Mr. Preuk Yibmantasiri is the leader of the research project "Farmers participation in the development of sustainable agricultural system (period 1) : using green manure to increase the efficiency of rice production. He and his researchers had researched various kinds of plants for making green manure in the field and found that Sesbania rostrata could be brought to make green manure. It does not destroy the environment but increases rice production.
        Sesbania rostrata has been used as green manure in a field in the experiment for six years and it was found that rice production increased 20% or 700 kg./rai.
        For the experiment in agricultural area in the year 1999, it was found that farmers knew how to improve soil before growing rice. Study on the efficiency of using Sesbania rostrata as green manure was conducted and the results were varied. Its dry weight of biomass was still less than 500 kg./rai.

        How to plant Sesbania rostrata

        Soil preparation and plantation. To plow soil surface in the plot before scattering seeds. There is no need for the incorporation of the loam. Scatter seeds 3.4 kg./rai. (fresh weight of biomass 3-4 ton/rai and dry weight of biomass more than 500 kg./rai). Rice production will be increased more than 20%.
       Before scattering seeds, soak them in concentrated sulfuric acid about 5 minutes. Then, clean them with water or blanch them with 80 C° hot water about 5 minutes in order to activate seed germination. In the middle of May is the suitable period for scattering seeds. Sesbania

 rostrata grows slowly in the first period of 30 days. After 50-60 days, the incorporation of Sesbania rostrata could be done.

        Scattering seeds in order to harvest seeds. Start in August and harvest in December. Seeds 3 kg./rai could be harvested 150-200 kg./rai. It could be planted in free area near the house, at the corner of the swamp or in the upland. Its trunk could be brought to plant in the dike, the pond's edge or between a clump of paddy plants.

        Seeds are gradually ready to be harvested. Harvest them when they have grown 70%. (Harvest them in the morning to prevent scattering of their pods or falling of their seeds.) Expose them to the sun 3 times and thresh them. They can be stored 1-2 year. In the area where seeds were scattered, it could be left for the Sesbania rostrata germination in the next year.

        The blister beetle is an important enemy of Sesbania rostrata. It is found when Sesbania rostrata is blooming. (blooming stage period) It will bite leaves and top of Sesbania rostrata especially in the area where Sesbania rostrata is planted to harvest seeds. Such area has to be sprayed with the pesticide to kill the blister beetle.