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Unusual succulents for the collector, landscaper & gardener
There are over 160 species of Ceropegias found mainly in the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa but also in Asia, Arabia and the Canary Islands.
Growing Ceropegias

Ceropegias have become popular amongst collectors but are seldom found in domestic gardens. With their climbing properties, they can enrich any garden with trees or a fence. They can also be planted as a feature in hanging pots.

These plants are not invasive or poisonous and rarely get pests or diseases. However, watch out for wooly aphids on the roots of plants in pots.

Ceropegias prefer shady to semi shady positions and should receive little or no water in winter.
Ceropegias have tubular fly-trap like flowers which come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. They are pollinated by minute flies which are trapped in the flower and are only released when the flower wilts.

There are two groups of Ceropegias - those with fusiform, thickened roots and others with bulbs; winding or compact.

Below are examples of the plants we have. Scroll the mouse over the thumbnails to see larger images.

Please note that as the seasons change, the number of plants and species available for sale may vary. Please email a request for an up to date plant list if you are interested in buying.

C. africana
C. ampliata
C. arabicum
C. ballyana
C. barklyi
C. crassifolia
C. distincta ssp haygarthii
C. distincta Zimbabwe
C. cimiciodora
C. conrathii
C. decidua
C. fimbriata
C. multiflora
C. monteroi
C. nilotica Zimbabwe
C. pachystelma
C. radicans
C. rendallii
C. sandersonii
C. stapeliformis
C. sp
C. suprafoliata