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Golden Dewdrop, Pigeon Berry, Skyflower Duranta erecta Plant One Gallon Size

Golden Dewdrop, Pigeon Berry, Skyflower Duranta erecta Plant One Gallon Size

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Golden Dewdrop, Pigeon Berry, Skyflower Duranta erecta Plant One Gallon Size

Duranta erecta is a species of flowering shrub in the verbena family Verbenaceae, native from Mexico to South America and the Caribbean. It is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant throughout the world, and has become naturalized in many places.

The tropical duranta plant delivers scores of pale blue or violet blossom clusters all growing season long. The duranta has attractive evergreen foliage, and some varieties have gold or variegated leaves. A bonus is the appearance of ornamental berries in the fall. In warm areas, the duranta grows quickly into a large shrub or small tree over the course of a few seasons.

Duranta plants are easy to grow in warm weather and full sun. They will quickly fill up a blank spot in the garden, and can also serve as a privacy screen in areas where they are winter hardy. In the container garden, you can grow the duranta as a long blooming annual for the patio, or even prune the plant into a topiary tree form.

Tips to care for duranta erecta

Sun exposure

As houseplants, duranta would require direct sun exposure for at least six hours in a day. It should later be brought back in partial shade for a couple of hours. Remember, partial sunlight for long hours would impact its growth and it will become sparse and lanky.


The plant requires moderate water. For an indoor plant, water it only when the soil dries up. When used as hedges outside, it requires an inch of rain every week. 


The golden dewdrop would not require fertilisers for long as its soil is rich. However, you can occasionally add all-purpose mild fertilizers to boost its growth. 


The golden dewdrop is a weed, known to invade riparian habitats and scrublands. It changes the natural ecosystem. It is also allelopathic and displaces native plants. It gets associated with organisms by forming dense thickets. As an invasive species, duranta plants grow wild in all directions. So, pruning is extremely important. 

Pigeon Berry is a beautiful plant but can be very harmful if eaten by children and pets. It is native to Florida and South America. In temperate zones grow as an annual or house plant. It prefers loose well-drained soil and sunny location. The blooms are blue to violet and edged in white in panicles during the spring.

You will receive one well rooted plant. Your plant will be shipped with the roots wrapped in damp paper towels and with plastic and ready to plant upon arrival. The plant will be between 12” to 14” in height with well-developed roots. These plants have been growing in one gallon containers. Planting guidelines will also be included.

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