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WIKTROP - Weed Identification and Knowledge in the Tropical and Mediterranean areas
WIKTROP - Weed Identification and Knowledge in the Tropical and Mediterranean areas

Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.

Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb.
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/Cyperus sphacelatus/428.JPG
🗒 Synonyms
synonymCyperus balbisii Kunth
synonymCyperus chromatolepis Steud.
synonymCyperus duchaisingii Steud.
synonymCyperus hexastachyos Sw., nom. illeg.
synonymCyperus nemorosus G.Mey.
🗒 Common Names
No Data
📚 Overview



Growth form


Biological cycle




Thomas Le Bourgeois
Thomas Le Bourgeois
    Diagnostic Keys

    Global description

    Cyperus sphacelatus is an annual plant with fasciculate roots, without rhizomes or tubercles, which develops in clumps 15 to 60 cm high. The stems are of triangular section. They are often of a characteristic yellow color at the base. The leaves are linear, grouped towards the base, shorter than the floriferous axis. The inflorescence is a simple to compound umbel subtended by long leaf bracts. It has light green linear spikelets 1 to 3 cm long with a purple median line. The grain is trigonal.

    General habit

    Annual, glabrous tufted plant, up to 60 cm tall.

    Underground system

    Fasciculate roots, no rhizome.


    The stem is erect, small, 10 to 60 cm long and 1 to 2 mm in diameter. It is of triangular section, smooth and glabrous, a little thickened at the base. The stems form a compact tuft.


    The leaves are few by rod, inserted towards the base. The limb does not exceed 2/3 of the height of the stem. They have a sheath of color often of a characteristic golden green, whose length varies from 1 to 8 cm. The blade, rather rigid, is linear, pointed at the end, slightly bent. It is 5 to 17 cm long and 2 to 4 mm wide. Its margin is slightly scabrous. The faces are glabrous.


    The loose inflorescence is an open, simple or compound umbel of 1 to 8 rays (maximum length 8 cm) subtended by 3 to 6 spread leaf bracts, the longest of which reach 10 to 20 cm long. The rays carry the spikelets grouped by 5 to 12 in loose spikes, largely oval.


    The spikelets are lanceolate linear, compressed, consist of 10 to 14 flowers. They are 6 to 35 mm long and 1.2 to 2 mm wide. They are light green in color and have a characteristic purple line. The glumes are oval, obtuse at the end, mucronate. They are light green, very often with a characteristic purple spot towards the base. They are 2 to 2.8 mm long. The rachillet of the spikelet is closely winged. The flower consists of 3 stamens and an ovary surmounted by a stigma with 3 branches.


    Ovoid to obovoid achene, of trigonal section, with concave faces finely punctuated. It is 1 to 1.5 mm long and 0.8 to 1 mm in section. Its color at maturity varies from brown to greyish-black.

    Thomas Le Bourgeois
      No Data
      📚 Natural History

      Cyperus sphacelatus is an annual species, it reproduces by seeds.

      Thomas Le Bourgeois

        Cyperus sphacelatus is a weed of disturbed soils and wet grassy areas.

        French Guiana: An upright sedge of heliophilic pioneer vegetation, common on sandy soil in the Mana rice polder.

        Thomas Le Bourgeois
          No Data
          📚 Occurrence
          No Data
          📚 Demography and Conservation
          Risk Statement

          Local harmfulness

          Benin: Cyperus sphacelatus is frequent and scarce in rice fields.
          Burkina Faso: rare and scanty.
          Chad: frequent and scanty.
          Cote d'Ivoire: frequent and scanty.
          Ghana: frequent and generally abundant.
          French Guiana: An infrequent and not very abundant species, it is sometimes found in vegetable  plots but it is not really a problem.
          Mali: rare and scanty.
          Nigeria: frequent and generally abundant.
          Senegal: frequent and scanty.

          Thomas Le Bourgeois
            No Data
            📚 Uses and Management

            Global control

            For general information on weeding irrigated and lowland rice in Africa please consult

            For advice on weeding annual broadleaf weeds of irrigated and lowland rice in Africa please consult

            Thomas Le Bourgeois
              No Data
              📚 Information Listing
              1. Soerjani, M., Kostermans, A.J.G.H., Tjitrosemito, G. 1987. Weeds of rice in Indonesia. Balai Puskata, Jakarta, Indonesia.
              2. Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Cirad, Gondwana éditions, Montpellier, France.
              3. Grard, P., et al. (2012). AFROweeds V.1.0: African weeds of rice Montpellier, France & Cotonou, Bénin, Cirad-AfricaRice eds.
              4. Hutchinson, J., Dalziel, J.M., Keay, R.W.J., Hepper, F.N. 1972. Flora of west tropical africa. The Whitefriars Press, London & Tonbridge, Great Britain.
              5. Simpson, D. A. & Koyama T., 1998, Flora of Thailand, volume six part four, Cyperaceae. The forest herbarium, royal forest department, Bangkok, Thaïlande.
              6. Johnson, D.E. 1997. Les adventices en riziculture en Afrique de l'Ouest. ADRAO/WARDA, Bouaké, Côte-d'Ivoire. Kissmann, K.G. 1997. Plantas Infestantes e Nocivas, Sao Paulo.
              7. Marnotte, P. and A. Carrara. (2007). "Plantes des rizières de Guyane." from
              8. Berton, A. (2020). Flore spontanée des cultures maraichères et fruitières de Guyane. Guide de reconnaissance des 140 adventices les plus communes des parcelles cultivées. Cayenne, Guyane, FREDON Guyane: 186.
              Information Listing > References
              1. Soerjani, M., Kostermans, A.J.G.H., Tjitrosemito, G. 1987. Weeds of rice in Indonesia. Balai Puskata, Jakarta, Indonesia.
              2. Fournet, J. 2002. Flore illustrée des phanérogames de Guadeloupe et de Martinique. Cirad, Gondwana éditions, Montpellier, France.
              3. Grard, P., et al. (2012). AFROweeds V.1.0: African weeds of rice Montpellier, France & Cotonou, Bénin, Cirad-AfricaRice eds.
              4. Hutchinson, J., Dalziel, J.M., Keay, R.W.J., Hepper, F.N. 1972. Flora of west tropical africa. The Whitefriars Press, London & Tonbridge, Great Britain.
              5. Simpson, D. A. & Koyama T., 1998, Flora of Thailand, volume six part four, Cyperaceae. The forest herbarium, royal forest department, Bangkok, Thaïlande.
              6. Johnson, D.E. 1997. Les adventices en riziculture en Afrique de l'Ouest. ADRAO/WARDA, Bouaké, Côte-d'Ivoire. Kissmann, K.G. 1997. Plantas Infestantes e Nocivas, Sao Paulo.
              7. Marnotte, P. and A. Carrara. (2007). "Plantes des rizières de Guyane." from
              8. Berton, A. (2020). Flore spontanée des cultures maraichères et fruitières de Guyane. Guide de reconnaissance des 140 adventices les plus communes des parcelles cultivées. Cayenne, Guyane, FREDON Guyane: 186.

              Etude floristique et phytoécologique des adventices des complexes sucriers de Ferké 1 et 2, de Borotou-Koro et de Zuenoula, en Côte d'Ivoire

              Thomas Le Bourgeois
              Thomas Le Bourgeois
                No Data
                🐾 Taxonomy
                📊 Temporal Distribution
                📷 Related Observations
                👥 Groups
                WIKTROP - Weed Identification and Knowledge in the Tropical and Mediterranean areasWIKTROP - Weed Identification and Knowledge in the Tropical and Mediterranean areas
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