Radermachera Pflege: Das kleine 1x1 zu Gießen, Düngen und Schneiden-Botanicly

Radermachera care: The little 1x1 for watering, fertilizing and cutting

The true story of the Radermachera

Originally the room ash Radermachera sinica, also known as room ash, comes from southwest China, Taiwan and Vietnam. It grows there on mountain forest slopes and can grow up to 10 meters high in the wild. The Radermachera is an evergreen, branched tree and can reach a height of up to 2-5 meters in indoor culture.

This beautiful houseplant can also produce a rich bloom. However, the creamy-white bell-shaped flowers rarely thrive indoors.

The Radermachera is the perfect houseplant for beginners as it is incredibly easy to care for and filters the air in the room. Are you looking for a plant that is very easy to care for and undemanding? Then this is ideal.

Are you still unsure about what needs to be considered when it comes to Radermachera care? We have put together all the important information about the basics of care for you.

The right location for your Radermachera

The ash tree prefers a sunny location. That means it likes bright locations, but doesn't tolerate direct sun very well. If you still only have space on one of the window sills of your south-facing window, then you should leave at least 50 cm distance to the window pane or shield the sun a little with a curtain. Normal room temperatures are optimal for the Radermachera, so you don't have to take any special precautions in the living room or office.

Between May and September, the Radermachera is also happy about a partly shaded place on your balcony. If you slowly get her used to a sunny place, she tolerates it very well.

Radermachera Pflege

Ash care: It's that easy!

This evergreen houseplant is not very well known, although caring for the Radermachera is incredibly easy. However, watering, fertilizing and repotting is not the same for every houseplant. Here we have compiled the most important information for you.

You need this earth for your Radermachera

The ash is very frugal and also thrives in normal potting soil. If you add some expanded clay or lava granules, the water can run off better and waterlogging does not form so quickly.

Radermachera Gießen: That's how often she needs water

A constantly moist substrate is perfect for Radermachera care. The Radermachera does not tolerate waterlogging, but also a root ball that is too dry. When it comes to these extremes, she likes to shed her leaves.

Tip: It is best to immerse your Radermachera in lime-free water and not water it from above. Leave them in the water until no more air bubbles rise. Then only put them back in the planter once the water has completely drained.

High humidity is just as important when caring for the Radermachera as optimal watering. Since the high humidity in living and office rooms is not given, you should water them every 2 days with some rainwater or decalcified tap water.

Radermachera Pflege

How often do you fertilize your Radermachera

The nutrient requirements of your Radermachera are not very high. Give some green plant fertilizer every 4 weeks between April and September. You can also easily make fertilizer yourself. You can read more about this topic here.

Do you have to cut the Radermachera?

Unattractive shoots can form over the winter due to a lack of light. Since the Radermachera is very tolerant of pruning, you can now cut back these unsightly shoots.

However, if your Radermachera has already formed lignified branches, then you should limit the cut to herbaceous parts of the plant.Woody branches sprout more slowly and weakly. You promote bushy growth if you occasionally cut the tips of the shoots.

Radermachera repotting: You have to pay attention to that

With optimal Radermachera care, growth progresses very quickly. So check every two to three years whether the pot is completely rooted. If you see that the first roots are already growing out of the ground, then it's time to repot.

Radermachera care cannot be perfect without timely repotting. The best time to repot is early spring before new shoots form. It is important that you put drainage in the bottom of the planter. This can consist of expanded clay, for example.

Now fill a first layer of soil in the pot and put the ash tree in it. Now plant it in the middle and put the rest of the soil around it so that it is stable and all the roots are covered with soil. After repotting, you should definitely water the Radermachera.

Radermachera Pflege

How do you overwinter your Radermachera?

If your Radermachera is on the balcony during the summer, it's time to bring her back into the apartment when the temperatures drop. The temperature should not fall below 10°C, at the latest then it should be quickly brought into your own 4 walls.

There are several ways to hibernate your Radermachera. Either by a bright window at normal room temperatures or less bright and cool at around 10 to 15 degrees Celsius. The less light is available, the cooler the room should be for hibernation.

Can you breed the Radermachera?

You can easily propagate the Radermachera with top cuttings. For this you cut off about 10-15cm long head cuttings in spring. Remove the lower leaves of the cutting except for the top pair of leaves. Now put the cuttings in pots with potting soil and water them from below.

If you now place a transparent plastic bag over the pot, a warm, humid climate is created, which promotes rooting better. Now place the pots in a bright, warm but not sunny place and always keep the soil slightly moist. As soon as new leaves have formed, you can remove the plastic bag. Once the pot is fully rooted, you can plant the plants in a larger vessel.

Is the ash poisonous?

The Radermachera is slightly poisonous when eaten. So it should not be consumed in excess. As a precaution, keep them out of the reach of children and pets.

The right room for your Radermachera

The Radermachera can be placed anywhere that is light and warm. If it is on the south window, then there must be a distance of at least 50 cm to the window or a curtain must offer some protection from the sun.

Tips for problems with your Radermachera

If the Radermachera is too warm over the winter, spider mites can quickly attack it. You can recognize spider mites by the white webs in the leaf axils. Shower the plant repeatedly and spray it regularly with low-lime water.


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