Who needs a green houseplant when you can have one with splashes of cream, pink and silver leaves with purple undersides? Calathea, also known as peacock plant for its showy foliage, is a beautiful, easy-care houseplant that will brighten up any room of the house. One of the most amazing things about this plant (and its relatives such as maranta, or prayer plant) is that its leaves move throughout the day by changing water pressure in the nodes at the base of each leaf. The process is called nyctinasty and optimizes the plant’s ability to capture sunlight for photosynthesis, or making food. Native to the tropical forests of Brazil, this plant is a lovely addition to fill out your collection of houseplants.

Here’s how to care for this stunning plant.

What kind of light does calathea need?

There are many different varieties, but all calatheas like medium to bright indirect light because in their native environment, they grow in filtered shade. Direct sun will cause the leaves to fade and lose their markings. Calathea will tolerate low light levels but you’ll get the best color with diffused light, such as through a bright window covered with a sheer curtain.

How do I care for calathea plant?

As a tropical plant, calathea doesn’t like to be cold! Make sure the room temperature doesn’t drop below 60 degrees F, and keep it out of drafts. It likes humidity, so mist occasionally if your indoor air is dry, especially in winter.

Water this plant so that the soil stays damp, but not soggy. Don’t let it get too dry or the leaves will wilt and curl. In bright light, calathea may need more frequent watering and less often in lower light levels.

Calathea also is sensitive to fluoride in water, which will cause leaf tips and edges to brown, so use distilled water or rainwater. Feed occasionally with a liquid fertilizer at half the recommended dose on the label during its active growing season spring to early fall. Dust leaves occasionally with a damp cloth, or give it a light spray off in the shower every so often. In fact, calathea likes a warm shower on a regular basis!

Why is my calathea getting leaf spots?

Calathea doesn’t like too much potassium, so use fertilizer with a higher ratio of nitrogen and a lower amount of potassium, such as a 3-1-2 ratio (potassium being the last number).

Where to Buy Calathea, the Peacock Plant
Calathea, 6-inch Pot
Calathea, 6-inch Pot
$51 at Amazon
Calathea, 6-inch pot
Calathea, 6-inch pot
Calathea, 4-inch Pot
Calathea, 4-inch Pot
Peacock Plant, 4-inch pot
Peacock Plant, 4-inch pot
Headshot of Arricca Elin SanSone
Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.