Araliaceae Family:

Fatsia japonica on 11-22-12, #130-15.

Araliaceae Juss.


The plant family Araliaceae was named and described by Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in Genera Plantarum in 1789.

As of 11-25-23 when this page was last updated, Plants of the World Online lists 46 genera in this family. That number could change as updates are made on POWO.

I only have experience with four species in the family, mainly when I lived in Mississippi. You can click on the plant’s names below to go to their own pages. For further information on this family of plants, please click on the links below. They take you directly to the page for the family.


Fatsia japonica on 11-22-12, #130-14.

The Fatsia japonica was one of several plants that were growing at the mansion I lived at for several years in Mississippi. It was a great plant that could get fairly large and had to be tidied up on occasion.


Hedera helix (English Ivy) on 9-24-21, #835-21.

Despite Hedera helix (English Ivy) being a pain in the neck in some situations, it can look very nice on walls when it is well maintained. In areas where you don’t want it, however, it can be hard to get rid of. Besides the ivy growing on the walls at the mansion, and on the old foundation at the farm, I grew 9 cultivars in pots while I lived in Mississippi. Here on the farm, it has become one of “those” species that has gone hog wild in and on the foundation of my grandparent’s old home.


Heptapleurum arboricola (Syn. Schefflera arboricola) (Umbrella Plant) on 4-18-12, #87-13.

The Umbrella Plant, also simply called Schefflera, has been a popular houseplant for many years. The former scientific name, Heptapleurum arboricola, has recently been restored making Schefflera arboricola the synonym.


Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice paper Plant) on 6-14-09, #19-18.

Tetrapanax papyrifer (Rice Paper Plant) was growing in front of the old covered patio in the backyard of the mansion where I lived in Mississippi. I thought it was pretty neat for a couple of years then I realized it could definitely be a problem. I needed space for a garden, so I tore down the old covered patio and removed the Rice Paper Plants the best I could. They continued to come up here and there in the garden.

That’s all I have for this family at the moment. You never know what will cross my path in the future.


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