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There’s a Monstera in the House!

Plant Perfect Garden Center -Monstera Plant Care-monstera deliciosa

Monstera plants are known for their signature leaves and modern aesthetic for decorators. This popular indoor plant is the “it” plant of the last couple of years and will always be a household favorite. In this blog, we will discuss the Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii, which is also called the ‘Swiss Cheese’ variety. 


How to Care for Monstera Plants

The most efficient way to care for a Monsteras is to understand how it grows naturally. If you’ve ever seen a Monstera in its natural habitat, you will notice how tall they grow with a structure to climb. These plants cling to big trees in the jungle and relax under the shelter of the leaves’ canopy. As a houseplant, your Monstera will need the following to feel at ease:



Since Monsteras naturally grow in a partially lit jungle floor, they can’t tolerate direct sunlight. Beside a big window, where it gets the benefit of the light but remains sheltered from the sun rays, is the perfect spot. If your plant leaves have brown scorch marks, you’ll need to move your plant to a safer location.

Plant Perfect Garden Center -Monstera Plant Care-watering monstera plant


These plants thrive in moisture; you should regularly water your plant every 1-2 weeks indoors, as long as the soil is dry between waterings. Ensure your pot has drainage holes at the bottom to prevent overwatering. 

Monsteras also need high humidity, so a humidifier will keep your plant happy and growing healthily, or a pebble tray with water underneath your plant. If it needs a good dose of humidity, bring your plant into the bathroom when you shower, and it’ll soak up the steam. 



Liquid fertilizer is essential for both Monstera deliciosa and Monstera adansonii to produce enough chlorophyll. Without it, leaves can turn yellow, which means it’s lacking proper nutrition. Fertilize your plant approximately every 2-4 weeks in the spring and summer months. 

Plant Perfect Garden Center -Monstera Plant Care-deliciosa and adansonii

The Difference Between Monstera Deliciosa and Monstera Adansonii

The main difference between a Monstera deliciosa and the adansonii is their flexibility and leaf structure. Deliciosa’s have perforations, while the adansonii has small holes. The adansonii is also more flexible and easier to train to grow in creative ways and tends to grow in a smaller habit. 

Monstera Adansonii grows on trailing vines, so you can easily grow this in a hanging pot rather than a support structure. Whichever method you use is entirely up to you!


Everyone Needs Support (Structures)!

The following options are solutions you can use for both the Monstera deliciosa and the Monstera adansonii. Moss poles or U-shaped bamboo poles are great options for a growing Monstera. ​​

Plant Perfect Garden Center_-monsteras with moss poles

To add a moss pole in your plant pot, you’ll need to drill a hole at the backside of the pot to anchor it; you may have to repot your plant to do this successfully. Then, secure plant ties to hold the stems to the pole. Don’t tie them too tight, as your plant still needs some space to grow and bend. 

The U-shaped bamboo has two slender, stake-like poles joined at the top, akin to a garden stake. It’s smaller than a plant pole, making it easier to fit into a container. Simply use florist wire or gentle ties to secure the stems.

Plant clips that stick to the wall are popular, as they allow you to train your vines to grow across it. You can also use them for training the vines to climb window frames, door frames, and ledges.

Whichever method you choose, your Monstera might not want to cooperate at first; it can take a bit of time to adjust to growing upwards and tethered to a support structure, but it will come around. Just remember, plant parenthood is a slow process so don’t feel dishearted if it takes some time for your plant to thrive.

Plant Perfect Garden Center -Monstera Plant Care-monstera rhaphidaphora

Visit Plant Perfect Garden Center to get your own Monstera plant for sale this summer! If you have any questions, our in-store experts can assist you with anything you need to keep your new plant happy!