
rotala mexicana araguaia

This is one of the more popular but somewhat difficult to grow, Rotala in the hobby. It has uniqueness to it that is unmatched among other Rotala. The crown and the stem have the ability to become a bright red, while the numerous short leaves remain a nice contrasting green.

rotala goias mexicana

Previously known as “Rotala sp.’Goias'”, now becoming more commonly known as “Rotala mexicana”. This Rotala is very unique because it’s growth pattern is such that it crawls. The color of the crowns turn a very nice pink to red shade.

rotala sunset

Tentatively known as a rotala, also under the name of ramosior. Very attractive deep pink leaves with a white vein down the middle. The stem remains green making a nice contrast. Much desired Rotala and also one of the most difficult to find.

rotala thai

This Rotala is similar in leaf pattern and demands as R. Vietnam and R. hippuris. The most significant contrast is that this particular Rotala from Thailand, colors out to an attractive orange hue with a bright red stem, unlike the pink/red hue of hippuris and Vietnam.

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