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White Geranium Pelargonium, garden geranium - Seeds - Non GMO

White Geranium Pelargonium, garden geranium - Seeds - Non GMO

Regular price $3.36 USD
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White Geranium Pelargonium are commonly grown in the ground - for discounts. The plant can, however, be grown in containers on balconies or terraces. It is a traditional species valued in rural gardens.
Single or full flowers gathered in umbels. The plant blooms for a long time and profusely. The flowers do not smell, but the whole plant smells characteristic of geraniums. The leaves are set on long petioles, oval-heart-shaped, with wavy edges, softly hairy. There is a darker streak on the upper surface of the leaf blade.
Flowering time: From late May to the first frost.
The species is easy to grow and can be grown from seeds sown directly into the ground in late May/early June or under cover in January/February.
The plant is quite easy to grow, although it requires some attention. Properly cared for, watered and fertilized, it will pay off with abundant flowering. The feeding of Geranium Pelargonium is carried out by adding liquid fertilizer to the water every 14 days. Geranium Pelargonium do not like the sprinkling that can cause the plants to rot. They like a dry atmosphere and endure summer heat well.
Faded flowers should be removed regularly by hand breaking them out. The plant blooms best in a slightly tight pot. In the spring, trim the older plants. It can live a long time, but older plants (more than two years old) stretch out and bare, have smaller flowers and bloom less profusely. In winter, the maximum temperature should be 13-16C (55-61F)

The package contains 0.1 g (10 seeds)

Sowing: January – February (under cover), May-June
Flowering: May - September
Height: 15-23 in.
Environment: sun
Latin name: Pelargonium zonale
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