Cupressus nootkatensis

Common name: yellow cedar

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 8-15m tall by 5-10 m wide

Form: broad and pyramidal

Water use: high

Soil requirements: moist, acidic, deep

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: cones have pointed umbos, small, greyish


Suitable uses: specimen, in group, screen, many cultivars

ID description: overlapping scales, flat pendulous branches, dark green colour

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Chamaecyparis obtusa

Common name: Hinoki cypress

Useful cultivars and selections: ‘Nana Gracilis’ -shrub, ‘Gracilis’- tree

USDA hardiness zone: 4

Mature height and spread: 5-8 m tall by 4-7 m wide

Form: dense, conical to columnar 

Water use: 

Soil requirements: organic matter rich, well drained, moist

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: small, round cones, look like volley balls

Limitations: cannot tolerate saturated soils

Suitable uses: some cultivars suitable size for residential areas

ID description: Scalloped bracelets – curl and fold back on themselves, has a sculptural quality, tips of leaf (scale) is blunt and rounded

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Cryptomeria japonica Elegans group

Common name: sugi

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 6-10 m tall by 4-6 m wide

Form: branches sweep up at the ends, conical to cylindrical 

Water use: high

Soil requirements: moist, well drained

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: small cones, have about 3 teeth on each scale

Limitations: cannot handle drying winds or poor drainage

Suitable uses: can be planted in large containers, some cultivars are residential size

ID description: rubbery foliage, soft looking, has juvenile foliage, yellow to green to purple colour

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Juniperus communis

Common name: common juniper

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 2

Mature height and spread: 1-1.5 m tall by 2-4 m wide

Form: shrubby, can be conical, prostrate

Water use: 

Soil requirements: acidic, well-drained,

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: “berries”- cones with fused scales- don’t ever open (must be chewed on by animals to get the seed out)

Limitations: cannot be in full shade or cold, wet conditions

Suitable uses: hedge or barrier

ID description: awl shaped needles, can be straight or pointed, but typically curved, smells like gin


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Thuja plicata 

Common name: western red cedar

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 10-20 m tall by 8-12 m wide

Form: cone shaped, branches horizontally 

Water use: high until established

Soil requirements: moist, fertile, acidic

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: Cones have small hook on tip of scale (umbo), cone scales are opposite and decussate

Limitations: not tolerant of winds or extreme temperatures

Suitable uses: used extensively by First Nations people, specimen

ID description: scales are glossy green, base of scale is decurrent, needles scales overlap, smells sweet


Calocedrus decurrens

Common name: incense cedar

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 8-15 m tall by 2-4 m wide

Form: cone shaped to columnar 

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, 

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: male pollen cones yellow, little balls at ends of branchlets, female cones small, look like duck bills when they open

Limitations: needs full sun

Suitable uses: specimen, accent

ID description: scales bright green, overlapping, fan-like, flat branches 

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Common name: Lawson cypress

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 8-15 m tall by 4-7 m wide

Form: conical to columnar

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, moist, OM rich

Leaf arrangement:  

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: small round cones, little pointed umbos, male cones are red- see them around Christmas

Limitations: needs a lot of room, susceptible to disease cypress root rot (can be grafted onto Thuja smarag to survive disease)

Suitable uses: residential areas

ID description: scales dark green to blue, overlapping, red pollen cones at the ends of branchlets in the winter

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Chamaecyparis pisifera Filifera Group

Common name: thread leaf cypress

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 5

Mature height and spread: 6-10 m tall by 4-7 m wide

Form: conical to columnar, branches with pendulous tips

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: well-drained, moist, OM rich

Leaf arrangement:  

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: cones not normally found on cultivar, pea shaped

Limitations: cannot tolerate saturated soils

Suitable uses: smaller cultivars good for residential areas

ID description: strong smell like celery, long stringy branches

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Cryptomeria japonica 

Common name: sugi, Japanese cedar

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 6-10 m tall by 4-6 m wide

Form: branches sweep up at the ends, conical to cylindrical 

Water use: high

Soil requirements: moist, well drained

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: small cones, about 1 cm in diameter, cone scales overlap with 3 spiky prongs

Limitations: not shade tolerant

Suitable uses: can be planted in large containers, some cultivars are residential size

ID description: rubbery foliage, soft looking, needles decurrent and point forward, not fragrant, fibrous bark that shreds in vertical strings, needles stiff and pointy

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Cunninghamia lanceolata

Common name: China fir

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: 6-10 m tall by 4-6 m wide

Form:  conical to columnar, branches irregular, open form

Water use: high

Soil requirements: moist, well drained

Leaf arrangement: spirally arranged

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: Cone is very anomalous in family – not actually true cones, many triangular bracts, overlapping, light brown, globose,

Limitations: cannot tolerate dryness, cold, winds

Suitable uses: sustainable lumber (can be cut down and then regrow), specimen, slab or container 

ID description: needles broad, waxy, dark green to blue, flattened

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Juniperus sabina

Common name: savin juniper

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 3

Mature height and spread: 4-6 m tall by 5-10 m wide

Form: shrub, finely branched

Water use: medium

Soil requirements: acidic, well-drained,

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: “berries”- cones with fused scales- don’t ever open (must be chewed on by animals to get the seed out)

Limitations: cannot be in full shade or cold, wet conditions

Suitable uses: hedge or barrier

ID description: awl shaped needles, can be straight or pointed, but typically curved, very strong smell, not always pleasant, branched more finely than communis

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Sequoia sempervirens

Common name: redwood

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 7

Mature height and spread: can grow over 100 m tall

Form: strong lateral branching

Water use: 

Soil requirements: deep, moist, well drained

Leaf arrangement: spirally arranged

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: cones 4 cm tall, reddish brown, oblong

Limitations: cannot tolerate cold, drying winds

Suitable uses: specimen, in groups

ID description: sheds branchletts, can be confused with taxus- (taxus- branchletts are not deciduous), branchlets like like a feather- needles get smaller towards tip, decurrent, distichous (2 ranked)

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Sequoiadendron giganteum 

Common name: giant sequoia 

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: up to 100 m tall

Form: narrow, conical 

Water use: 

Soil requirements: shallow soil- short and fat, deep soil-tall, evenly moist, well drained

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: cones twice the size of sempervirens, fire adapted, typically release seeds when heated

Limitations: not tolerant of urban conditions, cold winds

Suitable uses: specimen or in group

ID description: decurrent scale like leaves, distinctive smoky smell


Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’

Common name: emerald cedar

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 2

Mature height and spread: 8 m tall by 2 m wide 

Form: conical, tight and narrow

Water use: needs water, especially when planted

Soil requirements: fertile, moist, acidic

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: oval cones, small, smooth scales, imbricate

Limitations: cannot tolerate poor drainage, need water when esablishing

Suitable uses: hedge, screen, in rows, thin planting strips, cheap hedging option

ID description: fine texture, decurrent scale needles, grass green colour

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Thujopsis dolobrata

Common name: lizard tree

Useful cultivars and selections: 

USDA hardiness zone: 6

Mature height and spread: 8-15 m tall by 6-10 m wide

Form: forms colonies, upright multiple stems, branches horizontally 

Water use: 

Soil requirements: moist, fertile, acidic

Leaf arrangement: 

Fall colour: evergreen

Flower/cone/fruit descriptions: cones small, imbricate, wax covered scales


Suitable uses: specimen or in group

ID description: beautiful white wax pattern on backs of branches, dark green, shiny scales

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