698-1763), a Scottish horticulturist and botanist of the eighteenth century.

Juttadinteria (Mesembryanthemaceae): named after Mrs. Helena Jutta Dinter (née Schilde), wife of German botanist and explorer Moritz Kurt Dinter.

juttae (Aloe, Chapmanolirion, Cissus, Cyphostemma, Hoodia, Stapelia): see Juttadinteria.
    Aloe juttae = Aloe microstigma ssp. microstigma.
    Chapmanolirion juttae = Pancratium tenuifolium.
    Stapelia juttae = Stapelia similis.

Kaempferia (Zingiberaceae): honors German physician Engelbert Kaempfer (1651-1716), traveller, naturalist, 1685-1693 East India Co., secretary of the Swedish embassy to Russia, and physician to the Count of Lippe. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

kaessneri (Asclepias, Gomphocarpus): after L.C.T. Kaesnner (fl. 1902-1910).
    Asclepias kaessneri = Gomphocarpus kaessneri.

Kamiesbergia (Amaryllidaceae): possibly referring to the Kamiesberg Mountains and not to a person.

karvinskianus (Erigeron): after German botanist Wilhelm Karvinsky.

kassneri (Anthericum, Ceropegia, Heteromorpha): after Theo Kassner, traveller and plant collector in Africa, author of My Journey from Rhodesia to Egypt (1911) and Gold Seeking in South Africa (1902).
    Anthericum kassneri = Trachyandra saltii.
    Ceropegia kassneri = Ceropegia purpurascens ssp. purpurascens.
    Heteromorpha kassneri = Heteromorpha involucrata.

kassnerianum (Cordylogyne, Periglossum): see kassneri.
    Cordylogyne kassnerianum = Periglossum mackenii.
    Periglossum kassnerianum = Periglossum mackenii.

katharinae (Clutia, Haemanthus, Scadoxus): named for Katharine Saunders (1824-1901), plant collector and botanical artist. (Elsa Pooley)
    Haemanthus katharinae = Scadoxus multiflorus ssp. katharinae.

Kaulfussia (Asteraceae): after German botanist Georg Friedrich Kaulfuss (1786-1830), author and professor of botany.

Keetia (Rubiaceae): honors the South African botanist and plant collector Dr. Johan Diederik Möhr Keet (1882-1967), former Director of Forestry.

keetii (Rhus, Searsia): see Keetia.
    Rhus keetii = Searsia keetii.

keisslerianum (Celidium): after German botanist and lichenologist Karl von Keissler (1872-1965).
    Celidium keisslerianum = Pseudocyphellaria crocata.

keithii (Aloe, Caralluma, Pachycymbium): after D.R. Keith (fl. 1937-1948) who first collected Pachycymbium keithii in Swaziland. (Elsa Pooley)
    Aloe keithii = Aloe parvibracteata.
    Caralluma keithii = Orbea carnosa ssp. keithii.
    Pachycymbium keithii = Orbea carnosa ssp. keithii.

keniae (Bryum, Rhodobryum): ???
    Bryum keniae = Rhodobryum keniae.

kennedyana (Huernia): collected by Hermias C. Kennedy (1922- ) in 1964 in the Cradock area of the East Cape and some sources say named to honor his wife..

Kensitia (Mesembryanthemaceae): commemorates the South African botanist Harriet Margaret Louisa Bolus (née Kensit) (1877-1970), daughter-in-law of Harry Bolus.

kerzneri (Brachystelma): ???

Kickxia (Scrophulariaceae): named after the Belgian botanist Jean Kickx (Sr.) (1775-1831), apothecary, professor of botany, pharmacy and minerology at a medical school in Brussels, and was the author of Flora bruxellensis, published in Brussels in 1812.

Kiggelaria (Flacourtiaceae): named after the Dutch botanist Francois (Franz) Kiggelaer (1648-1722?), traveller, plant collector, curator of Dutch plant collector Simon van Beaumont's garden (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names) and author of Horti Beaumontii Catalogus (1690), which listed Cape plants (Hugh Clarke)

Kindbergia (Brachytheciaceae): after Swedish bryologist Nils Conrad Kindberg (1832-1910).

kingesii (Eriocephalus, Pteronia): after German botanist and plant collector Heinrich Kinges
(1912- ).
    Pteronia kingess = Pteronia polygalifolia.

kingiana (Haworthia): after Haworthia collector Mrs. E.B. King (fl. 1937). (Eggli & Newton)

Kirkia (Simaroubaceae): named in honor of Sir John Kirk (1832-1922), a famous Scottish explorer and a naturalist, physician, keen botanist, companion to David Livingstone, and British administrator in Zanzibar. (PlantzAfrica and Wikipedia)

kirkii (Aristolochia, Bidens, Chlorophytum, Coreopsis, Crinum, Dicoma, Huernia, Landolphia, Lannea, Macledium, Rhus, Searsia, Synaptolepis, Tacazzea): see Kirkia.
    Aristolochia kirkii = Aristolochia albida.
    Chlorophytum kirkii = Chlorophytum comosum.
    Coreopsis kirkii = Bidens kirkii.
    Crinum kirkii = Crinum verdoorniae.
    Dicoma kirkii = Macledium kirkii.
    Lannea kirkii = Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii.
    Rhus kirkii = Searsia kirkii.
    Tacazzea kirkii = Tacazzea apiculata.

kirsteinianus (Senecio): ???
    Senecio kirsteinianus = Cineraria deltoidea.

kirstenii (Albuca): named after Kirsten Louw (1979-2005), a passionate and enthusiastic birder and naturalist, who discovered a new species of bulb, a striking yellow-flowered Albuca, near his family’s house on the Breede river. Kirsten died tragically at the age of 26 while completing his Ph.D. at the University of Cape Town. It is recorded in his obituary “It is entirely fair to say that at the time of his death, there were only a small handful of people with his combined expertise on the Cape’s flora and fauna.”   (Hugh Clarke)

Klattia (Iridaceae): honors the German botanist Friedrich Wilhelm Klatt (1825-1897), a high school teacher in Hamburg.

Kleinia (Asteraceae): the genus is named after the distinguished German scientist Dr. Jacob Theodor Klein (1685-1759), taxonomist, zoologist, botanical collector and member of the Royal Society of London. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

klinghardtianus (Senecio): ???
    Senecio klinghardtianus = Senecio sulcicalyx.

Klingia (Amaryllidaceae): honors Erich Kling (d. 1892), traveller, explorer, naturalist in West Africa, Army officer, and plant collector. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Kniphofia (Asphodelaceae): named for J.H. Kniphof (1704-1763), a professor of medicine at Erfurt University in Germany. (PlantzAfrica)

knobelii (Caralluma, Orbea, Orbeopsis, Stapelia): after Johann Christian Knobel (1879- ) who collected in South Africa with his brother.
    Caralluma knobelii = Orbea knobelii.
    Orbeopsis knobelii = Orbea knobelii.
    Stapelia knobelii = Orbea knobelii.

Knowltonia (Ranunculaceae): named in honor of horticulturist Thomas Knowlton (1691-1781), an English botanist and Curator of the Botanic Garden at Eltham. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

knuthii (Euphorbia): after German botanist Paul Knuth, author of a classic work on pollination. (Elsa Pooley)

Kobresia (Cyperaceae): named for the Austrian botanist Paul von Kobres (1747-1823), plant collector, patron and promoter of botany.

Kochia (Chenopodiaceae): honors the German botanist and physician Wilhelm Daniel Joseph Koch (1771-1849), professor of botany at Erlangen.

Koeleria (Poaceae): named for the German botanist and physician Georg Ludwig Koeler (1765-1807), pharmacologist and writer on grasses.

koelmaniorum (Haworthia): after South African schoolteacher and horticulturist Arthur Koelman (1915-1994) and his wife Maria M.J. Koelman (1917-1993). Mr. Koelman founded the Succulent Society of South Africa. (Eggli & Newton)

Kohautia (Rubiaceae): named after inventor and plant collector Francisci (Franz) Kohaut (?-1822).

kolbeana (Lichtensteinia): after Monsignor Friedrich Carl Kolbe (1854-1936), collected in South Africa and Zimbabwe.
    Lichtensteinia kolbeana = Lichtensteinia interrupta.

kolbei (Amphiglossa, Disparago): see kolbeana.

Kolleria (Aizoaceae): ???

Kosteletzkya (Malvaceae): honors the Czech botanist and physician Vincenz Franz Kosteletzky (1801-1887), professor of botany.

Kotschya (Fabaceae): dedicated to the Austrian botanist Carl (Karl) Georg Theodor Kotschy (1813-1866), traveller and plant collector, botanical explorer in the Orient, and Curator of the Herbarium of the Vienna Natural History Museum.

kotschyana (Leiocarya, Peristrophe, Vernonia): see Kotschya.
    Leiocarya kotschyana = Trichodesma zeylanicum.
    Peristrophe kotschyana = Peristrophe decorticans.
    Vernonia kotschyana = Baccharoides adoensis var. kotschyana.

kotschyi (Conyza): see Kotschya.
    Conyza kotschyi = Pentanema indicum.

kotzei (Xylotheca): after its collector in South Africa named P.L. Kotze (coll. c1921). (Aluka)
    Xylotheca kotzei = Xylotheca krausiiana.

kraeuseliana (Commiphora): possibly after Richard Oswald Karl Kräusel (Kraeusel) (1890-1966), German botanist.

krapohliana (Aloe): the name 'krapohliana' is derived from the first collector of the plant, H.J.C. Kraphol (fl. 1909), a land surveyor in RSA. (Eggli & Newton)

krausei (Commiphora): possibly for German botanist Kurt Krause (1883-1963).
    Commiphora krausei = Commiphora mollis.

Krauseola (Caryophyllaceae): named after the German botanist and physician Ernst Hans Ludwig Krause (1859-1942), batologist (person who studies brambles) and plant collector in West Africa.

Kraussia (Rubiaceae): honors the German botanist and traveller Christian Ferdinand Friedrich von Krausse (1812-1890), zoologist and plant collector in South Africa, associated with Stuttgart Natural History Museum. He came to the Cape in 1838; he did much plant collecting in Natal in 1839 and 1840. (Hugh Clarke in part)

kraussiana (Euphorbia, Gnidia, Jamesbrittenia, Tephrosia, Xylotheca): see Kraussia.

(Anthericum, Chlorophytum, Cnidium, Myrsiphyllum): see Kraussia.
    Anthericum kraussianum = Chlorophytum kraussianum.
    Cnidium kraussianum = Pimpinella caffra.
    Myrsiphyllum kraussianum = Asparagus kraussianus.

(Aponogeton, Asparagus, Tapinanthus): see Kraussia.
    Aponogeton kraussianus = Aponogeton desertorum.

kraussii (Aster, Agathaea, Aloe, Asplenium, Bartramia, Cussonia, Disparago, Doria, Erigeron, Ethulia, Gazania, Gerbera, Helichrysum, Hertia, Juncus, Justicia, Nidorella, Salacia, Scilla, Teucrium, Tripteris, Venidium, Vernonia, Webbia, Wurmbea): see Kraussia.
    Agathaea kraussii = Felicia aethiopica ssp. aethiopica.
    Aloe kraussii = Aloe ecklonis.
    Asplenium kraussii = Asplenium stoloniferum.
    Aster kraussii = Felicia aethiopica ssp. aethiopica.
    Bartramia kraussii = Bartramia compacta var. compacta.
    Cussonia kraussii = Cussonia spicata.
    Erigeron kraussii = Nidorella auriculata.
    Ethulia kraussii = Ethulia conyzoides ssp. kraussii.
    Gazania kraussii = Gazania linearis var. linearis.
    Gerbera kraussii = Gerbera ambigua.
    Justicia kraussii = Justicia protracta ssp. protracta.
    Nidorella kraussii = Nidorella auriculata.
    Tripteris kraussii = Tripteris aghillana var. integrifolia.
    Venidium kraussii = Arctotis kraussii.
    Vernonia kraussii - Hilliardiella oligocephala.
    Webbia kraussii = Conyza obscura.

Krebsia (Apocynaceae): honors the German apothecary and botanical collector Georg Ludwig Engelhard Krebs (1792-1844), naturalist at the Cape (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names) and apothecary who for more than 20 years collected South African fauna and flora material for the Natural History Museum, Berlin. (Hugh Clarke)

krebsiana (Asparagopsis, Gazania, Rhus, Searsia): see Krebsia.
    Rhus krebsiana = Searsia krebsiana.
    Asparagopsis krebsiana = Asparagus krebsianus.

krebsianum (Argyrolobium, Helichrysum): see Krebsia.

krebsianus (Asparagus, Protoasparagus): see Krebsia.
    Protoasparagus krebsianus = Asparagus krebsianus.

krebsii (Chironia, Peristrophe, Tecomaria, Wahlenbergia): see Krebsia.
    Peristrophe krebsii = Peristrophe cernua.
    Tecomaria krebsii = Tecoma capensis.

krigei (Nerine): after a certain J. Krige, its collector in 1932.

krookianum (Chlorophytum): see krookii.

krookii (Euryops, Helichrysum, Heteromma, Kniphofia, Nidorella, Pentheriella, Pimpinella): named for Swedish botanist and plant collector P. Krook (fl. 1894-1905).
    Kniphofia krookii = Kniphofia parviflora.
    Nidorella krookii = Nidorella resedifolia ssp. resedifolia.
    Pentheriella krookii = Heteromma krookii.

kulsii (Aspidoglossum): ???

kunthii (Anthericum): possibly after Karl (Carl) Sigismund Kunth (1788-1850).
    Anthericum kunthii = Trachyandra asperata.

kuntzei (Anisothrix, Berkheya, Berkheyopsis, Helichrysum, Heliotropium, Hertia, Senecio, Stachys): after German botanist Carl Ernst Otto Kuntz (1843-1907), author of the widely rejected Revisio Generum Plantarum (1891), which was the result of his analysis of some 7,700 specimens he collected on an around the world voyage 1874 to 1876. In 1886 he was in the Russian Near East, then in the Canary Islands from 1887 to 1888, and the results of these journeys were incorporated into the Revisio as well. In the early 1890's he visited most of the South American countries and in 1894 the southern African countries. Wikipedia says further that "His revolutionary ideas about botanic nomenclature created a conflict at the 2nd Congress of Botany, as a result of which the doors of the academic world were closed to him." (Wikipedia)
    Berkheya kuntzei = Berkheya discolor.
    Berkheyopsis kuntzei = Hirpicum echinus.
    Helichrysum kuntzei = Helichrysum melanacme.
    Heliotropium kuntzei = Heliotropium lineare.
    Hertia kuntzei = Senecio lydenburgensis.
    Senecio kuntzei = Senecio glaberrimus.

kurtdinteri (Selago): see Dintera.

Kyllinga (Cyperaceae): honors the Danish botanist Peder Kylling (c.1640-1696), apothecary and author.

Labourdonnaisia (Sapotaceae): named for the French Count Bertrand François Mahé de La Bourdonnais, Governor of Mauritius, and a patron of botany.

Lachenalia (Hyacinthaceae): commemorates the Swiss botanist Professor Werner de Lachenal (1739–1800) who was stationed at the University of Basel during the late 18th century. (PlantzAfrica)

Laggera (Asteraceae): after the Swiss physician and botanist Dr. Franz Josef Lagger (1802-1870).

lalandii (Hypericum): 1) after the French astronomer Joseph J. L. de Lalande (1732-1807) (Hugh Clarke), or 2) after French naturalist Pierre Delalande (1787-1823) (Elsa Pooley)

Lamarckia (Poaceae): named for the great French scientist Jean Baptiste Antoine Pierre de Monnet de Lamarck (1744-1829), biologist, naturalist, paleontologist, conchologist, botanist at the Jardin des Plantes in Paris, professor of zoology at the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, author of Flore françoise and Philosophie Zoologique.

lambii (Placopsis): almost certainly after Ivan Mackenzie Lamb (later Elke Mackenzie) (1911-1990), born London, graduated Edinburgh University, in 1935 appointed Assistant Keeper of the Department of Botany in the British Museum of Natural History, participated as a botanist on a secret British expedition to the Antarctic in 1943, lived in Argentina and Canada, became an authority on marine algae and Antarctic lichens, died of Lou Gehrig's disease.

lancasteri (Pachycymbium): after Alan Percy-Lancaster (1944-1995), South African amateur botanist and succulent plant enthusiast. (Egglie & Newton)
    Pachycymbium lancasteri = Orbea carnosa ssp. keithii.

Lancisia (Asteraceae): commemorates the Italian clinician Giovanni Maria Lancisi (1654-1720), professor of anatomy and medicine, epidemiologist, and physician to Popes Innocent XI, Innocent XII, and Clement XI. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Landolphia (Apocynaceae): named after Jean Francois Landolphe (1747-1825), commander of an expedition to the Niger delta.

Landtia (Asteraceae): named for Jergen Landt, author of A Description of the Faroe Islands.

langii (Berkheyopsis): collected by plant collector Herbert Lang (?-1957).
    Berkheyopsis langii = Hirpicum gorterioides ssp. gorterioides.

langii (Caralluma, Hoodia): ???
    Caralluma langii = Orbea knobelii.
    Hoodia langii = Hoodia gordonii.

lanzae (Anthericum): ???
    Anthericum lanzae = Trachyandra saltii var. saltii.

Lapeirousia (Iridaceae): dedicated to the French botanist and minerologist Philippe Picot de Lapeyrouse (Lapeirouse) Baron de Bazus (1744-1818), professor of natural history at Toulouse University.

Laportea (Urticaceae): possibly named for the English-born French naturalist François Louis Nompar de Caumat de Laporte Castelnau (1810-1880), entomologist, plant collector in Florida and South America, spent a couple of years at the Cape, then was French Consul in Australia.

Larochea (Crassulaceae): ???

Larryleachia (Apocynaceae): after Leslie Charles (Larry) Leach (1909-1996), British-born amateur botanist who moved to Rhodesia in 1938, collected in Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe, awarded the Harry Bolus Medal by the Botanical Society of South Africa, inter-
ested particularly in succulents such as Stapeliads, Euphorbias and Aloes.

lateganiae (Haworthia): for Mrs. J. Lategan (fl. 1937), farmer's wife in the Western Cape. (Eggli & Newton)
    Haworthia lateganiae = Haworthia scabra var. lateganiae.

Launaea (Asteraceae): named after French lawyer Jean Claude Mien Mordant de Launay (c.1750-1816), librarian at Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris, and editor and author of horticultural works. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, Elsa Pooley)

Laurembergia (Haloragaceae): named after the German botanist Peter Lauremberg (1585-1639).

Laurentia (Lobeliaceae): honors either the 17th century Italian physician and botanist Marco Antonio Laurenti, professor of medicine and philosophy at Bologna University, or the French botanist Jean Laurent.

laureri (Catinaria): ???

Lavatera (Malvaceae): named after the Lavater brothers, Johann Heinrich (1611-1691) and Johann Jacob? (1594-1636), Swiss physicians and naturalists.

lavisiae (Delosperma): after a certain Miss Lavis, a friend of Louisa Bolus. (Elsa Pooley)

lavrani (Bulbine): see Lavrania.

Lavrania (Apocynaceae): honors the Greek-born South African botanist and plant collector John J. Lavranos (1926- ). (Eggli & Newton)

leachii (Eulophia): named for Leslie Leach (1909- ), amateur botanist with a particular interest in succulents and txonomy. (Elsa Pooley)

lealii (Pachypodium): described and named by Friedrich Welwitsch after 19th century geologist Fernando da Costa Leal (fl. 1859-1860), Portuguese army officer, cartographer and administrator in Angola whose maps greatly assisted Welwitsch in his travels. The problem is that there were two men of the same name, an uncle and a nephew. The nephew was born in 1846, so the above reference must be for the uncle, but it's confusing because they both were administrators in Portuguese Africa and they travelled together.

Lebeckia (Fabaceae): genus named by Thunberg after a Mr. H.J. Lebeck, botanist, traveller and plant collector.

Lecomptedoxa (Sapotaceae): named after the French botanist Paul Henri Lemcomte (1856-1934).

Ledebouria (Hyacinthaceae): honors the German botanist Carl Friedrich von Ledebour (1785-1851), professor of botany, traveller and plant collector.

Ledermanniella (Podostemaceae): named for the Swiss horticulturist Carl Ludwig Ledermann (1875-1958), traveller and explorer, plant collector in West Africa.

ledermannii (Aristolochia, Trichodesma): see Ledermanniella.
    Aristolochia ledermannii = Aristolochia albida.
    Trichodesma ledermannii = Trichodesma ambacense ssp. hockii.

ledienii (Euphorbia): after Fr. Ledien (1859-1912), head gardener at the Dresden Botanical Garden.

leendertziae (Caralluma, Stapelia): after Dutch botanist Reino Leendertz (1869-1965), the first official botanist at employed at the Transvaal Museum. (Elsa Pooley)
    Caralluma leendertziae = Orbea melanantha.

Leersia (Poaceae): commemorates the German botanist and apothecary Johann Georg Daniel Leers (1727-1774).

Lefebvrea (Apiaceae): I am confused about this genus because W.P.U. Jackson in Origins and Meanings of Names of South African Plant Genera includes a genus spelled Lefeburea also in the Apiaceae honoring Louis F.H. LeFebure (c. 1754-1839). This individual, also listed as Louis F. Henri Lefebure with the same dates in the website of the Harvard University Herbarium, was a French botanist. And yet many online sources such as Flora of Zimbabwe, Flora of Mozambique, the POSA checklist, Tropicos and the Aluka website, and print sources such as Umbelliferae by C.C. Townsend all spell it Lefebvrea. I did find some reference on Tropicos to genus Lefeburea which it indicated had the correct name of Lefebvrea, so perhaps it was changed. I have also seen it spelled as Lefeburia, so this is very strange. I can't find any explanation for the change in spelling.

legatii (Rhus): after Charles Edward Legat (1876-?), Scottish-born Conservator of Forests in Pretoria, Transvaal, came to South Africa in 1898, became Chief Conservator of Forests for South Africa from 1913 to 1931. (Botanical Exploration of Southern Africa)
    Rhus legatii = Searsia chirindensis.

lehmannii (Encephalartos): this cycad is named in honor of Professor Johann Georg Christian Lehmann, a nineteenth century German botanist who described several cycad species in 1834 and established the genus Encephalartos (PlantzAfrica), and plant collector and director of the Hamburg Botanic Garden. (Hugh Clarke)

lehmanniana (Eragrostis): see lehmannii.

lehmannianus (Lobostemon): see lehmannii.
    Lobostemon lehmannianus = Lobostemon echioides.

leichtlinii (Haplocarpha): possibly for German plant collector and botanist Maximilian Leichtlin (1831-1910).
    Haplocarpha leichtlinii = Haplocarpha lyrata.

leightonii (Haworthia): for James Leighton (1855-1930), Scots-born horticulturist in South Africa. (Eggli & Newton)

Leipoldtia (Mesembryanthemaceae): commemorates the South African physician Christiaan Frederik Louis Leipoldt (1880-1947), poet and writer, editor of the South African News, traveller and plant collector especially of aloes and succulents.

leipoldtii (Babiana, Gemmaria, Helichrysum, Hessea, Periphanes, Strumaria): see Leipoldtia.
    Gemmaria leipoldtii = Strumaria leipoldtii.
    Helichrysum leipoldtii = Helichrysum cylindriflorum.
    Hessea leipoldtii = Strumaria leipoldtii.
    Periphanes leipoldtii = Strumaria leipoldtii.

leistneri (Dicliptera): after its collector Otto Albrecht Leistner (1931- ), an emigre at a young age from Germany, living first in Tanzania and Zimbabwe before settling in South Africa, worked at the Botanical Research Institute in Pretoria and at Kew, was Head of Publications and scientific editor of Bothalia, Flora of Southern Africa, Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa and later Strelitzia. Author of The Plant Ecology of the Southern Kalahari and Seed Plants of Southern Tropical Africa: Families and Genera.

lerouxiae (Trichogyne): after plant collector Annelise Le Roux (1950- ).

lesliei (Helichrysum): ???

Lespedeza (Fabaceae): named for patron of botany Vincente Manuel de Céspedes, Spanish Governor of Eastern Florida.

Lessertia (Fabaceae): the genus Lessertia is named after Jules Paul Benjamin de Lessert (1773-1847), a French industrialist, banker, amateur botanist, owner of an important private herbarium used by De Candolle and editor of the Icones selectae (1820-1846). (PlantzAfrica)

lessingii (Senecio): unknown, unless after the same individual whose name is on the genus Lessingia, German botanist Christian Friedrich Lessing (1809/10-1862).

Letestuella (Podostemaceae): named for French Colonial Administrator Georges Marie Patrice Charles Le Testu (1877-1967).

lettyae (Aloe): after plant collector Cythna Lindenberg Letty (1895-1985), taught school, studied nursing, worked as an artist, produced over 700 illustrations for Flowering Plants of Africa, and revised the genus Zantedeschia for Bothalia.
    Aloe lettyae = Aloe zebrina.

leubnitziae (Aerva, Arthraerua, Pechuel-Loeschea, Pluchea): after Elsbeth Leubnitz (fl. 1884-1885), wife of German professor of geography Eduard Pechuël-Loesche (Lösche) (1840-1913), who explored with him in Namibia.
    Aerva leubnitziae = Arthraerua leubnitziae.
    Pluchea leubnitziae = Pechuel-Loeschea leubnitziae.

levisanus (Leucadendron): after Dr Gwendoline Joyce Lewis (1909 –1967), professional botanist and talented illustrator; for many years curator of the S.A. Museum herbarium; a world authority on Iridaceae. (Hugh Clarke)

levyi (Huernia): named for a B. Levy (1896- ), American-born pharmaceutical chemist who resided in Rhodesia and collected there and in South Africa.

levynsae (Nestlera): see levynsiae.
    Nestlera levynsae = Rosenia oppositifolia.

levynsiae (Crassula, Nivenia, Selago): after botanist Dr. Margaret Rutherford Bryan Levyns née Michell (1890-1975), prominent phytogeographer, botanist and taxonomist, lecturer in the Botany Department at the University of Cape Town between c.1955 and 1970, published A Guide to the Flora of the Cape Peninsula in 1929. In 1923 she married John Levyns, later Assistant Provincial Secretary of the Cape Province who was on the council of the Botanical Society of South Africa.

lewisiae (Chlorophytum, Moraea, Muraltia, Psilocaulon, Thamnochortus): after South African botanist Gwendolyne Joyce Lewis (1909-1967), an authority on the Iridaceae, curator of the South African Museum Herbarium for 18 years before being transferred with the herbarium to Kirstenbosch. Her personal collection exceeded 8000 specimens from Cape Province.

Leysera (Asteraceae): named for the German botanist Friedrich Wilhelm von Leysser (1731-1815). (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Lichtensteinia (Apiaceae): named after the German zoologist and botanist Martin Heinrich Karl von Lichtenstein (1780-1857), naturalist, traveller, surgeon, director of the Zoological Garden in Berlin, author, botanical explorer in the Cape, and friend of Poleman (see Polemannia). (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

lichtensteinii (Gazania, Metalasia): see Lichtensteinia.

Lidbeckia (Asteraceae): honors the Swedish botanist Eric Gustav Lidbeck (1724-1803), professor of natural history. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Lightfootia (Campanulaceae): commemorates the British botanist Reverend John Lightfoot (1735-1788), conchologist and lichenologist, Fellow of the Royal Society, one of the original Fellows of the Linnaean Society, author of Flora scotica. There is also a genus Lightfootia in the Rubiaceae, but not in South Africa.

lindenbergiana (Setaria): after German botanist Johann Bernard Wilhelm Lindenberg (1781-1851). (CRC World Dictionary of Grasses)

lindenbergianus (Adelanthus): see lindenbergiana.

Lindernia (Scrophulariaceae): named for the German botanist, author and physician Franz Balthazar von Lindern (1682-1755).

lindleyana (Disperis): see lindleyanaum.

lindleyanum (Satyrium): after John Lindley (1799-1865), professor of botany at London University, specialist in orchid classification and plant systematics in general; author of numerous botanical and horticultural publications.
    Satyrium lindleyanum = Satyrium retusum.

lindleyi (Atriplex): see lindleyanum.

Lindneria (Hyacinthaceae): I have encountered references that say that this genus is named either after a Paul Lindner (1861-1945) or a Dr. E. Lindner, but David Hollombe has provided me with a source that gives a Mr. O. Lindner of Brussels as the individual honored with the name, probably Otto Lindner (1852-1915), German-born agent for Leopold II of Belgium.

Lindsaea (Dennstaedtiaceae): named for the Jamaican botanist John Lindsay (1785-1803), correspondent of Sir Joseph Banks and author.

linnaei (Gerbera): after Linnaeus or Carl von Linné (1707-1778), the renowned Swedish naturalist who introduced the binomial system for the naming of plants and animals; author of Species Plantarum (1753). (Hugh Clarke)

Linociera (Oleaceae): named for the 16th century French physician and botanist Geoffroy Linocier, author of Histoire des Plantes. [Now in genus Chionanthus]

Lintonia (Poaceae): named for a Mr. A. Linton, a plant collector in East Africa. David Hollombe sent me the following from Veterinary Medicine: A Guide to Historical Sources By Pamela Hunter: The type of Lintonia was collected at Nairobi, most likely by "Andrew Linton of Gilmanscleugh, Selkirk, agriculturalist in the late nineteenth century before appointment at the School of Agriculture in Cairo, He appears to have worked as Director of Agriculture at government farms in Nairobi and Naivasha in the East Africa Protectorate during the early 1900's. He also researched, wrote and corresponded about veterinary medicine and animal disease. Linton died in 1951."

Lippia (Verbenaceae): honors the French-born Italian naturalist Augustin Lippi (1678-1705), botanist, physician and traveller, botanical collector in Egypt, murdered in Abyssinia. The date of his death has been variously given as 1701, 1705 and 1709.

Littonia (Colchicaceae): dedicated to the Irish physician Samuel Litton (1781-1847), professor of botany at Dublin and librarian of the Royal Dublin Society.

loandae (Raphionacme): ???
Raphionacme loandae = Chlorocyathus monteiroae.

Lobelia (Lobeliaceae): named for the Flemish botanist Mathias de L'Obel (1538-1616), traveller, plant collector, physician to William, Prince of Orange, and botanist and physician to King James I of England.

Lochnera (Apocynaceae): named after the German botanist Michael Friedrich Lochner von Hummelstein (1662-1720), physician and writer. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

lockwoodii (Haworthia): after an S. Lockwood (fl. 1940), magistrate in the Western Cape. (Eggli & Newton)

Loddigesia (Fabaceae): honors the English botanist Conrad L. Loddiges (1738-1826), horticulturist, gardener and nurseryman, introduced many new American species to Great Britain.

loddigesianus (Cyrtanthus): see Loddigesia.

loddigesii (Zamioculcus): see Loddigesia.
    Zamioculcus loddigesii = Zamioculcus zamiifolia.

loeseneriana (Huernia): see Loeseneriella.

Loeseneriella (Celastraceae): named for the German botanist Ludwig Eduard Theodor Loesener (1865-1941).

Loethainia (Fabaceae): ???

loganii (Cotula): possibly for a plant collector named J.D. Logan (fl. 1933-1936).

longiana (Haworthia): see longii.

longii (Huernia, Orbea, Stapelia, Tridentea, Tromotriche): after Frank Reginald Long (1884-1961), British horticulturist, trained at Kew Gardens, became Superintendent of Government Plantations in Perak (Malaysia) and was in charge of the Hill Garden, Taiping (1908-1910), eventually settled in South Africa, appointed Director of the Departments of Parks, Beaches and Recreation, joined the South African Air Force during WWII and later was involved in building airports at Cape Town and elsewhere, had a herbarium named for him in Port Elizabeth.
    Stapelia longii = Orbea longii.
    Tridentea longii = Orbea longii.
    Tromotriche longii = Orbea longii.

Loudetia (Poaceae): possibly named for a certain Dr. Loudet, a German dentist?

louisabolusiae (Geissorhiza): after Harriet Margaret Louisa Bolus (1877-1970), daughter-in-law of Harry Bolus.

louwii (Bulbine): either after Dr. Wynand J. Louw (fl. 1975), botanist, herbarium curator and lecturer, or Piet Louw (fl. 1985), farmer. (Eggli & Newton)

lowryense (Anthericum): ???
    Anthericum lowryense = Trachyandra brachypoda.

luciae (Kalanchoe): this plant was first described in 1908 by French botanist and physician Raymond Hamet who named it after an acquaintance named Lucy Dufour. (Eggli & Newton)

Luckhoffia (Apocynaceae): commemorates the South African botanical artist Carl August Lückhoff (1914-1960), photographer, medical practitioner, naturalist, died Cape Town. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Lüderitzia (Malvaceae): after August Lüderitz ( (1838-1922), German merchant and collector who came to the Cape in 1884, younger brother of Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz. (Gunn & Codd)

Ludwigia (Onagraceae): named by Linnaeus for the German botanist and physician Christian Gottlieb Ludwig (1709-1773), a plant collector and professor of medicine at Leipzig, who went on an expedition to North Africa.

ludwigiana (Tulbaghia): see ludwigii.

ludwigii (Rubus): after Carl von Ludwig (1784-1847), German-born pharmacist and patron of the natural sciences who came to South Africa in 1805. (Elsa Pooley)

luederitziana (Cleome, Geigeria, Vernonia): after Franz Adolf Eduard Lüderitz (1834-1886), merchant and colonial pioneer, tobacco farmer and rancher, or his older brother August. Of the two of them, August was the plant collector, but Adolf reportedly sent acollection of specimens. (Gunn & Codd)
    Cleome luederitziana = Cleome foliosa var. foliosa.
    Geigeria luederitiziana = Geigeria ornativa.
    Vernonia luederitziana = Orbivestus cinerascens.

luederitzianum (Monelytrum): see luederitziana.

luederitzii (Acacia, Nesaea): see luederitziana.

lugardae (Ceropegia): after Mrs. E.J. Lugard.

lugardiae (Aptosimum, Crinum, Monadenium): after Mrs. E.J. Lugard.

lugardiana (Aloe): see lugardiae.
    Aloe lugardiana = Aloe zebrina.

lugardii (Angolluma, Barleria, Caralluma, Fockea, Habenaria, Hoodia, Nicholasia, Orbea, Pachycymbium, Sesamothamnus): its collecter was Maj. Edward James Lugard (1865-1944?), married Charlotte Eleanor Howard.
    Angolluma lugardii = Orbea lugardii.
    Caralluma lugardii = Orbea lugardii.
    Fockea lugardii = Orbea angustifolia.
    Hoodia lugardii = Hoodia currorii ssp. lugardii.
    Nicholasia lugardii = Nicholasia costata.
    Pachycymbium lugardii = Orbea lugardii.

lugardii (Angolluma, Tapinanthus): after Charlotte Eleanor Howard Lugard (1859-1939), botanical artist who collected and painted plants in Botswana. (Elsa Pooley)

lujae (Vernonia): after plant collector Pierre Edouard (or Edouard-Pierre) Luja (1875-1953).
    Vernonia lujae = Gymnanthemum myrianthum.

Lumnitzera (Combretaceae): honors the Hungarian botanist and physician István Lumnitzer (1750-1806).

lundgrenii (Anaxeton): collected by Swedish botanists Jan Lundgren (1941- ) and Rune Bertil Nordenstam (1936- ) in 1974 in the Cape Province. Jan Lundgren was the author of Revision of the Genus Anaxeton.

lutwychei (Richardia): after a Mr. S.G. Lutwyche of Kent who is said to have cultivated it in 1893 from a plant imported from Lale Nyanza. (Kew Bulletin, Aluka)
    Richardia lutwychei = Zantedeschia albomaculata ssp. albomaculata.

lutzeyeri (Capnophyllum): after plant collector Heiner Lutzeyer (fl. 1997), founder of the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve overlooking Walker Bay.

lutzii (Gasteria): one source says this is named for Brazilian naturalist Adolpho Lutz (1855-1940) (Encyclopédie des Cactus, Plantes Grasses et Succulentes).

lynchii (Gerbera): for Richard Irwin Lynch (1850-1924), English gardener and botanist, apprenticed with his father who was head gardener to the Earl of St. Germans, then went to Kew Gardens where he became Foreman of the Herbaceous Department and then Senior Foreman in the Tropical Department, appointed curator of the Cambridge Botanic Garden in 1879, author of The Book of the Iris, began the first crossing experiments with Gerbera jamesonii and other Gerbera species in 1890.
    Gerbera lynchii = Gerbera ambigua.

lynetteae (Asparagus, Protoasparagus): after Mrs. Lynette (Lyn) Fish (1946- ), South African botanist who worked at the Kwa-Zulu Natal Herbarium, has collected over most of South Africa, also Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, co-author of Grasses of South Africa for the Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa, 58 (1990), and was scientific editor of the SABONET report A Checklist of Angola Grasses (2004), specializes in the Poaceae. (Aluka)
    Protoasparagus lynetteae = Asparagus lynetteae.

Lysimachia (Primulaceae): named for Lysimachos, King of Thrace.

Macadamia (Proteaceae): named for the Australian chemist John Macadam (1827-1865).

macdougalii (Geigeria): after American botanist and plant collector Daniel Trembly MacDougal (1865-1958), pioneer plant physiologist, worked at the New York Botanical Garden, also Director of Botanical Research at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, D.C. until his retirement. He was "the leading American authority on desert ecology and one of the earliest botanists to research chlorophyll. He is also known as the inventor of the MacDougal dendrograph, an instrument used for recording changes in the volume of tree trunks." (New York Botanical Garden)
    Geigeria macdougalii = Geigeria alata.

Macfadyena (Bignoniaceae): after the Scottish botanist Dr. James Macfadyen (1798 [or 1800]-1850), physician, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, and author of the incomplete Flora of Jamaica. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Mackaya (Acanthaceae): named for the Scottish botanist and gardener James Townsend Mackay (1775-1862), first curator of the Trinity College Dublin Botanic Garden from 1804 until his death, and author of Flora Hibernica.

mackenii (Apodolirion, Asclepias, Berkheya, Cyrtanthus, Eriospermum, Gomphocarpus, Haemanthus, Oeceoclades, Pachycarpus, Peponium, Periglossum, Stobaea): the species name 'mackenii' honors Mark J. McKen (1823-1872), a pioneer collector in KwaZulu-Natal who became the first curator of the Durban Botanic Garden in 1851. (PlantzAfrica)
    Apodolirion mackenii = Apodolirion buchananii.
    Asclepias mackenii = Pachycarpus mackenii.
    Gomphocarpus mackenii = Pachycarpus mackenii.
    Haemanthus mackenii = Haemanthus deformis.
    Stobaea mackenii = Berkheya mackenii.

macloughlinii (Orbea, Stapelia): after Alfred McLoughlin (1886-1960), who worked particularly on orchids and succulents. (Elsa Pooley)
    Stapelia macloughlinii = Orbea macloughlinii.

Maclura (Moraceae): honors the Scottish-born North American geologist William Maclure (1763-1840), agriculturist, traveller, one of the founders and then President of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.

macmasteri (Ceropegia, Cyrtanthus): named after the amateur botanist, sheep breeding authority and bulb grower Cameron McMaster for his invaluable contributions to the Eastern Cape flora. Cameron McMaster did the follow-up work to locate where the Cyrtanthus grew and obtained specimens, so the necessary documentation could be done for verifying and naming this rarely seen species.

Macowania (Asteraceae): see macowanii.

macowaniana (Bartramia, Heliophila): see macowanii.
    Bartramia macowaniana = Bartramia compacta var. macowaniana.

macowanianum (Platyhypnidium): see macowanii.

macowanii (Alepidea, Aloe, Anthericum, Apodolirion, Asparagus, Buxella, Buxus, Crinum, Cyrtanthus, Gomphocarpus, Isoglossa, Kniphofia, Leucadendron, Merxmuellera, Notobuxus, Protoasparagus, Rhus, Schizoglossum, Senecio, Stapelia, Tritoma): the species name 'macowanii' honors Dr. Peter MacOwan (1830-1909), one of the first professors of botany in Cape Town, Director of the Cape Town Botanic Gardens, later Professor of Botany at the South African College, and Government Botanist in charge of the Herbarium until 1905. He collected a specimen of Leucadendron macowanii in the Wynberg area in the southwestern Cape around 1883.
    Aloe macowanii = Aloe striatula var. striatula.
    Anthericum macowanii = Trachyandra asperata var. macowanii.
    Buxella macowanii = Buxus macowanii.
    Gomphocarpus macowanii = Stapelia grandiflora.
    Kniphofia macowanii = Kniphofia triangularis ssp. triangularis.
    Notobuxus macowanii = Buxus macowanii.
    Protoasparagus macowanii = Asparagus macowanii.
    Rhus macowanii = Searsia rehmannii var. glabrata.
    Schizoglossum macowanii = Aspidoglossum grandiflorum.
    Stapelia macowanii no=w Stapelia grandiflora.
    Tritoma macowanii = Kniphofia triangularis ssp. triangularis.

magna (Alberta): one species, 'magna,' in honor of Albertus Magnus, whose real name was Graf von Bollstädt, a famous German philosopher or theologian who lived between the 12th and 13th century and wrote De vegetabilus, a botanical work in seven volumes. (PlantzAfrica)

Mahernia (Malvaceae): an inexact anagram of Hermannia (see Hermannia).

Mairia (Asteraceae) = after a Prussian collector, Herr Maire, a companion of J.L. Leopold Mund who was sent by the Prussian government to the Cape about 1816. cf. mund(t)ii (Hugh Clarke)

Mannia (Simaroubaceae): named for the German botanist Gustav Mann (1836-1916), Kew gardener, plant collector, botanical explorer, 1863-1891 Indian Forest Service, 1859-1862 on William Balfour Baikie's Niger expedition.

mannii (Cyathula): see Mannia ???
    Cyathulea mannii = Cyathula cylindrica var. cylindrica.

manningiana (Villarsia): after Dr. John Manning, a botanist at the Compton Herbarium, South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), Cape Town, world authority on the Iris and Hyacinth families, and prolific author of popular and scientific papers and wildflower field guides. (Hugh Clarke)

manningii (Scaraboides): see manningiana.

maraisiana (Heliophila): see maraisii.

maraisii (Haworthia): after a Wessel R.B. Marais (1929- ).

Marattia (Marattiaceae): named for the Italian botanist Giovanni Francesco Maratti (1723-1777), clergyman and professor at Rome University.

Marchantia (Marchantiaceae): ???

mariae (Asparagus, Cotula, Protoasparagus): ???
    Protoasparagus mariae = Asparagus mariae.

marincowitzii (Nerine): "The specific epithet honors C. P. Marincowitz of the farm Kleinsleutelfontein, Koup Karoo, whose original knowledge and appreciation of this remarkable species led to its identification as new." (Botanicus Vol. 5 Number 1, 1995)

margaretae (Trachyandra): collected by E.E. Galpin in 1889, no information on who it's named for.

margaretae (Dymondia): one source says that this was first collected in 1933 by a Margaret Elizabeth Dryden-Dymond (1909-1952), noted South African horticulturalist.

margarethae (Anacampseros): possibly the same as the following entry.

margarethae (Bulbine): after Mrs. Margaretha Wiese (1923- ), succulent plant grower. (Eggli & Newton)

marklund (Taraxacum): ???

marincowitzii (Nerine): after C.P. Marincowitz

Markhamia (Bignoniaceae): named for the British traveller Sir Clements Robert Markham, botanist, geographer, explorer, plant collector, 1844-1851 in the Royal Navy, president of the Royal Geographical Society and introducer of Cinchona into India, fellow of the Linnaean Society, fellow of the Royal Society, played an active role in preparations for Scott's Discovery voyage 1901-1904 and the expedition of 1910-1912.

Marlothia (Rhamnaceae): named for the South African botanist Hermann Wilhelm Rudolf Marloth (1855-1931), pharmacist, chemist, botanical explorer and plant collector.

marlothiana (Calostephane, Dicoma, Emilia, Impatiens, Melanthera, Pteronia): see Marlothia.
    Impatiens marlothiana = Impatiens hochstetteri ssp. hochstetteri.
    Melanthera marlothiana = Melanthera triternata.
    Pteronia marlothiana = Eremothamnus marlothianus.

marlothianum (Helichrysum): see Marlothia.

marlothianus (Eremothamnus, Senecio): see Marlothia.
    Senecio marlothianus = Emilia marlothiana.

marlothii (Aloe, Annesorhiza, Aptosimum, Asplenium, Barleria, Brunia, Caralluma, Chlorophytum, Commiphora, Cycloptychis, Dicliptera, Dinteracanthus, Dipcadi, Euryops, Heliophila, Helipterum, Larryleachia, Lavrania, Lobostemon, Megalochlamys, Polemannia, Quaqua, Rhus, Ruellia, Searsia, Sisymbrium, Stapelia, Syncarpha, Trichocaulon): see Marlothia.
    Annesorhiza marlothii = Annesorhiza lateriflora.
    Asplenium marlothii = Asplenium adiantum-nigrum var. adiantum-nigrum.
    Barleria marlothii = Barleria damarensis.
    Brunia marlothii = Brunia macrocephala.
    Caralluma marlothii = Quaqua marlothii.
    Chlorophytum marlothii = Chlorophytum namaquense.
    Cycloptichis marlothii = Heliophila hurkana.
    Dicliptera marlothii = Megalochlamys marlothii.
    Dicoma marlothiana = Dicoma nachtigallii.
    Dinteracanthus marlothii = Ruellia diversifolia.
    Heliophila marlothii = seselifolia var. marlothii.
    Helipterum marlothii = Syncarpha marlothii.
    Lavrania marlothii = Larryleachia marlothii.
    Polemannia marlothii = Polemanniopsis marlothii.
    Rhus marlothii = Searsia marlothii.
    Ruellia marlothii = Ruellia diversifolia.
    Sisymbrium marlothii = Sisymbrium capense.
    Stapelia marlothii = Stapelia gigantea.
    Trichocaulon marlothii = Larryleachia marlothii.

Marlothistella (Mesembryanthemaceae): see Marlothia.

Marsdenia (Apocynaceae): named for the Irish-born British traveller and plant collector William Marsden (1754-1836), numismatist, British East India Co.

marshalli (Aloe): ???
    Aloe marshalli = Aloe kniphofioides.

Marsilea (Marsileaceae): honors the noted Italian botanist and naturalist Luigi Ferdinando Marsili (Marsigli) (1658-1730), mycologist, traveller, Fellow of the Royal Society.

Martynia (Pedaliaceae): commemorates London physician and botanist John Martyn (1699-1768), professor of botany at Cambridge, Fellow of the Royal Society, founded the Botanical Society of London.

martleyi (Gladiolus): after J.F. Martley, a bulb-grower who, inter alia, found a new Gladiolus at Banhoek, Stellenbosch in 1932 which he brought to the attention of Kirstenbosch botanists. (Hugh Clarke)

marxii (Haworthia): after botanical artist Gerhard Marx, grower of Haworthias and other succulent plants.

masoniorum/masonorum (Crocosmia, Nerine): the species is named in honor of the Edwardian artist, Marianne Mason and her brother Edward Mason, of St. Bede's College in Umtata, who collected the species in 1911. Plants were cultivated at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden the following year from corms brought to Britain by Marianne Mason. (PlantzAfrica)

Massonia (Hyacinthaceae): dedicated to British gardener Francis Masson (1741-1805), plant collector for Kew Gardens, traveller to the Cape, Canary Islands and Azores, West Indies, North America and North Africa. Explored with Thunberg, sent specimens to Joseph Banks, Fellow of the Linnaean Society.

massoniana (Thamnea): see Massonia.

massoniella (Strumaria): see Massonia.

massoni (Cullumia): collected by F. Masson in South Africa, probably the above-mentioned Francis Masson.

massonii (Microloma, Metalasia): see Massonia.
    Microloma massonii = Microloma armatum var. armatum.

Mastersiella (Restionaceae): dedicated to the English botanist and physician Maxwell Tylden Masters (1833-1907), Fellow of the Linnaean and Royal Societies, and restio specialist at Kew Botanical Gardens for the latter half of the 19th century (Hugh Clarke in part)

mathewsii (Dewinterella, Gemmaria, Hessea, Lachenalia): the species is named after Mr. Joseph William Mathews (1871-1949), the first Curator of Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden.
    Dewinterella mathewsii = Hessea mathewsii.
    Gemmaria mathewsii = Hessea mathewsii.

Matthiola (Brassicaceae): named for the Italian botanist and herbalist Pietro Andrea Gregorio Mattioli (c.1500/1501-1577), physician to Maximilian II and to Ferdinand I of Austria.

maudiae (Bolusiella): ???

Maughaniella (Mesembryanthemaceae): apparently named for a certain Dr. H. Maughan Brown.

maughamii (Balanites): named in honor of Reginald Charles Fulke Maugham (1866- ?), the British Consul at Lourenco Marques (now Maputu), who sent specimens of this tree to Kew in 1911. (PlantzAfrica)

maughanii (Caralluma, Haworthia, Pectinaria): named for Dr. Herbert Maughan Brown (fl. late 1920's-1930's), South African physician and plant collector. (Eggli & Newton)
    Caralluma maughanii = Pectinaria maughanii.
    Haworthia maughanii = Haworthia truncata var. maughanii.

Mauhlia (Agapanthaceae): named for a patriotic Swede and zealous promoter of natural science named Mauhle.

mauricei (Senecio): ???

Maurocenia (Celastraceae): according to the CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names, "presumably honoring the Venetian Senator G.F. Morosini (1658-1739), a patron of botany."

maxii (Sutera, Polycarena): after Max Schlecter (1874-1960), brother of Friedrich Richard Rudolf Schlecter, who came to the Cape with his brother in the 1890's and accompanied him on collecting trips, had a trading business and a good collection of succulent plants, mostly mesembs.

maximilianii (Heliophila): ???
    Heliophila maximilianii = Heliophila arenaria var. arenaria.

maxwellii (Delosperma, Ruschia): after Maxwell Bolus (1890-1956), son of Hermann Harry Bolus and grandson of Harry Bolus.

maydae (Senecio): ???

mclarenii (Haworthia): ???
    Haworthia mclarenii = Haworthia mucronata var. mucronata.

mcmurtryi (Haworthia): after plant collector Douglas M. McMurtry (fl. 1984), curator of the Municipal Botanic Garden, Johannesburg, author of Field Guide to the Orchids of Northern South Africa and Swaziland.
    Haworthia mcmurtryi = Haworthia koelmaniorum var. mcmurtryi.

mearnsii (Acacia): after Edward Alexander Mearns (1856-1916), U.S. army surgeon, ornithologist, field naturalist and plant collector, mainly in Kenya and elsewhere (Hugh Clarke)

medley-woodii (Senecio): see woodii.

meeuseana (Barleria): after Dutch botanist Adrianus Dirk Jacob Meeuse (1914- ).

meintjesii (Decabelone, Stapelia, Tavaresia): this could be a place name (Meintjes Kop in Pretoria), or a personal name. According to Eggli & Newton, there is a C.C.C. Meintjes (fl. early 1960's) who was a South African architect interested in succulents who is also commemorated with Stapelia meintjesii, but I don't know if that's who D. meintjesii is named for, although it would seem likely to be the case.
    Decabelone meintjesii = Tavaresia meintjesii.

melleri (Linzia, Vernonia): after botanist/naturalist and plant collector Dr. Charles James Meller (c. 1836-1869), surgeon on David Livingstone's East Africa expedition.
    Vernonia melleri = Linzia melleri.

Melpomene (Grammitidaceae): in mythology, Melpomene was a songstress and the muse of tragedy. She was the daughter of Zeus and her sisters included Calliope (muse of poetry), Clio (muse of history), Euterpe (muse of flute playing), Terpsichore (muse of dancing), Erato (muse of erotic poetry), Thalia (muse of comedy), Polyhymnia (muse of hymns), and Urania (muse of astronomy).

mendoncae (Xylopia): collected by Portuguese botanist and explorer Francisco de Ascencão Mendonça (1889-1982), made botanical studies of the flora of Angola and Mozambique. Judging by the name ending it commemorates a woman but I have been unable to discover who that was.
    Xylopia mendoncae = Xylopia tomentosa.

mennellii (Piaranthus): ???
    Piaranthus mennellii = Piaranthus geminatus ssp. decorus.

Merciera (Campanulaceae): Alphonse De Candolle named the genus in honor of the French botanist Phillip Mercier in 1830. (PlantzAfrica)

Mercurialis (Euphorbiaceae): presumably for the god Mercury.

merenskyanus (Cryptostephanus): ???
    Cryptostephanus merenskyanus = Cyrtanthus herrei.

meriana (Watsonia): after Sybella Merian, a Dutch painter of flowers. (Hugh Clarke)

merkeri (Commiphora): possibly after plant collector Moritz Merker (fl. 1901-1904), German scholar and military commander.
    Commiphora merkeri = Commiphora viminea.

Merremia (Convolvulaceae): honors the German naturalist and botanist Basius Merrem (1761-1824), mathematician and professor of political economy at Marburg.

Merwilla (Hyacinthaceae): this genus has been named after F. van der Merwe, a botanist who worked on this family. (PlantzAfrica)

Merxmuellera (Poaceae): refers to the German botanist Hermann Merxmüller (1920-1988). Professor of botany at the University of Munich, also Director of the Muncih Botanical Gardens, conducted many expeditions to Africa, and discovered more than 100 new species of flowers. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

merxmuelleri (Arctotis, Barleria, Eriocephalus, Felicia, Ursinia): see Merxmuellera.
    Arctotis merxmuelleri = Arctotis decurrens.

merxmuelleriana (Gemmaria, Strumaria): see Merxmuellera.
    Gemmaria merxmuelleriana = Strumaria merxmuelleriana.

mettinghi (Bulbine): ???
    Bulbine mettinghi = Bubine asphodeloides.

Metzgeria (Metzgeriaceae): perhaps after landscape architect Johann Christian Metzger (1789-
1852), former director of the Heidelberg Botanical Garden

Metzleria (Dicranaceae): After Giseke-Metzler, professor of natural history in England around 1813. Alternate spelling used by the author was Mezleria. (W.P.U. Jackson)

meyeri (Aloe, Cheiridopsis, Conophytum, Lithops, Mesembryanthemum, Meyerophytum, Stomatium): for Louis G. Meyer (1867-1958), German clergyman, explorer, and plant and insect collector in South Africa. (Eggli & Newton)

meyeri (Ceropegia, Crassula, Cynanchum, Hibiscus, Tragia): after German professor and botanist Ernst Heinrich Friedrich Meyer (1791-1858) whose herbarium of 24,000 specimens was largely destroyed during World War II bombing. (Elsa Pooley)

meyeri (Heliophila): ???

meyeriana (Barleria): see meyeri (Ceropegia et. al.).

meyeriana (Asclepias, Salicornia): ???

meyerianum (Brachystelma): see meyeri (Ceropegia et. al.).

meyerianus (Gomphocarpus): see meyeri (Ceropegia et. al.).
    Gomphocarpus meyerianus = Asclepias meyeriana.

Meyerophytum (Mesembryanthemaceae): see meyeri (Aloe et. al.)

Mielichhoferia (Mniaceae): named for the Austrian botanist Mathias Mielichhofer (1772-1847).

Mikania (Asteraceae): named after the Bohemian botanist and professor of botany at Prague Joseph Gottfried Mikans (1743-1814). (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

mikaniae (Senecio): ???

milfordiae (Helichrysum): after Mrs. Helen Milford, who first collected the plant. (Elsa Pooley)

Milicia (Moraceae): named for a certain Mr. Milicia, an administrator in Mozambique.

millari (Diaphananthe): after Harold Millar who discovered this species in the early 1900's. (Elsa Pooley)

milleri (Helichrysum, Rhus, Searsia): after Major Oliphant Bell Miller (1882-1966), fought in the Boer War, collected in South Africa, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
    Rhus milleri = Searsia megalismontana var. megalismontana.

milleriana (Berkheya): named by H. Bolus to honor Allister Miller, a resident of Dalriach, who assisted Bolus on his collecting trip and had a keen interest in the flora of Swaziland.

Millettia (Fabaceae): named after Charles Millet of the East India Company in Canton, China (1792-1873).

mirkinii (Pectinaria): according to Egglie & Newton, named after a certain plant collector named Mirkin (fl. 1939) and Aluka has a specimen record for this taxon having been collected by an L. Mirkin with no date.
    Pectinaria mirkinii = Ophionella arcuata ssp. mirkinii.

Moenchia (Caryophyllaceae): dedicated to the German botanist and pharmacist Conrad Moench (1744-1805), chemist, professor of botany at the Collegium Medicum Carolinianum at Kessel, and founder of the Marburg Botanic Garden.

moeserianum (Helichrysum): ???

Moesslera (Bruniaceae): ???

Mohria (Anemiaceae): honors the German botanist Daniel Matthias Heinrich Mohr (1780-1808), professor of philosophy at Kiel, plant collector and author. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Monniera (Scrophulariaceae): ???

monroi (Dyschoriste, Kanahia): after its collector Claude Frederick Hugh Monro (1863-1918), author of Some Indigenous Trees of Southern Rhodesia, also two papers on the grasses of Rhodesia.
    Kanahia monroi = Kanahia laniflora.

Monsonia (Geraniaceae): named for Lady Ann Monson (née Vane) (1714-1776), great-granddaughter of Charles II, botanical collector at the Cape and in Bengal, and correspondent of Linnaeus.

Montanoa (Asteraceae): after Luis Montana, a Mexican politician, physician and amateur botanist in the 1800's. (Elsa Pooley)

Montbretia (Iridaceae): named for the French botanist Antoine François Ernest Coquebert de Montbret (1781-1801), with Napoleon in Egypt 1798.

monteiroae (Artabotrys, Ceropegia, Chlorocyathus, Cryptolepis, Raphionacme, Stomatostemma): collected in 1876 by Joaquim John Monteiro (1833-1878) in Mozambique and named in honor of Mrs. Rose Monteiro (1840-1897), botanist and plant collector, and presumably his wife.
    Ceropegia monteiroae = Ceropegia sandersonii.
    Cryptolepis monteiroae = Stomatostemma monteiroae.
    Raphionacme monteiroae = Chlorocyanthus monteiroae.

Montinia (Montiniaceae): honors the Swedish botanist and physician Lars Jonasson Montin (1723-1785), botanical collector and pupil of Linnaeus.

mooreanus (Senecio): ???

moorei (Crinum): Crinum moorei was described by 19th century botanist, Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker, while he was director of the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew in London. According to Verdoorn (1961) his description was based on plants grown by Dr. David Moore (1838-1879), after whom he named it. Dr. Moore, director of the Glasnevin Botanical Gardens in Dublin, received the seed from a British soldier named Webb who collected it in KwaZulu-Natal during the 1860's. (PlantzAfrica) "David Moore's contribution to the Gardens, to its plant collections and to its reputation nationally and internationally is unsurpassed. His interests and abilities were wide ranging; he had studied the flora of Antrim and Derry, fungi, algae, lichens, bryophytes, ferns and flowering plants, before taking up his post at Glasnevin. While at Glasnevin he developed links with Botanic Gardens in Britain, in Europe and in Australia (his brother Charles became Director at Sydney). Moore used the great interest in plants that existed among the estate owners and owners of large gardens in Ireland to expand trial grounds for rare plants not expected to thrive at Glasnevin. The collections at Kilmacurragh, Headford and Fota, for example, attest to this. It was David Moore who first noted potato blight in Ireland at Glasnevin on 20th August 1845 and predicted that the impact on the potato crop would lead to famine in Ireland. He continued to investigate the cause of the blight and correctly identified it as a fungus but narrowly missed finding a remedy. David Moore was succeeded by his son Frederick, who was made Curator at the age of twenty-two. Some of the gardening establishment figures of the day were sceptical that such a young man would be up to the job. Frederick Moore soon justified his appointment and went on to establish Glasnevin as one of the great gardens of the world. In due course he was knighted for his services to horticulture." (website of Glasnevin Botanical Garden)

mooreiana (Pteronia): ???

Moquinia (Loranthaceae): named for the French botanist Christian Horace Bénédict Alfred Moquin-Tandon (1804-1863), naturalist, pupil of A.P. de Candolle, Director of the Botanic Garden of Toulouse 1834-1853, professor of botany at the Faculté de Médecine at Paris, and one of the founders of the Société Botanique de France.

Moquiniella (Loranthaceae): see Moquinia.

Moraea (Iridaceae): the name Morea was originally intended by Philip Miller to commemorate the British amateur botanist and natural historian Robert More (1703-1780), traveller, friend of Linnaeus, and Fellow of the Royal Society of London, but apparently he changed the name to honor Dr. Johan Moraeus, the town physician of Falun and father of Sara Elizabeth Moraea, wife of Linnaeus.

morrisiae (Haworthia): after Mrs. G. Morris (fl. 1937), mother of South African botanist Mrs. Doreen Court. (Eggli & Newton)
    Haworthia morrisiae = Haworthia scabra var. morrisiae.

mortonius (Gladiolus): named after a certain Mr. Morton who sent plants of this species to Great Britain. (www.safricanbulbs.org)

Mossia (Mesembryanthemaceae): honors the British botanist Charles Edward Moss (1870-1930), Curator of the Cambridge Herbarium, professor of botany at the South African School of Mines and Technology which later became the University of Witwatersrand, plant collector and botanical explorer, Fellow of the Linnaean Society, died in South Africa.

mossianus (Orthosiphon): see mossii.
Orthosiphon mossianus = Syncolostemon canescens.

mossii (Lepidium): see mossii.

mossii (Stoebe): ???
    Stoebe mossii = Stoebe capitata.

mostertii (Ixia): named after Louis Mostert, a keen and interested landowner in the Wolseley area. (PlantzAfrica)

muelleri (Atriplex): possibly named for an F.W. Mueller about whom I have no information.

muellerianum (Archidium): after Baron Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller (1825-1896), a German-Australian physician, geographer and botanist, Government Botanist for Victoria, established the National Herbarium of Victoria, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Melbourne, and was the author of the two-volume Plants of Victoria and the eleven-volume Fragmenta phytographica Australiae. He was decorated by many countries and knighted in 1879. (Wikipedia)

Muiria (Mesembryanthemaceae): see muirii.

muirii (Aloe, Eroeda, Euryops, Lobostemon, Lysichlamys, Oedera, Salvia, Senecio, Stoebe): the first collection of plants of Salvia muirii was made in 1915 by Scottish naturalist and physician Dr. John Muir (1874-1947), an enthusiastic plant collector who lived in the southern Cape and who contributed greatly to our knowledge of the plants of this area. (PlantzAfrica)
    Aloe muirii = Aloe lineata var. muirii.
    Eroeda muirii = Oedera laevis.
    Lysichlamys muirii = Euryops muirii.
    Oedera muirii = Oedera laevis.

Mundia (Polygalacaee): honors Johannes Ludwig Leopold Mund (1791-1831), a Prussian pharmacist and plant collector who arrived in the Cape in 1815. [Now in genus Nylandtia]

mundii (Bupleurum, Scolopia, Thaminophyllum): see Mundia.

mundtii (Athanasia, Helichrysum): after Johannes Mundt (1791-1831), Prussian pharmacist, botanist and land surveyor. (Elsa Pooley)
    Athanasia mundtii = Athanasia quinquedentata ssp. quinquedentata.

mundtii (Bryum): ???
Bryum mundtii = Bryum canariense.

munroi (Gazania): after entomologist and plant collector Hugh Kenneth Munro (1894-1973 or 1986).

Muraltia (Polygalaceae): named for the Swiss surgeon and botanist Johannes von Muralt (1645-1733), anatomist, professor of medicine at Zürich.

Murdannia (Commelinaceae): honors the Indian plant collector Murdann Ali (Aly), keeper of the Herbarium at Saharanpur Botanic Garden and expert on Himalayan flora.

naegelsbachii (Blepharis): According to the Aluka website, its collector was named Naegelsbach, and the Harvard University Herbarium Index of Botanists lists an E. Naegelsbach with no dates.
    Blepharis naegelsbachii = Blepharis obmitrata.

nebrownii (Caralluma, Piaranthus): named for Nicholas Edward Brown (1849-1934), a taxonomist based at Kew Herbarium. "Nicholas Edward Brown was an English plant taxonomist and authority on succulents, Asclepiadaceae, Mesembryanthemaceae, Labiatae and Cape plants. He started work as an assistant in the Herbarium at Kew in 1873, and was Assistant Keeper from 1909-1914. His drawings of succulent plants were made in connection with his revision of the genus Mesembryanthemum, which appeared in 1931, and are accompanied by detailed annotations. He was the author of important works on plant taxonomy particularly succulent plants. He was awarded the Capt. Scott Memorial Medal by the South African Biological Society in recognition of his work on South African flora, and in 1932 an honorary D.Sc. was conferred on him by the University of the Witwatersrand. His publications appeared mainly in the Kew Bull. and in Flora Capensis." (Wikipedia)
    Caralluma nebrownii = Orbea lutea ssp. vaga.
    Piaranthus nebrownii = Piaranthus geminatus ssp. decorus.

Neesenbeckia (Cyperaceae): named for the German botanist and physician Christian Gottfried Nees von Esenbeck (1776-1858), professor of botany and botanical collector, who described about 7,000 plant species, almost as many as Linnaeus; his special interest was fungi. (Hugh Clarke in part)

neesii (Charieis, Elegia, Hypodiscus): see Neesenbeckia.
    Charieis neesii = Felicia heterophylla.

neesii (Brachymenium): ???

Negria (Gesneriaceae): named for the Italian geographer and politician Cristoforo Negri (1809-1896).

Nelia (Mesembryanthemaceae): named after the South African botanist Gert Cornelius Nel (1885-1950), plant collector and cactus specialist, professor of botany at Stellenbosch University 1921-1950.

nelsii (Asparagus, Protoasparagus): the Harvard University Herbaria website lists an L. Nels who collected in South West Africa around 1890, but I have no information that confirms that this is the derivation here.
    Protoasparagus nelsii = Asparagus nelsii.

Nelsonia (Acanthaceae): named for David Nelson, botanist on the infamous voyage of Captain Bligh's Bounty, a gardener at Kew Gardens who was employed by Joseph Banks to collect specimens. He was also an assistant botanist on Captain Cook's third and last voyage 1776-1780.

nelsonii (Albuca): after British nurseryman William Nelson (1852-1922), possibly the same as the following, although Eggli & Newton give a David Nelson, British gardener visiting the Cape, as the derivation of this name (see previous entry).

nelsonii (Gnaphalium, Haemanthus, Heliotropium): after a W.C. Nelson (fl. 1897-1898). (Aluka)
    Haemanthus nelsonii = Haemanthus humilis ssp. humilis.

nelsonii (Tritonia): after an N. Nelson. (Botanical Names and their Meanings)

nelsonii (Kniphofia): ???
    Kniphofia nelsonii = Kniphofia triangularis ssp. triangularis.

Neobakeria (Hyacinthaceae): named for the British botanist John Gilbert Baker (1834-1920), botanical collector at the Herbarium of Kew Gardens, Fellow of the Royal and Linnaean Societies.

Neoboivinella (Sapotaceae): honors the French botanist Louis Hyacinthe Boivin (1808-1852), traveller and plant collector.

Neobolusia (Orchidaceae): see Bolusanthus.

Neodregia (Colchicaceae): after C. F. Drège, an apothecary and plant collector in the area around Port Elizabeth.

Neohenricia (Mesembryanthemaceae): named for the Swiss plant physiologist Marguerite Gertrude Anna Henrici (1892-1971), plant collector.

Neoluederitzia (Zygophyllaceae): named for Franz Adolph Eduard Lüderitz (1834-1896), brother of botanical collector August Lüderitz. (Gunn & Codd)

Neomuellera (Lamiaceae): named for the Swiss botanist Jean Mueller (1828-1896), Curator of the Candolle herbarium 1851-1869, Curator of the B. Delessert herbarium 1869-1896, Director of the Genève Botanic Garden, professor of botany 1871-1889.

Neopatersonia (Hyacinthaceae): honors Mrs. Florence Mary Paterson (née Hallack) (1869-1936), botanical collector, wife of Mr. T.V. Paterson of South Africa.

Neorosea (Rubiaceae): named for the 19th century German apothecary Valentin Rose.

Neptunia (Fabaceae): named after Neptune, in Roman mythology the god of water, then after his identification with Poseidon in Greek mythology became the god of the sea.

Nerine (Amaryllidaceae): named after Nerine, in mythology a sea-nymph or nereid, daughter of Doris and Nereus, and granddaughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Nesaea (Lythraceae): in Greek mythology, Nesaea or Nesaie was a sea nymph, one of the Neriads.

Nestlera (Asteraceae): honors the Alsatian botanist Chrétien Géofroy Nestler (1778-1832), professor of botany and pharmacy. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Neumannia (Flacourtiaceae): named for French gardener J.H.F. Neumann (1800-1858).

neumannii (Commiphora): ???

Nevillea (Restionaceae): named for Neville Pillans, see entries for pillansii.

Newtonia (Fabaceae): commemorates Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727). (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Nicandra (Solanaceae): honors the Greek botanist and physician Nikander of Colophon (c.100-150 AD), poet and medical writer.

nicholsonii (Cussonia): after South African amateur botanist Hugh Barry Nicholson (1906- ), collector in South Africa with R.G. Strey.

Nicolasia (Asteraceae): named for Kew Gardens botanist Dr. Nicholas Edward Brown (1849-1934), see nebrownii.

Nicolsonia (Fabaceae): commemorates Père Jean Barthélemy Maximilien Nicolson (1734-1773), a Dominican priest and superior in Haiti.

Nicotiana (Solanaceae): dedicated to the French diplomat Jean Nicot (1530-1600), ambassador to Portugal, introduced tobacco into France and Portugal.

Niebuhria (Capparaceae): honors the German-born Danish botanist Carsten Niebuhr (1733-1815), traveller and explorer, sole survivor of Pehr Forsskål's expedition to Arabia, member of the Royal Society of Göttingen.

Nierembergia (Solanaceae): commemorates the Spanish Jesuit Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (1595-1658).

Nivenia (Iridaceae): named after James (David) Niven (c. 1774-1826/1827), an avid gardener and plant collector. The seed of N. corymbosa was collected by Niven on one of his journeys to Cape Town, and the seed was raised in the garden of his patron, George Hibbert, in Clapham, London. Plants flowered there for the first time in 1805 and were described as Witsenia corymbosa. (PlantzAfrica) Niven was gardener at the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh and at Syon House, Middlesex. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Nolletia (Asteraceae): honors the French clergyman Jean Antoine Nollet (1700-1770), the first professor of experimental physics at the University of Paris. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names) "He constructed one of the first electrometers and developed a theory of electrical attraction and repulsion that supposed the existence of a continuous flow of electrical matter between charged bodies." (Answers.com)

Noltea (Rhamnaceae): named after the German botanist and physician Ernst Ferdinand Nolte (1791-1875), professor of botany at the University of Kiel.

nordenstamii (Felicia, Nidorella, Oedera, Relhania): after Prof. Rune Bertil Nordenstam (1936- ), Swedish botanist and professor emeritus at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in the Department of Phanerogamic Botany. (Wikipedia)
    Relhania nordenstamii = Oedera nordenstamii.

norlindhii (Chlorophytum): after Nils Tycho Norlindh (1906- ), Swedish plant collector in South Africa and Zimbabwe, author of Flora of the Mongolian Steppe and Desert Areas.

northiae (Kniphofia): named for Marianne North, Victorian traveller and botanical artist (Elsa Pooley)

nortieri (Haworthia): after Dr. Nortier of Clanwilliam.

nouchali (Nymphaeaceae): after a certain Nouchal. (Hugh Clarke)

nouhuysii (Huernia, Stapelia): after Jan Jozua van Nouhuys (1903-1940), plant collector in Mozambique and South Africa, artist, horticulturist and geologist, came to Pretoria in 1921, appointed 1925 gardener in charge of the Division of Botany garden, South African Air Force at the beginning of WWII but died in a plane crash near Nairobi in 1940. (Gunn & Codd)

Nuxia (Buddlejaceae): was named in honor of M. Jean Baptiste François de Lanux (1702-1772), a French amateur botanist on Reunion Island. (PlantzAfrica)

Nylandtia (Polygalaceae): this plant was first described as Polygala spinosa by Linnaeus in 1751 and 1753. The Belgian botanist, Barthelemy Dumortier (1822) recognized that this species belongs to a genus different from Polygala and named it Nylandtia in honor of Pierre Nylandt, a Dutch botanist. (PlantzAfrica)

Nymania (Meliaceae): this genus was named after the Swedish botanist Carl Fredrik Nyman (1820-1893). There is also a genus Nymania in the Euphorbiaceae family named for the same botanist but it does not appear in South Africa.

Nymphaea (Nymphaeaceae): in Greek mythology nymphaia referred to a water nymph.

oatesii (Anthericum, Erica, Hebenstretia): named after naturalist and traveller Frank Oates (1840-1875). (Elsa Pooley)
    Anthericum oatesii = Trachyandra saltii var. saltii.

obermeyerae (Blepharis, Hemizygia): the species name 'obermeyerae' commemorate Miss Anna Amelia Obermeyer (later to become Mrs. Amelia Mauve), a botanist at the National Herbarium, Pretoria, who first collected this plant in 1931. The plant was described by Ashby in the Journal of Botany (London) in1935. (PlantzAfrica)

Oberonia (Orchidaceae): named after Oberon, the mythological King of the Fairies and husband of Titania.

obrienii (Cyrtanthus): after James O'Brien (1842-1930), an English orchid grower.

odetteae (Haworthia): named for Odette Cumming, wife of David M. Cumming.

Odyssea (Poaceae): named for Odysseus also known as Ulysses.

Oedera (Asteraceae):  after Georg Christian Oeder (1782-91), professor of botany in Copenhagen, author of Flora Danica (Hugh Clarke)

oederianus (Plagiopus): see oedera.

oertendahlii (Acarospora, Plectranthus): after Ivar Anders Oertendahl (1870-1935), former head gardener of Uppsala University Botanic Gardens in Sweden. (Elsa Pooley)

Oftia (Scrophulariaceae)  obscure; most authorities credit the name to Michel Adanson (1727-1806), who named the species after a friend M. Oft; the name was unexplained (Hugh Clarke)

Ohlendorffia (Scrophulariaceae): one internet source says this is named after Holstein botanist Dr. C. F. Ohlendorff

Oldenburgia (Asteraceae): named after Franz Pehr Oldenburg (1740-1774), plant collector for Kew Gardens, and a companion of the botanists Thunberg and Masson on their travels to South Africa. Oldenburg died of fever in Madagascar in 1774. (PlantzAfrica)

Oldenlandia (Rubiaceae): named for the Danish botanist and physician Henrik (Hendrik) Bernard Oldenland (c.1663-1699), naturalist and plant collector at the Cape, Curator-Superintendent of the Botanical Garden of the Dutch East India Company. Date of death also given as 1697. (CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names)

Olinia (Oliniaceae): honors the Swedish botanist Johan Hendrik Olin (1769-1824), student of Thunberg and author.

oliveranum (Heliotropium): ???

Oliverella (Loranthaceae): dedicated to the British botanist Daniel Oliver (1830-1916), worked at the Kew Herbarium, professor of botany at University College, London, Fellow of the Royal and Linnaean Societies.

oliveri (Asparagus, Erica, Protoasparagus): after Edward George Hudson (Ted) Oliver (1938- ), South African botanist specializing in Ericoids, a researcher at the National Botanical Institute at Kirstenbosch, co-author of Ericas in Southern Africa (1967) and Field Guide to the Ericas of the Cape Peninsula (2000), research fellow in the Department of Botany and Zoology at Stellenbosch University.
    Protoasparagus oliveri = Asparagus oliveri.

oliveri (Commiphora, Impatiens, Tittmannia): ???
    Commiphora oliveri = Commiphora angolensis.
    Tittmannia oliveri = Tittmannia laxa var. laxa.

olivettiana (Haworthia): ???

orpeniae (Aloe): after Kate Orpen (1870-1943), plant collector in South Africa.
    Aloe orpeniae = Aloe hereroensis var. hereroensis.

Orphium (Gentianaceae): named for the mythological Orpheus, a Greek poet and musician, and one of the Argonauts.

Osmunda (Osmundaceae): uncertain attribution, may not relate to a person's name.

ottoniana (Polystachya): after Friedrich Otton, Garden Director of Schoneberg, Germany in 1800's. (Elsa Pooley)

ottonis (Ehrharta): after Eduard Otto (1812-1885), botanical collector in Cuba and Venezuela; later, curator of Hamburg botanic garden; or his father Frederich Otto (1782-1856), curator of the Berlin Botanic Garden (Hugh Clarke)

Ottosonderia (Mesembryanthemaceae): named for the German botanist and pharmacist Otto Wilhelm Sonder (1812-1881), botanical explorer and plant collector, co-author with William H. Harvey of the first three volumes of Flora capensis.

otzenii (Haworthia): after Max Otsen, German emigre to Namibia then South Africa, succulent plant enthusiast.
    Haworthia otzenii = Haworthia mutica var. mutica.

owenii (Agave): ???
    Agave owenii = vivipara var. vivipara.

Plant Names A-G Plant Names P-Z

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