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Terminalia Arjuna (Arjuna)

(Herbal Extracts)
Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as arjuna in India is a large-sized, deciduous tree. The height of the arjuna tree grows up to 70-80 feet. It has yellow flowers, cone-shaped leaves, and grey colored smooth bark.

Terminalia arjuna, commonly known as arjuna in India is a large-sized, deciduous tree. The height of the arjuna tree grows up to 70-80 feet. It has yellow flowers, cone-shaped leaves, and grey colored smooth bark. The arjuna tree usually grows on the lakeside or near dry riverbeds in West Bengal, south and central India. Arjuna is the most beneficial herb. Every part of the arjuna tree holds medicinal properties. This herb has lots of effectual medicinal uses mainly for the heart, blood and blood vessels (circulatory system). In Ayurveda, arjuna extract is useful in fractures, ulcers, heart diseases, biliousness, urinary discharges, asthma, tumors, leucoderma, anemia, excessive perspiration, etc.


Terminalia Arjuna has numerous of benefits some vital uses are mentioned below:

  • The cleansing effect of arjuna helps to clean urinary infections(UTI).
  • GThis herb helps in lowering the cholesterol level.
  • Terminalia arjuna herb extract helps to improve energy levels in the body and boosts stamina.
  • Arjuna tree bark extract has tannins that act as an important anti-oxidants for the body. Which is very useful for the heart muscles
Herbal Creations