Taxon profile


Apple of Sodom
Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P.-M. L. Jaeger

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Magnoliophyta - flowering plants »  class Rosopsida - eudicots »  order Solanales »  family Solanaceae »  genus Solanum - nightshade »  section Solanum sect. Melongena

Scientific synonyms

Solanum linneanum Hepper & Jaeger
Solanum sodomaeum L.
Solanum sodomeum L.

Other names

= Blackspine Nightshade
= Poison Apple

Least Concern LC


Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Leif & Anita Stridvall

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Leif & Anita Stridvall

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Martin Antoš


Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Leif & Anita Stridvall

Solanum linnaeanum - Apple of Sodom

Author: Michael Kesl

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete

Links and literature

CZ EN Pladias [Solanum linnaeanum]

Pladias [] [as Solanum linnaeanum]
Data retrieved on: 3 August 2020
CZ Danihelka J., Chrtek J., Kaplan Z., Wild J. (2011): Seznam jmen cévnatých rostlin použitých v nálezové databázi květeny České republiky [], Botanický ústav AV ČR [as Solanum linnaeanum Hepper et E. Jaeger]
Data retrieved on: 21 November 2013
EN Botanical Society of British Isles [], Botany Department, The Natural History Museum [as Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P.-M.L. Jaeger]
Data retrieved on: 11 May 2012
EN IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2024-1 [71782341]

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [] [as Solanum linnaeanum Hepper & P.M.L.Jaeger]
Data retrieved on: 29 January 2024
CZ Kubát et al. (2002): Klíč ke květeně České republiky, Academia, Praha [as Solanum linnaeanum Hepper et E. Jaeger]
Data retrieved on: 26 May 2019
EN Danihelka J., Chrtek J. Jr. & Kaplan Z. (2012): Seznam cévnatých rostlin květeny České republiky, Preslia 84: 647–811 [as Solanum linnaeanum Hepper et P.-M. L. Jaeger]
Data retrieved on: 18 August 2019
EN Pyšek P., Sádlo J. & Mandák B. (2002): Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic, Preslia 74(2): 97–186, 2002. [as Solanum linneanum Hepper et Jaeger]

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