Ipomoea cairica, Cairo Morning glory, Railroad-creeper, Mile-a-minute

Ipomoea cairica

Cairo Morning glory, Railroad-creeper, Mile-a-minute
Family: Convolvulaceae
Origin: Tropical Africa and Asia
USDA Zone: 9-11?
USDA Plant Hardiness MapVine or creeper plantSemi-shadeFull sunModerate waterBlue, lavender, purple flowersPink flowersInvasive plant

This heat-loving vine prefers full sun, but can tolerate light to semi-shade in hot climates. With its moderate water requirements, Ipomoea cairica (Cairo Morning Glory) is suitable for most gardens. The plant is native to tropical Africa and Asia and grows in USDA Zones 9-11, producing beautiful flowers in shades of pink, lavender, blue and purple. The petals are star-shaped and are clustered together in groups of two or three. Fruits are four-valved capsules, each containing a single seed with feathery hairs attached.

This is a great plant for brightening up pergolas, covering walls and for growing over garden benches. When planting in a pot in cold regions, it should be kept in a sheltered spot protected from strong winds and frost. Choose a well-draining soil mix, one that is light and airy, yet still able to hold moisture. Place the pot in full sun or partial shade that provides a few hours of sunshade during the hottest part of the day. Regular watering is essential. Let the soil dry out slightly between each one, but never let it become completely dry. A slow-release, balanced fertilizer should be applied every month or so.

Growers in cold areas should be aware of Ipomoea cairica's tendency to become invasive. It's best to keep watch for any spread outdoors and to avoid planting it too close to other plants.

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Ipomoea cairica, Cairo Morning glory, Railroad-creeper, Mile-a-minute
Ipomoea cairica, Cairo Morning glory, Railroad-creeper, Mile-a-minute
Ipomoea cairica, Cairo Morning glory, Railroad-creeper, Mile-a-minute

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