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NYC Herbs

Eleuthero Root

Eleuthero Root

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price $6.99 USD Sale price $5.00 USD
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Common names: Eleuthero Root, Siberian Ginseng, Ci Wu Jia, Devil's Bush, Touch-Me-Not, Kan Jang,

Benefits of eleuthero root include:

Adaptogenic Properties: Eleuthero is classified as an adaptogen, meaning it may help the body adapt to stress and promote overall resilience.

Increased Energy and Stamina: Some people use eleuthero root to combat fatigue and increase endurance, particularly during times of physical or mental exertion.

Immune System Support: Eleuthero is believed to have immune-modulating effects, potentially enhancing the body's ability to resist infections.

Enhanced cognitive Function: There is some evidence to suggest that eleuthero may have cognitive benefits, including improved mental clarity, focus, and memory.

Stress Management: Due to its adaptogenic properties, eleuthero may help the body cope with stress and reduce stress-related symptoms.

Anti-Fatigue Effects: Eleuthero has been traditionally used to combat feelings of fatigue and may contribute to increased vitality.

Support for Respiratory Health: Some traditional uses of eleuthero include addressing respiratory conditions, such as colds and bronchitis.

Regulation of Blood Sugar: Preliminary studies suggest that eleuthero may have some beneficial effects on blood sugar levels.

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