Native plants Garden

Native plants of Singapore

Dianella ensifolia

Dianella ensifolia

Common name: Flax lily


Growth requirements (including habitat)

It prefers sun or part-shade and a moderately fertile, humus-rich, well-drained, neutral to acidic soil.

The flowers can be purplish blue or white.

The flowers can be purplish blue or white.


Habit (Herb/ Shrub/ Treelet/ Tree)

It is a rhizomatous tufted herb that can reach up to 1 m high.  It grows in clumps with grass-l

ike leaves, in 2 rows measuring 20-60 cm long.  The flowers can be purplish blue or white.  The berry ripens to bluish purple and measures 0.7- 1 cm wide.



Its dried fibrous roots may be used medicinally by chewing, imbibed in a decoction, applied with a poultice, or applied as an ointment (often as ashes and sometimes including the ashes of the leaves as well).  Another use for the roots is as an ingredient in perfume and cosmetics. The leaves are also used to treat wounds and ailments like boils, itch, jaundice.


Its berries ripen to bluish purple and measures 0.7 - 1 cm wide.

Its berries ripen to bluish purple and measures 0.7 – 1 cm wide.

Interesting Information

A rare botanical extract originally derived from Dianella ensifolia has skin brightening qualities. Clinique’s new patent pending CL-302 complex is composed of Dianella ensifolia, to reduce the appearance of dark spots and prevent future discoloration.




2. List.aspx?DataSourceIDNo=1&Text=dianella%20ensifolia&ResultPage=20&display=TextModeTem&sort=ScientificName&Status=ALL

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