Pyrrosia sheareri

Shearer's felt fern

Fern Facts


Hardiness (USDA zones): 7-10

Size: 1.5' - 2.5'

Size (cm): 46cm-76cm

Height and Spread: Medium - 1' to 3' in height or spread in 5 years

Water Needs: Drought Tolerant

Garden Use: Containers

Origin: China, Taiwan, Viet Nam


Pyrrosia sheareri fronds average 18 to 24 inches in length on a shallow short creeping rhizome. Young simple fronds are light green that are covered with stellate hairs. Mature fronds turn dark green with a lighter green stipe and midrib with a rusty underside. Sori without indusium are pale green when young. Spores are bright yellow and are produced in late winter to early spring in the pacific northwest. The spores should be sown when ripe and are slow to germinate. Better to divide mature plants for propagation. 

Plant in good draining humus rich soil in garden beds and in pots. Locate in dappled shade with occasional watering during the dry season. Grows on rocks and trees in its natural habitat. 

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