
Posted 1Y ago by @Touchofplant

Is my mystery plant an Adenium boehmianum?

This plant I found it about 4 years ago on the side of the road dying in a free pile. There was no leaves and the trunk was on the edge of death. I had no idea what the plant was. I kept it at home for awhile and leaves started to grow. I believed it was a desert rose. Reading about the plant I didn’t feel comfortable having it in my house with a new born baby and kitten. So I had my husband take it to his work. She seems to be Thriving and doing well. She put out blooms that are tiny once in awhile. She remains a mystery to us what she could be. From looking at photos online I think Adenium boehmianum. Anyone else have an idea?
My best guess is a type of garden croton but I’m not sure what type. Hopefully someone else can give us more info and confirm or not that that’s what it is. I do think they are toxic if that’s what it is.
I think this is it!!
@PinkWater thank you I’ll look it up. This plant has more of a bonsai stump. But I know nothing about croton plants.
@Touchofplant yah unfortunately the picture I found doesnt show the stump but the rest of it seems pretty spot on.