Tag Archives: wasps

Friday Fellow: Reddish Cuckoo Wasp

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Besides the well-known internal and external parasites that feed on resources of the host, nature has other types of parasitism as well. One of those types is the so-called brood parasitism, in which an animal puts its eggs in the nest of another animal so that they will be raised by foster parents, usually from a different species. Cuckoos are certainly the most famous brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other birds.

But brood parasites exist among other animal groups as well, including, of course, the diverse order Hymenoptera. Wasps of the family Chrysididae are known as cuckoo wasps because they put their eggs in the nests of other wasps. One species of this family is Hedychrum rutilans, which I decided to call the reddish cuckoo wasp.

A reddish cuckoo was in the Netherlands. Photo by iNaturalist user v_s_*.

Adults of this species measure up to 1 cm in length and have a kind of ant-shaped body. Its most striking feature, however, is its metalic color, which is typical of cuckoo wasps. In the reddish cuckoo wasp, the abdomen and the front part of the thorax have a reddish tinge, while the rest of the body is somewhat green.

Living in Europe and the northermost regions of Africa, the reddish cuckoo wasp is a lovely nectar drinker as an adult. However, as a larva, it is a parasitoid. Females put their eggs inside another insect so that the larva feeds on the host from inside. However, as I mentioned, cuckoo wasps are brood parasites, hence the name cuckoo wasp. Thus, they do not hunt other insects to serve as hosts for their larvae. Instead, they invade the nests of another species, the European beewolf, which I presented last week, and lay their eggs on the bees that the European beewolf has hunted for its own offspring.

Reddish cuckoo wasp in France. Photo by iNaturalist user butor*.

When the egg of the reddish cuckoo wasp hatches, the larva starts to feed on the paralyzed bees and can even feed on the growing larvae of the beewolf. But how can the female cuckoo wasp manage to invade the beewolf’s nest without being noticed?

The surface of insects is covered by cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs), which have several functions. They protect the body from water and have many functions for chemical communication, both intra- and interspecifically. Parasitoids, for example, rely on CHC cues to find their hosts, and many species, especially social insects such as bees and ants, use CHCs to recognize individuals of their own colony and to detect any invader, incluing parasitoids and brood parasites. Thus, a beewolf could easily locate a cuckoo wasp sneaking into its nest but natural selection made the necessary changes. The amount of CHCs on the surface of cuckoo wasps is way below the normal levels found in most insects. As a result, their smell is so weak that it cannot be perceived in a nest that reeks of beewolf CHCs.

A specimen in Russia. Photo by Shamal Murza.*

One strategy that beewolfs seem to have developed to reduce the levels of parasitism by the reddish cuckoo wasp is increasing their activity in the evening, when the cuckoo wasp activity is reduced. During this time, it is easier for beewolves to enter their nests without being detected by cuckoo wasps. When a beewolf detects a cuckoo wasp close to its nests, it attacks it ferociously. However, once a cuckoo wasp enters the nest, the beewolf is unable to recognize it even if running right into it due to its inability to chemically detect the invader.

Both parties, of course, will always try to find new ways to succeed. Nature is, afterall, a neverending arms race.

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Kroiss J, Schmitt T, Strohm E (2009) Low level of cuticular hydrocarbons in a parasitoid of a solitary digger wasp and its potential for concealment. Entomological Science 12:9–16. doi: 10.1111/j.1479-8298.2009.00300.x

Kroiss J, Strohm E, Vandenbem C, Vigneron J-P (2009) An epicuticular multilayer reflector generates the iridescent coloration in chrysidid wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae). Naturwissenschaften 983–986. doi: 10.1007/s00114-009-0553-6

Strohm E, Laurien-Kehnen C, Boron S (2001) Escape from parasitism: spatial and temporal strategies of a sphecid wasp against a specialised cuckoo wasp. Oecologia 129:50–57. doi: 10.1007/s004420100702

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Filed under Entomology, Friday Fellow, Zoology

Friday Fellow: European Beewolf

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Among the species of the highly diverse insect order Hymenoptera, many are known to be parasites or parasitoids of a variety of animals and plants. Commonly known parasited species include spiders and caterpillars, but some hymenopterans parasitize other hymenopterans.

One of such species is Philanthus triangulum, known as the European beewolf. The name beewolf refers to the fact that this wasp species hunts bees, particularly the common honey bee Apis mellifera. This species occurs throughout Europe and Africa, having several subspecies.

A female European beewolf in Gran Canaria, Spain. Photo by Juan Emilio.**

The European beewolf has about the same length as its prey, the common honey bee, but its body has a more typical wasp look. The abdomen and the legs are predominantly yellow, while the head and the thorax are mainly black and brown. The yellow abdomen has black transversal stripes that are typical in many wasp species but their width can vary. Males are smaller than females and have a characteristic trident-shaped light mark between the eyes that is absent or very small in females.

A male in Andalucia, Spain. See the trident-shaped mark between the eyes. Photo by flickr user gailhampshire.*

In colder regions, where the winter is harsh, adult European beewolves emerge as adults in early summer. Both male and female adults feed on the nectar of several plants. Females create large and sometimes complex burrows in sandy soils in open sunny places. The burrows may have up to a meter in length and have between 3 and 34 short tunnels, the brood cells, at the end, each of which will be used to raise one larva. Once finishing the burrow, the female searches for honeybees to hunt. When attacking the bee, the beewolf stings it behind the front legs and paralyzes it, and then flies back to the nest carrying the paralyzed bee below her between her legs. Up to five honeybees can be provided for each larva and serve as their only food during their development.

A female with a paralyzed bee in England. Photo by Martin Cooper.*

Males tend to live near female burrows and use sex pheromones to attract them. Although they are territorial, they can sometimes tolerate other males nearby because the increased release of feromones increases the chances of them being detected by the females.

After the female has provided each egg with enough food, it closes the burrow and leaves. However, since the larvae will remain several months in that closed and humid environment, they can end up suffering from mold growth that can destroy themselves or their food. Females seem to have developed several strategies to reduce this problem. First, before laying the egg on the bee, the wasp licks most of the bee’s surface, applying a secretion from a postpharyngeal gland. Although this secretion has no antimycotic properties, it seems to delay water condensation on the bee’s surface, which also delays the development of fungi, and at the same time prevents water loss from the bee’s body, ensuring that the larvae will have the necessary amount of water to survive.

Carrying a bee into the burrow in England. Photo by Charlie Jackson.*

Female beewolves also live symbiotically with bacteria of the genus Streptomyces, which they cultivate in specialized glands in their antennae. They “secrete” the bacteria into the brood cells before leaving and later, when the larvae hatch, they collect the bacteria and apply them on the surface of a coccoon that they build to overwinter. These bacteria thus prevent fungi or other bacteria from growing on the coccoon, protecting the larvae from infections.

Nature never stops amusing us with its wonderful strategies so beautifully built by natural selection.

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Herzner G, Schmitt T, Peschke K, Hilpert A, Strohm E (2007) Food Wrapping with the Postpharyngeal Gland Secretion by Females of the European beewolf Philanthus triangulum. Journal of Chemical Ecology 33:849–859. doi: 10.1007/s10886-007-9263-8

Herzner G, Strohm E (2008) Food wrapping by females of the European Beewolf, Philanthus triangulum, retards water loss of larval provisions. Physiological Entomology 33:101–109. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2007.00603.x

Kaltenpoth M, Goettler W, Dale C, Stubblefield JW, Herzner G, Roeser-Mueller K, Strohm Erhard (2006) ‘Candidatus Streptomyces philanthi’, an endosymbiotic streptomycete in the antennae of Philanthus digger wasps. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56: 1403–1411. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.64117-0

Wikipedia. European beewolf. Available at < https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_beewolf >. Access on 20 February 2020.

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**Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License.

*Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

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Filed under Entomology, Friday Fellow, Parasites, Zoology

New Species: November 11 to 20

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Here is a list of species described from November 11 to  November 20. It certainly does not include all described species. Most information comes from the journals Mycokeys, Phytokeys, Zookeys, Phytotaxa, Zootaxa, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, and Systematic and Applied Microbiology, as well as journals restricted to certain taxa.


Liolaemus leftrarui is a new lizard species described in the past 10 days.












Ray-finned fishes



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Filed under Systematics, taxonomy

New Species: September 11 to 20

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Here is a list of species described from September 11 to September 20. It certainly does not include all described species. Most information comes from the journals Mycokeys, Phytokeys, Zookeys, Phytotaxa, Zootaxa, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, and Systematic and Applied Microbiology, as well as journals restricted to certain taxa.


Petrolisthes paulayi is a new crab described in the past 10 days.














Cartilaginous fishes

Ray-finned fishes




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Filed under Systematics, taxonomy

New Species: July 11 to July 20

by Piter Kehoma Boll

Here is a list of species described from July 11 to July 20. It certainly does not include all described species. Most information comes from the journals Mycokeys, Phytokeys, Zookeys, Phytotaxa, Zootaxa, International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, and Systematic and Applied Microbiology, as well as journals restricted to certain taxa.

Pseudoechthistatus sinicus(top) and P. pufujiae are two of the more than 40 new species of beetles described in the last 10 days.

Pseudoechthistatus sinicus (top) and P. pufujiae (bottom) are two of the 40 new species of beetles described in the last 10 days.
















Cartilaginous fishes

Ray-finned fishes


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Filed under Systematics, taxonomy