• Amohela ho Spitskop Country Retreat & Conservancy- Introduction of Wild Planted Wild Harvested Healing Plants Products

Medicinal Healing Plants of Spitskop - Helichrysum /Imphepho.

Posted on Thu September 21, 2023.

We Walk Lightly on the Earth.

Common names: imphepho, everlasting (English); kooigoed (Afrikaans).
Botanical name: Helichrysum

Herbal traditions: Cape Herbal Medicine, Khoi & San
Plant parts used: above ground parts, flowers, leaves, stems.

Over the past 20 years  - on the previously heavily ploughed -  chemically fertilized -  sprayed with herbicides - insecticides  -  sad damaged soil  -  we embarked on a journey of healing and restoration - over two decades our commitment to REWILDING has revitalised the land, bringing back the native plants, flourishing habitats, and a renewed sense of vitality.

We have watched the land - slowly heal - washed clean by the rain and kissed by the sun. In small areas we saw with joy - some wonderful grey plants - the magnificent healing plant - helichrysum - bravely emerging -  we have for 20 years carefully selectively wild seeded some 10 hectares of helichrysum  - now fields of gold in the summer months. 

We can forage and wild harvest all parts of these magical medicinal healers - to make infused oils - teas - bath salts - hand and body lotions - wonderful healing body wands ( smudge sticks)


Helichrysum  - Infused Oils -  We harvest the fresh plants throughout the summer season but especially in flowering season - which ranges from December through to end January. Carefully washed and hung overnight to dry - the selected fronds are steamed in organic olive oil for 3 hours - then strained through muslin cloth and bottled for some 2/3 weeks- when the oils are again strained and come up magnificently clear. 

We have noted that there seems to be a great shortage of these infused oils on the market  - helichrysum essential oils are to be found at shops and online - but these gentle healing oils are very difficult to source. Just three drops on the face and 3 drops on the neck at night - the difference after a month of use is marked. So lovely to soften and ease the skin - but simply wonderful for skin lesions of any sort - psoriasis sores- scars - eases wrinkles and lines - eases out dark marks. On hands and arms - wonderful for scars - light skin cancers. A nightly body treatment is sublime and there is a marked improvement in skin quality after just one month of use.

Helichrysum Infused Oil sold in 100ml bottles. Price on Application.

Helichrysum teas - Flower Tea is very special as we can only harvest for some 6 weeks - Leaf Tea  - which can be harvested and dried for fragrant teas for most of the year - 

Sold in glass bottles - Price on Application.

Beautiful fragrant Bath Salts - made from raw desert salt - magnesium - helichrysum - geranium essential oils - and much love -  perfect before bed as this magical plant is  Antifungal - Anti-inflammatory - Antispasmodic - and a wonderful sedative for great sleep.

Sold in Glass Bottles - Price on Application.


We also make hand and body lotions - and are working on may more products.

  • There has been - over the last years - much scientific study done on this important plant - listed are some of the scientific results of studies completed. 

Khoi and San anointed their bodies for the fragrance and anti-microbial benefits.

Safety & Toxicity

Safety: no safety concerns• No known safety concerns

Qualities  & Phytochemistry

Plant qualities: 
Phytochemical constituents: caryophyllene, cineole, curcumene, flavonoids, humulene, limonene, menthone pinene, pulegone

Actions & Pharmacology

Antifungal -Anti-inflammatory -Antispasmodic
● Muscle relaxant - Relaxant, Sedative
• GABAergic
Analgesic- Anodyne -Antipyretic - Insect repellent
Protection - Communing with Ancestors
Plant preparations: ash, balm, bath, compress, decoction, essential oil, fresh, fumigant, infusion - aqueous, infusion - milk, infusion - vegetable oil, nasal rinse, ointment, pillow, poultice, smoke, smudge, wash

Plant Parts Used
• Fresh -  Dried leaves – Stems -  Flowers.
• Fresh leaf
• Infusion – water -  Infusion – milk - Infusion – oil
• Decoction – (can also be used as a nasal flush for calming)
• Volatile oil
• Wash – Bath – Poultice -  Compress
• Ash -  Balm -  Ointments
• Smoke -  Smudge – Fumigant - Pillow

First-aid use: acne, anxiety, arthritis, asthma, backache, boils, burns, colds & 'flu, cough, fever, headache, hyperactive, indigestion, insomnia, menstrual cramps, scars, strains & sprains, stress, wounds 

• Wounds -  Acne -  Boils -  Scars -  Burns
• Digestive problems
Respiratory -  Coughs -  Cold and ‘flu -  Asthma - Fever
• Trauma – Backache -  Muscle tension -  Arthritis
• Menstrual cramps

• Stress -  Headache -  Anxiety -  Insomnia -  Over-excitement

Medical use:  

• Diabetes -  Bronchitis -  Hypertension -  Urinary tract infections -  Heart conditions
Uses & Benefits: aromatic, bedding, bees, butterflies, cosmetics, flower arranging, fragrance, incense, insect repellent, medicine, pot plant, potpourri, smoke, tea

• Ritual incense – used across different cultures of the country as an incense to evoke the goodwill of ancestors; invokes an ancestral connection; appease the ancestors
• Space Clearing – burnt inside houses to protect it from evil spirits, clear spaces of negative energy
• Fumigate – sick rooms
• Perfume
• Insect repellent
• Bedding – soft and repels bed bugs, lice, mosquitoes, and other insects

Our Vision – Entrepreneurship – to grow the business – expand in the local economy- create jobs and more jobs – providing secure employment – ongoing training and skills development within the arena of our wild heritage – the indigenous and native plants that sustain and heal us and the planet.