Hibiscus surattensis

NAME: Hibiscus surattensis

FAMILY: Malvaceae

COMMON NAMES: Red-veined Sorrel, Bush Sorrel

LOCAL NAMES: Notably, local names may vary widely across different regions.

MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION: Hibiscus surattensis is a perennial shrub with deeply lobed leaves and red-veined foliage, giving it a distinctive appearance. The flowers are typically solitary, with five petals, and range in color from pale yellow to cream or white, often with a crimson center. After flowering, seed pods develop containing numerous seeds.

USEFUL PART(s): Various parts of Hibiscus surattensis, including leaves, flowers, and sometimes stems, have been utilized in traditional medicine.

GENERAL USES: In traditional practices, Hibiscus surattensis has been used for its purported medicinal properties, with applications in treating conditions such as fever, digestive issues, and as an aid for certain skin conditions. However, specific uses may vary among different cultures.

GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Hibiscus surattensis is native to parts of Asia, including India and Sri Lanka. It is also found in other tropical regions of the world.

WHY IS IT GREEN? Like other plants, Hibiscus surattensis derives its green color from chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis, allowing the plant to produce energy.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: The environmental impact of Hibiscus surattensis cultivation or use is generally minimal, especially in its natural habitats.

FUN FACT: Hibiscus surattensis, with its red-veined leaves and delicate flowers, adds ornamental value to gardens and landscapes, contributing to its aesthetic appeal.

Further Reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibiscus_surattensis https://powo.science.kew.org/taxon/urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:560886-1

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