Euphorbia ingens

Accession Count: 26
Common Name: variegated candelabra tree
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Family Name: Euphorbiaceae
Botanical Name: Euphorbia ingens
Sub Species:
Forma: Variegata
Characteristics: Euphorbia ingens vareigata is an exceptionally tall succulent, reaching a mature height of up to 40 feet (2,3,4). Short spines grow on the ridges, and vertically oriented branches will produce small, yellow flowers (1) and a round, red fruit (3). Branches grow in abundance above 9 feet (2). The latex skin of this plant is an extreme skin irritant and care should be taken when handling (2,3). The variegata cultivar features wavier ridges and a less erect profile.
Compound: Eup ing var
Geographic Origin: Southern Africa
Ecozone Origin:
Biome Origin:
Natural History:
Cultivation Notes: Euphorbia ingens variegata grows rapidly and is drought resistant (2,3,4). It requires dry, well drained soils and will die in consistently wet environments(3). This succulent thrives in warm environments but is not cold hardy, and freezes below 35F can be dangerous to its health (3)

Height: 20 - 50 feet
Width: 6 - 10 feet
Growth Rate: Fast Growing
Grow Season: Fall
Flower Season: Summer
Color: Yellow
Function: Accent
Spread: Spreading
Allergen: Non-allergenic
Invasive: Benign
Toxicity: Toxic
Hardy: Tender
Water Use: Low water Use

Euphorbia ingens