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How more I reed about names, how more confused I become.! And the diffrent between older plants and young plants is great !! ..but please give me comments about the names if you know.. Thanks.

Sansevieria sinus-simiorum
Copyright: Grootscholten

Sansevieria sinus-simiorum

Location; Umboe Road, Chinoy, Zimbabwe R979
not a real old plant when its dry look like this more green when he is more wet and grow. Acc.. David Richards it must be a S. hallii, this was before he found sinus-simiorum. and some people have it under S. hallii `Gigant Basbal Bat ` but the leaves are smooth and from hallii they are raw

Taken: October 16, 2004
Uploaded: December 12, 2005
Captured with:
Nikon E4300

  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    14 years 11 months ago
    Hello Cok, It looks like Fat Form of Hallii, except that it has a smooth surface and much thicker. Very nice. Can you offer a piece/offset?

    We call it now S. hallii Gigant Basebal Bat.
    Yes I can , Cok.
  • Lana Tandjung (Private)
    15 years 3 months ago
    Dear Cok,
    I'd saw it, and my friend said it was as sinus simiorum from Zimbabwe. In Indonesia maybe just one plant like this.The leaves like very hard and the leaves were dark green.It was very amazing and beautiful plant!
  • 14 years 11 months ago
    Cok, this looks more like a S hallii to me. I think I have S. scimitariformis and it's longer and skinnier. The description for S. scimitariformis calls for as capitate inflorescence, but of course so does S. kirkii.

    I put a new in from the adult leaves from what I get as scimitariformis.
    You was right S hallii `Gigant Basebal Bat` !
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