halophila ovalis

12 09 2008

Common name: Spoon seagrass/ Paddle weed
Halophila Ovalis

Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Magnoliphyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Alismatales
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
Genus: Halophila
Species: Ovalis

Description: Halophila Ovalis is a small herbaceous plant. The leaves are ovate in outline, appearing on stems that emerge from rhizome beneath the sand. The roots get up to 800 mm long and are covered in fine root hairs. It is also connected by a series of interconnecting rhizomes as in grasses.

Habitat: This plant occurs in sea beds and other saltwater environments. It is also frequently seen in reefs, estuaries, islands, inter-tidal areas, on soft sand or mud substrates. It can dominate a sand bank or other patches of the sea bed and is thus often found in meadows.



4 responses

14 09 2008

Wow, thanks for sharing about our wonderful seagrasses! Looking forward to more fact sheets about this interesting shore.

3 03 2009


I just wanted to ask if I could use this image of the Halophila Ovalis in my High school biology assignment pretty please? 🙂


11 03 2009

sorry, this photo is not taken by us so we are unable to accede to your request.

17 08 2009

am doing ma degree in marine sc in UMS now…
n those infos do help me alot
btw thnx ya..

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