Lemon verbena tea – the recipe

27/08/2014 at 4:58 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | 16 Comments
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If I had to choose one herbal tea to drink for the rest of my life, I would probably choose lemon verbena, also known as Aloysia citrodora. When you brew it strong, it’s zingy, health-enhancing liquid sherbet in a cup: a light and warming drink that lifts the spirits unlike any other. When you brew it weaker, it is a delicate, uplifting citrus-scented beverage. But there is a catch: it has to be harvested and stored with love and respect. If you find a bargain packet of 20 lemon verbena tea bags, walk on by. The aromatic oils will not be present. Without them, you are left with dried and empty leaves.

I first discovered the magic of lemon verbena when travelling with my family through Northern France, eight years ago. We stayed in a guest house with big, bare rooms and botanical books on the shelves. We arrived late, and slept soundly between crisp white cotton sheets. At breakfast the next day, the herbal tea on offer was verveine, which I knew was the French name for this popular tisane. So I asked for verveine. It arrived as a small twig of dried leaves in a pot. The fragrance was heavenly. I was already falling under its spell.

When I drank the brew, I tasted a zingy, lemony lightness. The flavour was so vibrant. It seemed extraordinary that so much could be packed into a small, dried sprig.

The next time I asked for verveine, in an Alpine resort, it had been made with a tea bag, and was a dull disappointment. I discovered then that processing destroys this herb.

Back home, I tried ordering loose leaves from herbal suppliers, but they were never as lemony as that first, fragrant brew. So I experimented with harvesting my own.

My parents had actually been growing an Aloysia citrodora in their greenhouse for years. My mother put a few leaves at the bottom of cake tins for a subtle zingy additions to her bakes. But no one was making tea with it. So I started harvesting their surplus. I made the tea with fresh leaves, four or five chopped roughly per cup. I dried many of the leaves for winter use, as the plant dies down in colder weather. And so I continued for several years.

Nowadays I still harvest from my parents’ greenhouse plant. But recently I bought a plant of my own from Foxley Road Nurseries near Malmesbury in Wiltshire, UK. Co-owner Carol Hinwood is a huge fan of lemon verbena tea, and always keeps a good stock of plants there. All summer long my new Aloysia citrodora has been sitting in my front yard, soaking up the sunshine in a large earthenware pot. It grows quickly, and has even flowered profusely with tiny, fragrant blooms. I cut a stalk at a time, put it in water indoors, and use it successively for three or four cups of tea. It is just beautiful. Before the weather gets too wintry, I will bring it into a cool garden room, to protect it from frost.

Lemon verbena blooms

Health benefits

The essential oil in lemon verbena is uplifting, de-stressing and relaxing. The plant has anti-viral and anti-fungal properties – studies have shown it to be effective against Candida albicans, or thrush. Lemon verbena is also rich in youth-promoting anti-oxidants. The meditators who come to my studio love it, finding it both peaceful and refreshing.

Lemon verbena leaves

The recipe

First, locate your nearest lemon verbena plant. You may be lucky and know someone who is already growing it. If not, herb nurseries should have young plants available.  It can’t cope with frost, so plant it in a large pot in a sunny spot, and bring it into a cool indoor space in the winter. Or grow it in a greenhouse.

Harvest the leaves by pruning the plant when the stalks are around 25 cm or longer.  Cut the stalks fairly low down with scissors or secateurs.

For fresh tea:

Roughly chop four to six leaves and place in an infuser, in a cup, preferably covered. Leave to steep for five minutes. Then strain the leaves and drink the resulting, fragrant infusion.

For dried tea:

Dry the leaves by hanging the stems upside down in a large paper bag in a warm space for a few days or weeks until completely dry – the stalks should snap when you try to bend them. You may put them in a jar or bag as they are, or crumple them slightly, to fit more into your jar. I generally remove the leaves from the stalks (easy to do) and just store the leaves. Other people keep the stalks. Either way seems to keep the all-important essential oils intact. Put an air-tight lid on your jar, and store in a cool, dark cupboard. When you are ready to drink the tea, take a few dried leaves, or about one teaspoon of the crumpled herb, and steep in a cup, preferably covered, for five minutes. Strain and drink!

If you are seriously into herbs, as I am, it’s worth investing in a dehydrator. I use an Excalibur that I’ve had for many years. In this case, I take the fresh leaves off the stalks, discard the stalks, and place the leaves on trays in the dehydrator. I dry at a setting of around 45ºC or 115ºF for a couple of hours or so until the leaves are crispy dry. (It’s wise to keep an eye on them. At times I have over-dried and lost some of the essential oils.) Then I place them in a jar, as before.

I believe that to make your herbal tea from nature is to connect with your own true nature. And the nature of lemon verbena is one that’s truly worth connecting with: happy, vibrant, healthy and serene… and absolutely fragrant.


PS For a refreshing summer health drink, simply pop one or two leaves of fresh lemon verbena into a glass of cool water. The herb infuses the water with a deliciously light citrus note.


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  1. I’m not sure how I’ve known you for years and never come across your lemon verbena tea before! I love citrus flavours, will have to try some when we visit x


    • I know you are not usually a tea drinker Laura. So that will be interesting! x


  2. You are amazing Suzanne to do this with such wonderful enthusiasm as you have done with all other things. It sounds delicious – must try it when next with you.
    Happy tea drinking and lots of love.


    • Thank you Barbara. I do believe that herbs help us by bringing peace and wellbeing. I shall look forward to sharing a pot of lemon verbena tea with you soon. Much love x x x


  3. Me too Suzanne and thank you. xx


  4. Suzanne,

    Thank you so much for posting this lemon verbena info!



  5. I have only ever used my plant for adding to my baking. Now after reading this I am now looking forward to making tea. My plant is quite larger so will try drying some and store.


  6. Suzanne
    My wife bought the plant last year and had no idea you could use the leaves for infusion. Will make sure we bring the plant indoors for winter. Looking forward to tasting the tea.


    • It is not necessary to bring the plat indoors for winter. If it seems to be completely dry and dead, jus be patient, water it and you’ll see new leaves coming out of the ground.


      • Lemon verbena is a tender perennial – its roots should not be allowed to freeze. So if your garden earth is likely to reach freezing point, it’s safest to keep it somewhere cold but away from frost over winter. In cooler climates such as the UK, keeping it in a greenhouse if you have one is usually sufficient. It sounds like you live somewhere a little warmer, Claire… or your plant is in a relatively sheltered spot.


  7. […] best thing about the plant is the lovely zingy tea made out of a few fresh leaves (more on the tea here.) And to accompany a cup of the stuff here’s three tracks in a downtempo breakbeat […]


  8. I was told by by a very old lady that the plant you showed in your clip was a cirtronella and not to drink but looks very much like the lemon verbena can you please explain the difference


    • The very old lady was mistaken June. Do a google search and you will see the very big visual differences between citronella and lemon verbena. aka Aloysia citradora. They are entirely different plants. The old lady was right to say that citronella is toxic. Lemon verbena however, is both safe and tasty.


  9. Been given a length of Lemon verbena leaves by a Portugese friend who has an allotment near mine in Cambridgeshire. The plant grows happily outside on the Fen all year round. In my search for the english name of the plant I came across your article and will definitely be trying an infusion tonight. Thanks for a very good article.


    • Glad to have been of help, Jim, and I hope your Portugese friend enjoys many lemon verbena friendly winters to come in Cambridgeshire.


  10. […] Aloysia triphylla – Source […]


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