17-12-2019, 17:22
4 731

Ranalisma rostratum

Ranalisma rostratum is a small aquatic plantain from the tropics of Asia. In Europe, it is very rarely found in aquarists' collections. In the natural environment, it can be found growing along the banks of wetlands as well as in shallow waters. This aquatic plant stands out because it appears completely different when it is submerged in water, and its leaves turn into very narrow stems that look like a herbaceous plant. It is recommended for trained aquarists.

Underwater, Ranalisma rostratum develops straight, light green leaves and shoots. Above water, it develops spoon-shaped leaves, pointed at the ends, with a 15-30 cm long leafstalk. The leaf blade is about 4 cm long. Above water, it forms a small shrub with numerous leaves in a rosette. However, when placed underwater, Ranalisma Rostratum turns into an almost grass-like aquatic plant that forms bright green shoots, creating an aquatic lawn that is similar in appearance to a plant such as Helanthium tenellum `Broad Leaf'. It grows quickly.

Ranalisma rostratum

Plant the shrubs preferably in the foreground of the aquarium. Choose the lightest areas in the aquarium, away from taller plants, which might provide at least some shade. Do not grow Ranalisma in an aquarium with herbivorous fish, as they will constantly nibble at its leaves. Like other rosette species, the Ranalisma looks well in groups or planted on its own.

Water parameters: temperature 20 - 28° C, hardness dH 0-30°, pH 5.0-7.5. Feeding with CO2 is desirable. Like all rosette plants, Ranalisma like a substrate rich in nutrients.

Ranalisma rostratum

Ranalisma rostratum requires bright light for normal development. The daylight hours should be at least 12 hours a day.


Under acceptable conditions, due to its numerous lateral shoots, Ranalisma rostratum is able to cover large areas in the aquarium in a short time, forming a dense green lawn.

Propagation is quite easy. The parent bush is carefully separated from the offshoot and then planted in a new location. The offspring will soon take root and grow.

Ranalisma rostratum

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